people keep saying that we should listen to our hair and it will tell us what it needs. maybe i'm have deaf or my hair isn't talking loud enough, but i need to know the signs. so far for the longest my been sounding crunchy. this is my first time 100% natural and it never done that before. when i was permed my hair was always well moisturized and soft with a natural shine. but now? i don't know what's going on. i tried applying the same regimen for my permed hair but nothing. scalp is now oiled b/c i oiled it last night and apply moisturizer to my hair. woke up this morining scalp is still oiled, but my hair is crunchy, dry, and brittle. i've co-wash, oil rinse, dc, pre-poo, poo with CON, and done different treatments including protein. this has been going on for 4 months now. it's get soft for one day then back to crunchy. my hair is such a tease. i'm thinking about going back to the perm, at least i knew what to do. do you guys have any advice for me?