What A Difference A Year Makes! Pic Inside..


Well-Known Member
IMG_20151213_1214_42.jpeg I now understand the importance of a picture when checking progress, 1st pic (left) was Dec 6, 2014 and 2nd pic (right) was taken Dec 11, 2015. I am so amazed at my progress because until I compared these pics I felt like my hair hadn't grown that much and I also was thinking I had chopped longer than a year ago Lol... transitioned for 9 months before I chopped relaxed ends.
Hey ladies, the only thing I do is wear wash no go puffs..I honestly don't have a set regi but I do wash once or twice a month because it's so much work now. I deep condition over night using any conditioner adding stuff to it like honey and certain oils(sometimes an egg).

I think the main thing that has helped is daily moisture and aloe Vera gel or curl activating gel. I also trim about once every 3+ months.. so yeah not a set regi I just do what I feel at that moment lol
I just love your puff and your hair @IMFOCSD, absolutely beautiful. Awesome progress and keep up with what you're doing because it is obviously working for you.
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That widows peak symbolizes everything in your photos: Pure Beauty! Magnificent hair. The texture is gorgeous and the thickness is very nice. The contrast of the deep, jet black color of your hair with that flawless skin is striking. You can really tell that you take care of your hair. your hair sparkles with tiny glints of light on your strands. Congratulations on your wonderful progress and your beautiful results!