Well, I did it


New Member
I decided not to wait 2 more months and to just relax my texturized hair (and inch of new growth) today.

My hair came out really good. In the front I have this perfect wave pattern. The back has the same pattern, but it's straighter. I have wash and go hair now :D It's so pretty.

My Question:

Is my hair truly relaxed if I still have a deep wave pattern? What is the point in which texturized hair turns into relaxed hair?
I"m not sure what the answer is to your question. I would think that the level of straightness is what will determine if you are relaxed or texturized.

Congrats on your results! I'm glad it turned out well.
i dont know that you should have a DEEP wave pattern after a relaxer..

what kind of relaxer was used? did u smooth/straighten thoroughly before washing out the relaxer?
That's a good question. Because although I relax my hair (I've never used a texturizer) my hair still has a lot of curl, when I scrunch it. So I guess it could be considered texturized too.....

I think that a texturizer maybe has the same ingredients.
My hair has never relaxed straight. It's extremely coarse and resistant. I could leave the relaxer on for an hour and still not get straight hair.

It's not the relaxer or how it was applied.

I smoothed it very thoroughly, I kept it in for 25 minutes on the new growth and 15 minutes on the already texturized hair. It took me 3 minutes to apply, and I smoothed continuously until the time ran out. My arms were sore form smoothing :lol:

I just wanted to know if it was texturized or relaxed so I could put it on the bottom of my posts like other people. :)
HOW on earte do you manage to apply in 3 mins. It takes me 5 mins to apply to the back section only. Which is why I relax and wash out each section to avoid overprocessing and breakage.
I dunno, I went really fast this time, I was suprised. To apply to the new growth took 3 minutes flat. I section part my hair from ear to ear and work with them separately too. First the front, then the back.

I section the front and the back into 12 sections, maybe it was the "pre sectioning" that helps it along. Also, I use a tint brush, it makes it easier for me.
I always thought my hair was resistant to relaxers. It never relaxed strait and it always fought me to curl it. I think the texturizer tamed it a little. The style held a bit better and my hair has grown because of it. Maybe your hair needs a lye relaxer. I was told they straiten the hair better. :confused: At least u like how it looks. That's what matters, right? :grin: The test will be if u can straiten it the way u want....
PCJ is a lye relaxer :)

They have 2 box formulas. One of them has a picture of a woman... that is the no-lye one, that comes with the activator.

The other has a picture of a woman and a little girl. That is the lye one that I use... no activator included... only sodium hydroxide and no calcium hydroxide.

I'm suprised that more people don't use it, it's very good. My mom even told me that my hair looks better than it ever did before.

Actually, no lye tends to straighten my hair more. But lye makes it come out so much softer and shiner and overall healthier.