What a difference a year make(pics)

Hey there, it's your long lost look-a-like here! Congratulations on your beautiful growth. I remember you telling me that you could never get past shoulder length so how were you finally able to do it?

:hiya2: Pmichael, it seems like just yesterday we were having that convo...look at me now.:grin:

I attribute my growth to protective styling and moisture... it's just that simple. Jumped on a couple of different bandwagons but quickly fell off, because a lot of things just didn't work for me.
but only if they do your hair exactly as you request and treat it with as much TLC as you can get at a salon

Is this really possible? The last time I went to a stylist she complained about my new growth so much I wanted to :cry:and then do this to her:hardslap:

But I kept it cool and just made up in my mind that I would never give her my business again. I would have to put in some serious effort to find someond I trust at this point.
:hiya2: Pmichael, it seems like just yesterday we were having that convo...look at me now.:grin:

I know right? You done went off and worked it out! You got me sitting here looking in the mirror like... what about me? Do me a favor, please use your fotki more. Put your products in there too that you use. I'm going to have to keep my eye on you.

How we 'spose to look alike if your hair is outgrowing mine?LOL!
Your hair is beautiful! What changes did you make to your regimen since 2006?


Above I mentioned moisture and protective styling really helped.

I also used LESS heat(I can count on both hands how many times I have used a blowdryer, hot curler, flat iron, etc)in the six months.

LESS manipulative

LESS relaxer treatments... try to stretch for at least 8 weeks.

MORE frequent washes. I don't have any staples really. I have been using the follows products since I started my regimen:

-Garnier Fructis Length and Strength Cond.

-Nexxuss Humectress Cond.

-Aphogee Keratin Restruct/Cond.

-Duo Tex

- CON shampoo(green and yellow bottle)diluted. I just started adding baking soda to the cond. and it leaves my hair super soft.

-ORS packs

I rotate between moisture and protein conditioners sometimes mixing then together.

I also love henna, which I do once a quarter.

Daily moisturizers include Scurl, ORS olive oil, Garnier leave-in, and Humectress.

Lastly, I don't really have any kind of ritual that I follow. I let my hair tell me what it needs...and that seems to be working for the most part.
Wonderful! Obtaining great hair with length takes time, but from chin length to APL in one year? :clapping: That's fantastic!! At this rate, you'll be WL in no time - keep up the good work.
Wow! thats really great progress, Great picture love how thick your hair is. Mmm I hope to be armpit by at least christmas but thats only five months away well we will see.
great progress girl. is this the longest your hair has been?

Sorry it took me so long to answer...my hair has never gotten reached APL before. It usually grows a few inches past my shoulders before I cut it short again because of breakage and damage. I actually BC'ed in August of 2005 after having about 4 inches of new growth. That was way before I knew about this site and I was really frustrated with my natural hair because it was always so dry. After about 1 month of being natural, I relaxed again.

Above I mentioned moisture and protective styling really helped.

I also used LESS heat(I can count on both hands how many times I have used a blowdryer, hot curler, flat iron, etc)in the six months.

LESS manipulative

LESS relaxer treatments... try to stretch for at least 8 weeks.

MORE frequent washes. I don't have any staples really. I have been using the follows products since I started my regimen:

-Garnier Fructis Length and Strength Cond.

-Nexxuss Humectress Cond.

-Aphogee Keratin Restruct/Cond.

-Duo Tex

- CON shampoo(green and yellow bottle)diluted. I just started adding baking soda to the cond. and it leaves my hair super soft.

-ORS packs

I rotate between moisture and protein conditioners sometimes mixing then together.

I also love henna, which I do once a quarter.

Daily moisturizers include Scurl, ORS olive oil, Garnier leave-in, and Humectress.

Lastly, I don't really have any kind of ritual that I follow. I let my hair tell me what it needs...and that seems to be working for the most part.

Thanks Xavier :)