What Are Evil Spirits? ...Here's a List


Well-Known Member

Evil spirits (also known as demons or devils) are depraved spirits which are familiar with human weaknesses and desires. Some are more vile than others.

The Bible has many names for these spirits:

  • Deaf and dumb spirit (Mark 9:17-29)
  • Evil spirit (Luke 7:21; Acts 19:12-13)
  • Familiar spirit (I Samuel 28:7)
  • Foul spirit (Mark 9:25)
  • Lying spirit (II Chronicles 18:20-22)
  • Perverse spirit (Isaiah 19:14; Romans 1:17-32)
  • Seducing spirit (I Timothy 4:1)
  • Spirit of an unclean devil (Luke 4:33)
  • Spirit of antichrist (I John 4:3)
  • Spirit of bondage (Romans 8:15)
  • Spirit of death (I Corinthians 10:10, 15:26)
  • Spirit of divination (Acts 16:16)
  • Spirit of error (I John 4:6)
  • Spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)
  • Spirit of haughtiness (Proverbs 16:18-19)
  • Spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3)
  • Spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11-13)
  • Spirit of jealousy (Genesis 4:5-8; Numbers 5:14)
  • Spirit of slumber (Isaiah 29:10, Romans 11:8)
  • Spirit of the world (I Corinthians 2:12)
  • Spirit of whoredoms (Hosea 4:12, 5:4)
  • Unclean spirit (Mark 6:7; Luke 11:24-26)
Thank you, Healthy Hair....:yep:

Awesome list and it explains the identity of what's behind specific evils of the world...