What age were you.....


New Member
when you started doing your own hair?

I remember my mother pressing my hair in 5th grade, but as far as styling I took control at 9 yrs old.

What age will you let your daughters do their own hair?
Re: What age were you when you started...

It's not about age with me. It is about responsiblity. Once my daughter gets old enough and can prove that she can responsibly take care of her owm hair. Then I will let her do it. I will probably put in my 2 cents every now and then.
Re: What age were you when you started...

I agree. I started styling my own hair in the 6th grade. My mom started working around that time so not only was I ready to start doing it myself, but it was also a time issue. I started relaxing my own hair in the 11th grade.
Re: What age were you when you started...

Im not sure... It depends on how much hair she has and if she can handle it..

Cause my baby will not leave the house in a mess..
Re: What age were you when you started...

I started styling my own hair at 11. I agree with dontspeakdefeat. I have to be sure she's responsible enough. Fortunately I have a long time before I get there, she's only 3.
I started doing my own hair at 10 years old, although my dad sent me to a salon every week beginning at age 9....yeah I've had a relaxer since I was 9 years old.
19 j/k lol

Anyways I agree with DSD...I was 12 before I had complete control. At 10 my mom would let me comb it on the weekends and it progressed from there.
I was 9 or 10 years old. My mother got tired of my tender headness. Big mistake! My mother should have never let me take matters into my own hands! I really looked like a little chickenhead with my hair half pressed! I started going to the hair salon when I was 14 thank God! (back then I had a good hair stylist) I let my daughter start doing her own hair (shampooing, styling, and daily maintenance)when she turned 13 /14. It was a gradual thing with styling first.
I let my daughter start doing her own hair (shampooing, styling, and daily maintenance)when she turned 13 /14. It was a gradual thing with styling first.

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I'm going to do the same with my daughter as well.
I was around 15 or 16. That's when I started getting relaxers. I don't have any kids. If I ever do, I hope she doesn't act like I did on "hair day". I would run and hide!
I got a kiddie relaxer at 8, I don't know why I had "manageable" hair, that summer I went to New Orleans and it broke off so badly from my aunt not caring for it. My first real perm was at 14/15.
12 and I didn't know anything about hair so it just looked a hot mess

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You are not the only one. My hotmess started at 10!
my mother threw me out on the cold harsh world of hair care somewhere areound 11 or 12. I think i will be able to do the same with my daughter one day but i will make sure she understands her hair and has a love for it before i do.
I started when I was around 12, my mom would wash my hair on a Saturday and roller set it. On Sunday she would take the rollers out and style it. For the rest of the week I would try to maintain the style or put it into a ponytail. I started to wash my hair when I was about 15, but my mom still helps me out and I am 20 now.
I started giving it a try in the 6th grade. I think I would let my daughter (tho I don't have one now) do it on her own when she would want to. Guess I thought, this would indicate that she is starting to take care of her appearance. Then, I would hope I could support her in whatever she wishes to do - so long as it is not toooooo crazy
At 11, and jacked my hair up BIG i wore it in a ponytail with those twisted cotton ribbons mind you this was around 76', i was a straight up tomboy so you KNOW i didnt have no business doing my own hair lol. Before then my mom kept my hair washed, greased and braided she would'nt let a hotcomb NEAR my head, ahhh those were the days.
LOL speaking of doing our own hair for the first time , how many of you ladies did the most DESASTEROUS thing you've ever done to you hair as youngsters, and thats falling asleep with bubble gum in your mouth and waking up with it all in your hair
, i did, and paid the aultimate price, because my mom was so pissed
she didnt care how bad it hurt getting out lol, she didnt have to
my tail the pain of her getting it out was enough punishment