Went 2 tha salon and my stylist flipped ....


I asked her if there was a way for me to straiten my hair and she tols me I had to grow it out more. I also hinted about wanting a texturizer and she said: "Girl, remember what your hair looked like 5 months ago! :lol: I am happy she reminded me of that blunder, but i couldn't believe she flipped on me! "If you want my professional opinion, I wouldn't put any other chemicals in your hair! Find a product that brings out your curls more, but remeber u have to switch your products up, so your hair doesn't get used to them." :eek: Sound familiar, ladies? :lol: I swear she is a member somewhere on this site! Anyhow, she gave me a good trim and a semi color.....dark brown. I needed to cover the gray and she warned me before I left again about the no texturizer! :lol: I have a white stylist. She's pretty good at cutting and styling my hair, but she doesn't hold her tongue at all when she sees me going in the wrong direction. This is the first stylist I had that truly has the intersts of my hair at heart. i appreciate her for that. So, that being said, my goal of texturizing next year....GONE! :lol: I have to look to this site for hair styling tips!
It's good that you have a stylist that truely cares! Chemicals may not be for everyone and I know you'll find more than enough tips on this site to style and maintain the health of your hair.:)
It sounds like you have a great stylist Natrlchallenge. :yep: I would def keep her close. I know many beauticians that would have permed your hair in a heartbeat. I'm really glad that you have a stylist like her...can she be duplicated. :)
My stylist in Hampton, VA is like that too. When I went down there two weeks ago, she suggested that I start transitioning to go natural. I'm not ready yet, but I am so glad to know that she has my best interest in mind! It's worth driving two hours just for the peace of mind. Congrats for finding one of the good ones!