weave question


New Member
Basically I went to get a weave to give my hair a little rest. Problem is that the real hair that I left out, isn't long enough to get into the low pony that I wear my hair (weave) in. So the ponytail holder rubs right against my ends, either just inside the holder or just outside (like not quite into the bun). . . I know the weave is gonna work magic for the hair that is inside the cornrows, but I don't want to risk the ends/health of the hair outside the weave. It looks fine when worn out/down, but it is a lot of hair, so I like to be able to put it in my low bun. So I guess the question is, what should I do? Should I keep the weave in and try to find other styles that don't rub my ends or should I just take the weave out and go back to my normal rollersets & DCin and such? (sidenote, it has been like a week, and i am just ITCHING to rollerset and deep condition and just play in my real hair. . . but i know i am bias, so don't let that sway your decision :rolleyes: lol)