We'd be better as friends.


New Member
I'm cool with this. A guy who politely came up to me in the mall and asked for my number told me this today. He told me he thinks we'd be better off as friends because he's lookin for a woman who can be his girl and help support him when money is tight. :nono: I said explain, "support you." :look: He told me he's looking for a girl to....you know...help him out as a woman when his funds are low. I said well "as a man" what do you offer back to her? lol He said he didn't know. Well I told him it was krazy for him to think a woman his age would be able to support him. He should be trying to benefit her. Most women my age are in school full time and prolly just have a part time job on the side such as myself. He on the other hand works for the city, so he should be able to save up money on the side and not be living paycheck to paycheck. He was silent and said.....yeah I think we would be better as friends....womp womp lool

I'm personally glad
wow! men these days!

I see why so many young women are choosing alternative lifestyles!

I have never put a dime in the hands of a man that was not my husband, and that was a gift from his family!
wow! men these days!

I see why so many young women are choosing alternative lifestyles!

I have never put a dime in the hands of a man that was not my husband, and that was a gift from his family!

And THIS is the type of thing that I was talking about in RedRiot's thread "What do you think of this reasoning?"

... and some women wouldn't think anything was off about what this guy said.
wow! men these days!

I see why so many young women are choosing alternative lifestyles!

I have never put a dime in the hands of a man that was not my husband, and that was a gift from his family!

That's the SAME THING I told him. He was like why not? He needs a mature gurl. :rolleyes: So I asked him if his gurl asked him for the same, would he be able to provide to her or "support" her as well. He said...he has more bills to pay lool. He has an apartment and utility bills and gas. I guess college students don't have bills :look:...or supposely by his statements...common sense. Give me a break!
wow! men these days!

I see why so many young women are choosing alternative lifestyles!

I have never put a dime in the hands of a man that was not my husband, and that was a gift from his family!

Thank you! What kind of a man asks a woman to support him?!?!?!? That's wack.:wallbash:
You r so right to laugh right in his stupid face..its obvious he didn't have a father but what happend to his mother..because this guy was not raised right:lachen::lachen:.
That guy is a bum! I'm tired of males trying to see what they can get out of a female, yet they have nothing to offer to anybody.
WOW!!! HE has some freakin nerve. That was pretty bold of him. PRETTY DARN BOLD!!! He is a total bum and I feel sorry whatever low self esteemed girl that he finds to take care of him. And I'm glad its not you chickie:)
Love it when they tell you who they are up front.

I just feel sorry for the next chick who might fall for the okey doke.