Wedding stories


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, I've really enjoyed all the wedding post lately. Whether your married OR been to a funny wedding. I'd love to hear any stories, mishaps etc that happened (while planning, and ON your wedding day). How about things that you HAD to have that you forgot on the day of. Funny request from your guest etc.

One of mine:

While planning our wedding the one thing my hubby KNEW he wanted us to have was a CLASSIC car. So one Sunday we went to a bridal show and as we turned the corner my FH (at the time) spotted the car he'd envisioned and darted for it :lachen: When we walked up to the driver he informed us that we'd better hurry to their booth to ensure they'd have our date available. We bypassed all the other booths and dart to find out prices. Hubby wanted this car sooo bad that I thought he'd even want to change the date to make sure we got this car. LOL So we are able to secure our date and we check that off our TO DO list.

FAST FORWARD to the day of our wedding. We leave out of the church to our awaiting guest who're blowing us lovely bubbles and we're walking to our highly desired get-away car. Pose for some pics, hop in, and get ready to head to the reception.

Wait for it...........

Wait for it.........

THE CAR WOULDN'T START :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Wait what?!?!?! It eventually started but not before my brother-in-law had to came over to offer us a ride in the Expedition. :lachen:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Girl I would've crawled out the trunk if that had happened to me. What was your reaction?
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Girl I would've crawled out the trunk if that had happened to me. What was your reaction?

I sat there looking at my now DH like :wallbash: mostly because our wedding planner was like the TIME NAZI and had us shook about being late. I knew we had alot of people we could've road with. So I would've hopped in another car and got a refund later. (Oh the Time Nazi makes me think of another funny story)

OMG! that is SOO the type of thing that will happen to me!!

Hope more people post some stories!

I hope so DarkAngell because some thing might surely help others. At least give us a good laugh when it comes to wedding stress.
Ahhh, wedding stories.

So, I'm getting dressed and everything, right? My MaidOH was there, and she was supposed to bring my bouquet (we had gotten it the day before, so that the cake decorator could copy it for the cake, and her house had the biggest fridge to keep them in). Anyhow, she had forgotten it in the rush out of her house, and had called her mom to bring it. These folks (I love my girl, but my GOD!) sttttaaayyyy on CP time - and I'm not about that.

So, we are all ready - the minister is there, the boys are dressed, I'm dressed, it's time for the wedding to start - no flowers. MOHMom walks in - no. damn. flowers. :thud:
I'm kinda like - screw it! We don't need no stinking bouquet, but everyone else was like noooooo - it's traditional!! Me: :look: *sigh* :nono: (remember now, I wanted to elope!) :lol:

So, after we look around, (we got married in an art gallery, so there might have been something we could have used) my mom goes FLYING downstairs, and comes back up with the broom that her best friend had made for us to jump over, and that ended up being my 'bouquet'. :rofl:

After that, things went smoothly. :yep: I cried through the whole ceremony, but that was just me being oddly unme. :giggle:
FH (now DH) and I were invited to one of my family member's wedding. Everything was moving right along until 30, then 40 mins went by and nothing was going on. Noone made any announcements about what was going on. 1 hour, 1 1/2 hours they finally announce that the bride's MOM is running late from her hair appointment. :perplexed The bride was on her way but didn't want to start til her mom got there. The wedding started 2 hours late.

The wedding was all of 45 mins. Why so long, some might say? Because the Pastor kept having my cousin repeat his vows because he was studdering (awww him was nervous lol) At first it was kinda funny (no really funny :lachen:) but then it went on for TOO long.

Get to the reception and there was NO food. Oh wait here comes the bride's family bringing in food now. Yes 45 mins later after everyone has either gone to the corner store AND/OR now has low blood sugar. :lachen: The food was NASTY and if it wasn't for that cold chicken I would've starved.

Then the bride's brother's friend walks in the reception (he was just told who got married by someone he knew outside), came in to Congratulate the couple. With his entourage AND their 40s. Lawd it was a HOT PICKLE.

The whole time FH (now DH) and I vowed we wouldn't make the same mistakes at our own wedding. The bride was visibly TICKED but she looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Oh goodness. I can see that happening at DS upcoming wedding. My family is punctual as hell and I'm told her family is definitely on CP time. I'm going to have to take a lot of valium in order for me to stay and wait it out.
Ahhh, wedding stories.

So, I'm getting dressed and everything, right? My MaidOH was there, and she was supposed to bring my bouquet (we had gotten it the day before, so that the cake decorator could copy it for the cake, and her house had the biggest fridge to keep them in). Anyhow, she had forgotten it in the rush out of her house, and had called her mom to bring it. These folks (I love my girl, but my GOD!) sttttaaayyyy on CP time - and I'm not about that.

So, we are all ready - the minister is there, the boys are dressed, I'm dressed, it's time for the wedding to start - no flowers. MOHMom walks in - no. damn. flowers. :thud:
I'm kinda like - screw it! We don't need no stinking bouquet, but everyone else was like noooooo - it's traditional!! Me: :look: *sigh* :nono: (remember now, I wanted to elope!) :lol:

So, after we look around, (we got married in an art gallery, so there might have been something we could have used) my mom goes FLYING downstairs, and comes back up with the broom that her best friend had made for us to jump over, and that ended up being my 'bouquet'. :rofl:

After that, things went smoothly. :yep: I cried through the whole ceremony, but that was just me being oddly unme. :giggle:

:lachen: The broom!!! That's a fast thinkin' mama. Love it!
Oh goodness. I can see that happening at DS upcoming wedding. My family is punctual as hell and I'm told her family is definitely on CP time. I'm going to have to take a lot of valium in order for me to stay and wait it out.

LOL Oh no don't get doped up now. LOL You might have to be the time keeper. :grin: