WGO- First Time!

Ms Red

Well-Known Member
I just started using Wild Growth Oil yesterday and I'm so anxious to see results. Ladies, please share your WGO stories (good, bad & ugly) with me as I go through the process of adding it to my regimen.

I am a :newbie: and it doesn't take much to get me scurred about hair care!

Also, thanks to LHCF, I went into the BSS yesterday only intending to get WGO and came out with a bag FULL of products! PJ, here I come!

:) Thanks,
cupcake :)
Welcome cupcake -- I have just started using the WGO so I haven't really seen any results, but I haven't had any negative reaction either.
Thanks BajanPlums- I will look on this thread. I took your advice and got the BB Oil Moisturizer & WGO. And Thanks VickieD!! :D
yeah i love the combination of teh bb oil moisturiser with wgho. ive been using this daily morning and evening for like three days and it rocks!!!
Wecome cupcake!

My advice to you is to use it on freshly wash hair and then dry your hair. A little goes a long was. Also, don't use a lot of products on your hair when using WGO. Really narrow your products down, and only use what works well with WGO. From my experiene it seems that most simple shampoos and conditioners work well with WGO. From my exprience serums and other such things don't work well with WGO, and you don't need serums if WGO is used on wet hair (you get better results when it's use on wet hair). And that smell that some say is so awful fades away when used on wet hair.

WGO scent is what one would expect from a natural product. It's a natural/herbel smell. Build-up? No, there is no build-up. Which is why I said to narrow your products down and only use products that works well WGO. You don't need a lot of products when using WGO. Shampoo, conditioner and/or leave-in conditioner and WGO is enough.
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Welcome cupcake. IMO WGHO is a nice oil to help make combing easier when you are dealing with new growth. But in terms of hair growth, I will have to say no. Just eat right and get plenty of rest and your hair will be sprouting.
I just started using it too. I use it when my hair is damp and on my ends sometimes. I added essential oils to cover the smell, although I didn't think the smell was too bad.