Wedding Pictures - Daughter of Bishop Walter Thomas New Psalmist Church, in MD

:lachen:That is like the time I was getting my shout on...honey when I looked down, my slip had shouted all the way down to my ankles:shocked::lachen:

I won't tell you how one day, the elastic in my skirt waistband was loose and I spent the entire service not ....... wanting ....... to ....... move. Not even by a milimeter. Then Pastor Just HAAAADDDD to say '

Hug your Neighbor and not with one arm, be generous and let folks know you love them in the Lord. You never know who needs a hug today.'

Needless to say, I forgot about my skirt.

Oooooops! :lachen:

I didn't need a hug.... I needed a safety pin. :blush3:
You are not alone ladies... try being on the praise and worship team trying to hold a mic in 1 hand while your stockings are sliding down!! :burning: :giggle:
Note to self::scratchch: when wearing stockings and having recently applied lotion go ahead and attach the garter belt!:wallbash:...:blush: Oh I made it but it was just the mercy of God I tell ya!
LOL Prudent!!:grin: Girl, no, not while you were front and center!:lachen:I guess you were grateful for His Mercy that morning!:grin:

Nothing like a little church funny...I love it!
You are not alone ladies... try being on the praise and worship team trying to hold a mic in 1 hand while your stockings are sliding down!! :burning: :giggle:
Note to self::scratchch: when wearing stockings and having recently applied lotion go ahead and attach the garter belt!:wallbash:...:blush: Oh I made it but it was just the mercy of God I tell ya!

LOL Prudent!!:grin: Girl, no, not while you were front and center!:lachen:I guess you were grateful for His Mercy that morning!:grin:

Nothing like a little church funny...I love it!

Oh my goodness Prudent1 :lachen::lachen::lachen:

And I would be one who loves wearing thigh highs.... :giggle: I love those stockings with the pretty lace tops.

Between you, me and Joy, we are a Church riot. :lol: I can just see the 'Sistas' with those huge lap clothes coming at us like this :cowgirl: to cover us up with a quickness .... :rofl:

And Lord, please don't let us be praising God like this :woohoo2: and then we lose something of value.

On the floor will be Joy's slip, my skirt, Prudent's stockings. A whole new wardrobe for somebody, left behind in the aisles.

Someone will think we 'was' raptured' and they got left behind. :nervous2:

But Jesus is so good. He has given us all 'new garments...' :love3:

Sweet sleep precious ladies... :sleep2: :grouphug2: You both have made my day with this. Thank you so much :kiss:
Mmmmm, I went to New Psalmist's elementary school. I'm excited to see these pics since I haven't been home. :)
So many of the hats I see are so beautiful. I'd like to wear one but I'm too short to wear big hats. You can't find me :lol:

Thanks for sharing the pics.

Wait, there's a height limit? I missed that memo. I'm a tiny squirt and not only do I wear big hats with no shame to any place--not just church-- but I also wear big headwraps that leave many wondering how I'm able to keep my balance. :sekret:
Thanks for sharing the pics.

Wait, there's a height limit? I missed that memo. I'm a tiny squirt and not only do I wear big hats with no shame to any place--not just church-- but I also wear big headwraps that leave many wondering how I'm able to keep my balance. :sekret:
Hey Nonie :wave: I'm a 'squirt' too. :giggle: I love being short.

I love the 'Grace Kelly' and Audrey Hepburn glamour look; these two women could wear hats. :yep:

For some odd reason, big hats 'hide' me. :sekret:

Maybe that's a good thing :sekret: :rolleyes:

Blessings Sweetheart and 'wear those hats with joy'.... :Rose:
LOL LOL at the earlier post shimmie, oh my! I have tears in my eyes...:lachen:

To my shorter sisters, when I was younger, I marveled at you, what would it be like to be that small? As for me, I'm an Amazon...I say we can all wear our hats with grace...

...Shimmie, I just watched an Audrey Hepburn marathon recently, I ADORE her...I've always liked the 50's - 60's genre of movies and tv, I like the clothes from that period, and yes, they could wear hats back then...

...still trippin about being a foot taller than some of ya'll...:giggle:

Hey Nonie :wave: I'm a 'squirt' too. :giggle: I love being short.

I love the 'Grace Kelly' and Audrey Hepburn glamour look; these two women could wear hats. :yep:

For some odd reason, big hats 'hide' me. :sekret:

Maybe that's a good thing :sekret: :rolleyes:

Blessings Sweetheart and 'wear those hats with joy'.... :Rose:
LOL LOL at the earlier post shimmie, oh my! I have tears in my eyes...:lachen:

To my shorter sisters, when I was younger, I marveled at you, what would it be like to be that small? As for me, I'm an Amazon...I say we can all wear our hats with grace...

...Shimmie, I just watched an Audrey Hepburn marathon recently, I ADORE her...I've always liked the 50's - 60's genre of movies and tv, I like the clothes from that period, and yes, they could wear hats back then...

...still trippin about being a foot taller than some of ya'll...:giggle:
Oh my goodness! Audrey Hepburn was class! She, Grace Kelly, and especially Lena Horne, were among my favorites with class and grace.

I love the old movies, "Film Noir' as they call them. The dresses, hats and gowns were outstanding.

You know, they have some of the older films with African Americans, and the women were dressed absolutely gorgeous. It's a shame, racism got in the way and we weren't able to display more of our Black Elegance. I have pictures of my grandmom in New York and she was always dressed to the 9's.

AND............... My Nana wore 'hats'. :yep: :lachen:

I even remember her wearing gloves to match each of her suits. She was always "Sharp" . She and my mom always dressed me up in the pretty dresses and my patent leather shoes. I had my little purse and my long braids had satin ribbons tied on the ends.

We'd go 'uptown' to the high end stores. High Style with my grandmom in New York. Sweet memories. :love5: :lol: