Weird Question For Married Folks

We fooled around and tried to consumate as soon as we got back to our apartment after the was a no go....I was a virgin and it wasn't going in lol. We finally got to our actual honeymoon spot several hours later after the ceremony, reception and driving several hours. We passed out...I don't even clearly remember if we attempted to do it again lol...maybe sometime over in the morning. Anyway after several attempts on the honeymoon we managed to get it in...literally....after we got back home lol.
Another benefit of being a courthouse bride!

We were young and full of energy! I distinctly remember us standing in front of our hotel window looking out at the city and staring at our rings. Then he sat in a chair and I sat in his lap for a while just soaking it all in. We rented a movie, then consummated our marriage all night.

Good times.....
Another benefit of being a courthouse bride!

We were young and full of energy! I distinctly remember us standing in front of our hotel window looking out at the city and staring at our rings. Then he sat in a chair and I sat in his lap for a while just soaking it all in. We rented a movie, then consummated our marriage all night.

Good times.....

This sound like a dream.
I remember a family friend saying that a lot of people don't consummate that night, you're just so tired after the wedding.

See I heard a doctor say a lot of newly weds get UTIs on their honeymoon.

I went in for a check up and she asked if I'd had any problems. I told her about the uti I had...she somehow remembered the day I got married and say " yup that happens a lot on honey moons" :lachen:
My BFF is in the army and didn't have a place to go so she came to the house and took my earrings off and took my corset off and brushed my hair. I was so mad because of course I wanted DH to do that. But I think she was trying to help because I back went out the day before the wedding. At the rehearsal dinner i all of a sudden couldn't walk. They got me real doped up to get down the aisle and put my corset on extra tight.

Anyway DH finally gets situated. I'm completely naked and mad and giggling at the same time. We did the deed twice before we both collapsed and were knocked out. The reception lasted until 1am. We were tired! It was actually better after the honeymoon when we were more relaxed.
My wedding night was lovely... the sex was awkward and sweet at the same time. Neither of us were virgins but we didn't have sex or any physical contact until our wedding night. I hadn't had sex in over two years and was very inexperienced so it was like losing my virginity all over again pain wise. He was 7 years older, experienced and had been celibate for almost two years so he was very eager :giggle: but patient so it balanced out. Later on he told me he wanted to get it going as soon as we got to our hotel but he knew I wasn't ready. So we talked, ate, laughed for hours...was probably the middle of night before anything got going.
We did but we were tired as hell and only did it so we could have sex on our wedding night.

I passed out in full makeup immediately after. :lachen:
We had sex but it was whack because we did it just to do it and "consummate" our marriage. We had an after party with our friends to get to so we didn't have time for romance or whatever. It was not our first time so it was whatever. The next morning, however... :sekret::flyingwitch::cowgirl:
I wonder about this. Part of my wedding night plans will include a way to cut the festivities short enough that we can still get it in. :look:
Have an early reception ended at midnight. Then we hit the hotel bar. We left my family there partying and when we came down to go to the airport they were just leaving the bar and going to breakfast. Still in formal attire, lol. So yeah...morning wedding and afternoon reception.
Another benefit of being a courthouse bride!

We were young and full of energy! I distinctly remember us standing in front of our hotel window looking out at the city and staring at our rings. Then he sat in a chair and I sat in his lap for a while just soaking it all in. We rented a movie, then consummated our marriage all night.

Good times.....

Netflix and chill :lol: