Weave wearers, what do you think about this technique? Would you do it?


Well-Known Member
So in my quest to master sew-in weaves this Memorial weekend, I ran across a bunch of youtube instructional vids and this one stood out

Invisatracks - It's weave applied with tape. No glue, no braiding, no string, just tape

In the video, she parts the client's hair horizontally and applies tape on the scalp it seems and then attaches the weft to the tape.

Now, the hair fanatic I am would quickly think this was not a good idea, especially if it can be worn for 6-8 weeks like the video says. :nono:
-How do you wash it without extreme loosening? CAN you wash it, are you supposed to?
-Won't the tape tear off some of the hair?
-Old adhesive causes a mess. You know for instance, when you have old inspection or registration stickers on your windshield and you remove it, it leaves a sticky, clumpy residue. Wouldn't this adhesive do the same?

But I'm trying to be objective here; maybe there's something I don't know. Maybe I'm misinformed about the technique and speaking on it in haste.

Have any of you tried this? Know about it/its effects, or are willing to try this?
She didn't braid the hair, did she?

ETA: Nope....The whole reason it's protective is because of the braids. I emphatically vote no.
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Your instincts are right. I don't wear weave, but I've watched enough of those lace wig application videos to know when you are using tape, you don't get it on your hair in fear of pulling out your hair or the wig not sticking well.

Besides, how will you wash your hair with this tape being in?

Boy o boy.
Nichi, that looks like it would pull your hair out not to mention the blocking of hair follicles which are the key to healthy hair. I say it's a no-no :nono:
Wow, I loved the end result but I don't know how I 'd feel about putting tape on my scalp. Also It doesn't seem too secure.
I wouldn't trust that tape on my hair. It's going to be hard to get the adhesive completely out.
I've always been skeptical of that technique because of the potential damage it may cause.

Can you cornrow? Can you use the Flexi-strand method instead? I've never used it before (but would like to sometime in the future). It seems like a must safer alternative.

I was about to post the same link :look: - I mean ya it looks nice and all, but what's up with all the hair the stylist left out at the back :ohwell:??? And ummm....how is all that double sided tape gonna come off w/o tearing the hair?