Denman rips my hair-what am I doing wrong?

I had the same drama with the denman - I literally wanted to cry from the pain of having strands ripped straight out by it. I realized that my combination texture contains some corkscrew curls that were getting wrapped around the teeth and were yanked out. :nono:
I had the same drama with the denman - I literally wanted to cry from the pain of having strands ripped straight out by it. I realized that my combination texture contains some corkscrew curls that were getting wrapped around the teeth and were yanked out. :nono:

I had to retire my deman for this very same reason.
i loooooooooove's my denman, it's invalueable to me!!! i shed :ohwell: so the brush really gets rid of not only the shed hair but hair that's on the verge of shedding.

i have alot of hair so i work in small sections, use my fingers for obvious kinks first then gently work the brush through the sections.

the last 3-4 inches of my hair forms corkscrews and the brush will have a tendency to get hung up in them so what i do is hold the hair at the bottom when i'm detangling - never allowing the hair to curl back onto itself down there.

i sorted all that out after the first few days of using the brush as a natural and haven't had a problem with it since.

sorry it doesn't work for everyone. :sad:
The Denman and I are not friends. I lost 3 or 4 mos. of progress using it. I started with the D4 then bought the D3 thinking that fewer teeth would be better. Still no luck.
I tried it w/ detagling spray, then soaking wet with lots of conditioner, even in the shower the hair I lost clogged the drain. I did create nice ringlettes w/ what was left but def. not worth it.

Now I just finger comb and separate my tagles before washing that's been the best way for me to retain my length. I don't know if my hair with ever be super detangled in it's curly state.

I saw a knock off Denman in Rite Aid the other day by Goody or something black, red and white. If you want to try it you won't be out of as much money.
WOW...I was coveting this brush for the longest it possible that the denman works wonders for certain hair types more than others? Sounds like it's not so hot for 4a tight spirals and coils - that would rule it out for me.
I hate Sally's. I called them to see if they carry the line..I know they do but they still acted dumb on the phone..If u dont know, get OFF the phone and go look or ask someone who does know.

I called two stores just to confirm they sell the line and I was looking for the D3 in the PANTHER print. I love animal print and was wondering if they sold it or just the basic black, chrome, & translucent handle brushes.

Would the D3 which has 7 rows of teeth or the D4 which has 9 rows of teeth be better for my 4b Relaxed hair? I can't decide between the two.

Im thinking D3 because all those teeth scare me too with my thick, relaxer-stretching hair.
I LOVE this brush and I have the curliest hair yet:perplexed my hair has to be super detangled before using it however. I dont use it for the purpose of detangling, only to remove old shed hair that my regular comb did not catch. I find that if I use a regular toothed comb instead of wide tooth my results are better.
Yeah, me too! I thought I was the only one. I found that I can only use it when my hair is super wet, sectioned in small parts, and soaked in conditioner. Might as well just use a wide tooth comb!!!

OT: Missfadu, ummm...was that (pic in your avi) what you got for Christmas??? *slowly backing away*.....
how are you brusing your hair? You can't have a ton of knots at the ends or its gonna sang like crazy. I usually comb through the section with a wide tooth comb then use my denman. If I feel I'm hitting tangles then I will gently pull them apart with my fingers then keep going w/ my denman

ITA. I'm 7 weeks post relaxer, and although I seem to be shedding a little more, I'm not breaking any more hairs with my Denman. I went through the hair that I lost during my last cowash, and out of 21 hairs that were in my Denman, only 3 had no bulb on either end.

I detangled in the shower using my shower comb. I like to smooth the roots down using the Denman, so I don't go from roots to end, just enough to pull my hair into a pony. Then I detangle the pony, again with the shower comb, and finish up with the Denman...3 broken hairs doesn't equate to me "ripping" my hair out.

Just goes to show you that everything doesn't work for everybody, though. :yep:
WOW...I was coveting this brush for the longest it possible that the denman works wonders for certain hair types more than others? Sounds like it's not so hot for 4a tight spirals and coils - that would rule it out for me.

My daughter's hair is natural 4a tight spirals. The D3 is the best thing that's happened to our household for her hair!