Went ahead and did that corrective relaxer


Well-Known Member
So, I've been hanging on to a decision on whether to transition or not. Within this intermission, I've just been relaxing my hair slightly. Only enough to make it easier to comb and lay down smoothly, but not enough to look completely relaxed. It was b/w natural hair and texlaxed hair.

Well...I made my final decision this Friday. I had joined a gym last week and was taking classes. And let me tell you, when I sweat..............I sweat. I think I sweat like a dude or something. :look: Anyway, it was my Friday spinning class that made me say, "oh hell no". I knew I was sweating alot and that my legs hurt, but all that went out the window when I saw my hair. It was an unplanned afro going on. I think afros are cool when they're planned.......but not when you wanted smooth hair to go along w/ your phony-pony back there. :ohwell:

Blahblahblah......I came home and reprocessed my hair w/ my beloved Soft & Beautiful Botanicals. I think this really is the best decision. I'm currently under the dryer w/ rollers and w/ the knowledge that I won't have to go over these curls w/ a flat iron...that I'll be done w/ my hair in a few. :yep:

just wanted to share.