
Some of you may recall, I had a dilemma whether to press or be natural for

family pictures, well I settled on a weave, and that was a mistake...lesson l

learned...to thine ownself be true..I should've twisted and left it at that, well,

I had that weave in for less than 48 hours, the tracks were pulling so bad that

I had to take them out, no amount of spray, or oil could lessen the pain, and the

synthetic hair used to lay the tracks, sucked the living daylights out of my hair

it was sooo dry, I have since thrown all my synthetic hair away, even after

it down, I could still see the line where the track was, it was pulled so tight, s

almost 4 in the morning and I'm hoping the place where I can get twists opens at 8 so I can be in and out by 10...no more weaves for me it'll be wigs if I want weave hair, I had to trim my hair the ends were knotted up so bad...NEEEVVER AGAIN, will I have a hair setback...twists for me and nothing else
o my goodness..i am sorry to hear you had such a problem with your weave,..i know theses stylist sometimes have a problem with braiding your hair so tight that it pulls the hair strait from the root..thats why i do my own..that way i know how tight to braid..i dont trust stylists..i swear..i had a weave done and the oppisite happned to me..the braids were so loose that one track fell out the next day..crazy...
I am sorry to hear about it, too. I had a bad weave in once, so I know where you are coming from. I ended up having to cut 5- 6 inches of hair in certain places because of the matting that happened from that weave. My hair was only about 7 inches anyway, so you get the picture. The whole middle only has about 2 - 3 inches and the back and sides have about 9. It's a mess.

But I did get one after that. I went to a reputable weaveologist that gave me sample of her work and had a portfolio. She was much more expensive, but even the sew in she did was flat and natural looking. Not tight at all. It just matters with each stylist. But I bet the twist ae easier to take care of anyway. I loved my weave, but I am back to my old faithful braids. I with you - stick with what works. :)
I have had two weaves, both of which I did myself. Although they both looked good, I took them out after a couple of days because they were so uncomfortable to me. I have since concluded that weaves are just not for me.
A sew in weave is the reason why one of my best friends had to BC before she was ready. It was so matted up she just started cutting. By the time it was over, she had to go to a barber to shape her up.
For those that can wear them, good for you. For the rest of us stick to what works.
Thanks for the consolation guys, no more weaves for me, I'm washing my hair and the weave hair, twisting my own and calling my friend in Georgia to see if she'll make me a wig out of that hair I took down, now I'm off to get dressed, it's 1:30 I'm just gettin up, wash and twist session, going to a concert tonight....and that's it...
sorry about your nightmare. Ive had nothing but setbacks with weaves. I had to bc and start all over because of a BIG weave nightmare. :mad:
Thanks for the warning. I will get some Indian wefts and call it a day. My hair is pretty dry and I see that this would not help it.