Weird hair breakage.


New Member
Hi All,

I know this is not traction alopecia but I have no idea whats going on here.

A little below my crown I have a patch of hair that grows very slowly. If I use a small tooth comb to comb it the hair will break off. I can hear some of you saying only use a wide tooth comb but then I won't know if the prob still exists. It's been about 3mths now and I have less than a 1/4 of an inch of hair in that place. Think I have about 1inch in most places on my head taking into account to front and sides that do have traction alopecia.

The weird thing is this area used to grow nicely and only seemed to retard in growth since I did a mega BC. I kinda went bald. It was lovely at the time all that fresh air. Then it got cold.

Has anyone ever experienced this. I'm thinking it's some kind of alopecia. The area grows but comes out as soon as a small comb touches it. I can use a small comb on all other areas of my head with no probs. Not that I make a habit of it.

I do hair massages with EO's and take hair vits but I can't seem to stem the breakage in this area and I'm dying to texlax my hair.

TIA for all advice
With the breakage you're experiencing, I'd advise you to see a dermatologist's advice on this. Since you're thinking of texlaxing, please try to hold off on that until you can get more answers as to why you're suffering from that kind of breakage. But other than that, hopefully you get it sorted out!!
I second seeing a dermatologist or family doctor. I know here in Ireland, you need a referral from your GP (family doctor) before seeing a dermatologist.
So whichever is the right route for you, try and talk to a health professional about it.