Wedding Reception Menu Ideas


Well-Known Member
I tried this in the wedding forum without any response so placing over here.

What are your ideas for the main course at a wedding reception. Do you consider Salmon too risky to serve to 150 guests?
At my mother's wedding she had Salmon, steak and chicken, and shrimp I believe.

I think salmon is fine for wedding (she had about 100 guests)
give people a choice between salmon and something else. put it on the rsvp cards and let them pick one
You can have salmon but you need another meat option as well as a vegetarian option. Vegetarian option can be available upon request but you need another meat IMO. Alot of people don't like salmon because of the taste, smell, consistency, or are allergic. If you only want one meat, I think the safest is chicken.
I tried this in the wedding forum without any response so placing over here.

What are your ideas for the main course at a wedding reception. Do you consider Salmon too risky to serve to 150 guests?

Every wedding I've ever been to always had a choice, and you indicated your choice on the rsvp card. Is that not feasible for your situation? I don't think everyone will want to eat salmon. I'm funny about my fish, I won't eat fish from just anyone lol.
I think that if you're only going to have one dish you're better off with Chicken and a pasta side. So that vegetarians can eat the pasta and everyone else would eat the chicken.

I'm a Pescatarian and I enjoy Salmon, but it has to be very well cooked. Others like it dry, so it's a tricky dish to have it be the only one served to 150 people.
I don't eat fish at all and personally think it is a bit of risk to try to serve as a main dish. My suggestion is to serve it as an apetitizer. I like the tried and true "Chicken and Beef."

Since I don't eat fish....I'm seeking other opinions.
I would probably skip fish all together if I cannot have it with chicken, beef and a vegetarian option.

First Choice: Fish, Chicken, Beef, Vegetarian Option
Second Choice: Chicken, Beef, Vegetarian Option
Third Choice: Chicken, Vegetarian Option
I think you have to give a choice between that and say chicken (or something else). I know plenty of people that don't like fish. I love salmon but like some posters pointed out if its not made the way I like it I am not eating it.
^^^ LOL

If the main's are definitely meat, having a lot of vegetarian appetizers will be very appreciated by those that don't eat meat. Before I go to wedding receptions I always eat something, because I don't know what will be served, and I've been hungry at too many of them. There have even been one or two I skipped for this reason.