I received my WEN Fig today.
The smell isn't bad, IMO. I don't mind it.
I tested it out by co-washing on 3 sections of my hair: 1) with WEN left-in, 2) with just Fantasia IC Gel layered on top, 3) with just Abba Nourishing as a leave-in.
After my hair dried, I must say, that the jury is still out, and I'm not yet ready to throw away the Return Label.
ETA: I just conditioned my whole head with WEN this morning. I used about 10 pumps, and that sufficiently covered my hair since it's short. I think I can do without :-\. The tingle on my scalp was nice. I shouldn't have turned a blind eye to that cone, Amodomethicone. My hair reacts the same to just about all of them now.
I already know that if I were relaxed, my hair would love this because my hair didn't mind a cone or 2 then. But as a natural, I have to be careful of what I use or my hair could end up being less defined (due to cone build-up) and more dry.
Now I have 16oz & 6oz bottles. Anybody want some WEN?
I don't mind sending it back to QVC, but since so many ladies want to try WEN, I'll just sell it to someone here.