Weaves...Jacked Up Hair Model Pics


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of deciding on a weave for me to use for my next sew-in; I visisted my usual Hairsisters.com, sensualcollection.com, etc and it just struck me how jacked up the model hair pics are of most of these weave lines. The styles do the models or the hair no justice. A bunch of bulky, wig-looking pics with undesirable styles. I find that to be real annoying because you don't really get a realistic sense of what the hair is like. Does anyone else notice this or am I just having a PMS moment.:lachen:
I think I understand what you're getting at. I guess it depends on the stylist. For instance on youtube there's a tutorial for the Zury Lace Weave installation, the stylist on the tutorial make the weaves look way better than they look on the cover. Try visting the websites of actual stylist (unfortunately I have none to offer). HTH
Hey there, I agree. A lot of times, things look so wiggy that it's obvious. All depends on the stylist and the hair itself. I have posted this site in a few other threads, but try www.contagioushair.com their hair is the best I've seen and reasonable for the quality, as far as pics... I'm not sure.
Honey, If I posted pics we'd be here all day...lol. Check out the sites I indicated in the meantime. Later, I'll try and post up some. :)
It's just ridiculous....I need to learn how to add pics to a post so y'all can see some of the foolishness. With alll the talented hair stylists out there, they can do way better than what I see.