Wedding Hair Pics!!

You were a stunning bride! Everyone looked like they were having so much fun. Congrats and blessings to you both!
I felt the love. You, your hair, everything and everyone was beautiful. I love how the pics told a story that was full of emotion. Congratulations on your marriage!!! I wish you two a happy forever.
Congratulations NikkiQ and were are sooo proud of you. Your hair was gorgeous, and your makeup was flawless. Of course your dress/shoes were absolutely beautiful.
Congrats! You look amazing and your dress is beautiful! I wish you more happiness than you can stand.
You had a beautiful wedding! Well you and your hubby make a great looking couple and you looked stunning.Congrats to you and Mr.Q
You are beautiful! The pics are so classy and beautiful! I loved everything about the wedding.

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Om goodness! Those photos are beautiful! I love the way you documented your day! Congratulations! You two look wonderful!
my first reaction was wow!! everything about your wedding was stunning and you look really beautiful. The wig was not obvious at all, it really suits you, don't even get me started on the shoe; wow is all I can say. you two also look amazing together.

I wish you a blessed married life with amazing children (assuming you both want children, right).
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Very beautiful wedding. Elegant dress….the photography, flawless. A splendid affair…Congratulations to Sheena and Jason. May your wedding lasts a lifetime, continue to love support and trust each other and never leave out God.
May you have a blessed exemplary union life together!

Thank you for sharing!
Tomorrow makes one month for us already. Thanks for all the well-wishes ladies. Now I just gotta figure out how to get my mom to stop the baby talk and help me tighten up this freakin sew in :lachen:

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Congratulations and Happy 1 Month Anniversary. May those months turn into many happy years. Put God first in your marriage and it will.