Weave Horror Stories!! :nono:


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread a few months ago about my BFF wearing Halley's curls "Natural" weave and how much EVERYONE loved it. Well here is the update: She wore this weave most of the year last year(April until Jan 2011). She got it reinstalled in July and had it tightened and washed on a regular. She goes to take it out last week only to discover thanks to matting, tension pulling and shed hair--she has NO hair in the back or sides! I mean she said she is "bald" like a fade--I was like wth? How does that happen? e She was shocked--as I was. So now she has a mohawk(hair is long in the top and front).

The lesson I got---don't keep a weave in for more than 3 months. I have an install right now--and I will be removing it after 6 weeks(mid Jan). I don't like having my own hair unwashed or unavailable to me for more time that.
I just posted this in another thread, just yesterday, not saying this is the reason, but it is definately a possibility:

Ok, sounds like to me, that your hair may be too fragile to have the tension of a sew-in, like myself. No matter what I do, how well I take care of it, I lose way too much hair, and thats with, braids, sometimes pontails even. You may just have to refrain from styles that cause tension, because altho your hair is braided up and tucked away, it's still being tugged on underneath, subsequently, breaking and popping your hair in the meantime. The last sew-in I had, before I started my HHJ, gave me the worst set-back, the entire braid that was across the front of my head, no longer existed, the entire braid was gone, it was like 1/8th of an inch of hair in its place, all the way across the perimeter. With that being said, commence to pampering, PSing and balancing your Protein and Moisture, I'm sure you'll be back in no time. I'm sorry your going thru this, butjust remember we all can't do the same things to our hair, each head is a case by case situation.

I copied and pasted it, but heres the thread, it seems as if she had a similar situation:

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Why would she keep the weave in for so long? The max I will keep a weave is 3 months cuz of the matting and tension problems will arise for leaving the weave too long.
My weave horror is the reason why I'm natural (currently in a weave-I like weaves)
Goodness! Y'all are terrifying me. I wear sew-ins a lot. How did this happen? Was there any washing, conditioning, steaming... Anything? Or were both left in over 3 months? Or tight braids and/or rough handling? I'm just so confused. I do wish your friend and the other poster all the best in your HHHJ.
Goodness! Y'all are terrifying me. I wear sew-ins a lot. How did this happen? Was there any washing, conditioning, steaming... Anything? Or were both left in over 3 months? Or tight braids and/or rough handling? I'm just so confused. I do wish your friend and the other poster all the best in your HHHJ.

In my peronal situation, it does'nt matter how gentle I handled the sew-in, whether I wash, conditon, whatever, My hair just cannot handle any form of tension, my hair is "Extremely" fragile. I'm not sure about the others, cause I don't know what type of hair they have, but it could have been some of the above, all of the above or none of the above. You kinda have to know what your particular hair can stand.
Add me to group of weave vets....

I am also natural from a weave. I was regular in removing and replacing my weave on schedule. However, my stylist never told me that I had thinning or balding areas from the tension of a sew in after a number of years. Believe me, she also regularly changed the direction of the braids and sew in and I still had breakage and balding.

The hows of why it happened is a toss up. Some say its because you don't Poo frequently (this was pre-LHCF). At the time, I only shampooed once every two weeks. But the catch 22 is, most sew-ins don't last that long with frequent washings. So to get it to last longer, most follow the old adage of less frequent poos.

Personally, I can attest to use of synthetic thread and hair used to thicken my braids, also added to the damage as it caused my hair to mat badly. Enough that the stylist regularly had to use scissors and trim my hair. However, once we stopped using that, tight braids and tight sewing didn't help either. I also tried leaving pieces of my hair out which only cause that to damage more IMO from general abuse I heaped on the weave hair.

I think infrequent weaving might be ok but I would never again try to wear a weave long term.
@EtherealEnigma--I think my girl just left it in too long. She is a 4A/B and has been natural for at least 6 or 7 years. She was getting it shampooed on a regular(once every 2weeks)had the weave sewn to a net---it was in for too long. I was like "R, how are u gonna keep the weave in for that long?" I mean I understand reusing the hair, but I can't imagine going more than a month or so without shampooing and DCing my own hair. And I am on a "weave challenge" of my own--but I plan on giving my hair a 2-3 week "break" in between installations. Heck I don't want to go a year weaving and have LESS hair than I started with :-?
I used to wear a lot of weaves and one thing I learnt the maximum amount of time I could wear them was 2-3 months tops. I do know that after a few years of wearing weave I realised that my crown wasn't growing past a certain length. It's only now that it's growing longer. I guess it was the tension over so many months in the same areas. I would imagine that was the case with your BFF as well.
I always kept my weaves in for about 2-3 months. I got a sew-in at one time that caused me alot of breakage due to matting and because my hair was in bad condition prior to that installation. My hair was weak, brittle and falling out due to over processing and the sew-in made matters worse (lesson learned- no sew ins/braids on weak hair! :nono:) Also I notice the more I wash my hair in braids, the more it becomes matted so this could be the case with your friend too.
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just isn't for everyone. this is why I like wigs, half wigs, u part wigs, lace wigs, and clip ins. was she using a net? that helps a LOT with the tension.
This is how my hair journey started. I'm not sure if it was the time I kept it in -definitely not 9+ months though :nono:, or the takedown. Either way, if I get a weave again, I'm leaving out the nape and edges.. Or leaving it in for 2/3 weeks max. It's not worth losing hair
OP - I forgot to ask, did you friend keep her weave in for 9 mos continually? :nono: Please say no. Between hair growth, loosen braids and all, I couldn't imagine trying to keep it in for that long. The weave would look RIDICULOUS.

However, I have also witness some horrors at the beauty shop. One girl went 6 mos with loose and hanging tracks. :sad: Weaves are not reasons to abuse YOUR hair.
@EtherealEnigma--I think my girl just left it in too long. She is a 4A/B and has been natural for at least 6 or 7 years. She was getting it shampooed on a regular(once every 2weeks)had the weave sewn to a net---it was in for too long. I was like "R, how are u gonna keep the weave in for that long?" I mean I understand reusing the hair, but I can't imagine going more than a month or so without shampooing and DCing my own hair. And I am on a "weave challenge" of my own--but I plan on giving my hair a 2-3 week "break" in between installations. Heck I don't want to go a year weaving and have LESS hair than I started with :-?

This explains the area of breakage. Nets take some of the tension off your hair but they're still anchored/sewn on to something. In addition every time you pull your hair up or back you're putting tension on the perimeter braid and it's quite possible to yank hair out from the roots if you're not mindful.

I think 3 months is too long to wear a weave - just about anyone will have some locking in that amount of time. The longest I'll go is 2-3 weeks but this is becoz I self install, and I like to switch up styles a lot. If you're hanging on to weave for months at a time coz you paid a lot for the install - you probably need to find a stylist that's more affordable for you.
OMG yall are scaring me! I just got a sew-in for the first time last month. So yall are saying that even if you do everything right, things can still go wrong? :cry3: Yall are making me wanna take this thing out now! How do I know how my hair is doing? :nono:

I wash and DC (with a moisturizing DC and protein--aphogee 2-min) my hair every week to 2 wks, apply leave-in every other day and seal with oil. Is this enough?? Oh, and I didn't get a net and my nape and edges are out.
I posted a thread a few months ago about my BFF wearing Halley's curls "Natural" weave and how much EVERYONE loved it. Well here is the update: She wore this weave most of the year last year(April until Jan 2011). She got it reinstalled in July and had it tightened and washed on a regular. She goes to take it out last week only to discover thanks to matting, tension pulling and shed hair--she has NO hair in the back or sides! I mean she said she is "bald" like a fade--I was like wth? How does that happen? e She was shocked--as I was. So now she has a mohawk(hair is long in the top and front).

The lesson I got---don't keep a weave in for more than 3 months. I have an install right now--and I will be removing it after 6 weeks(mid Jan). I don't like having my own hair unwashed or unavailable to me for more time that.
How does one keep any false hair in THAT long??? I would actually EXPECT a horror story from that alone.
I did a lot of sew ins back in the day. The result was my hair started thinning out. One thing is i never kept a weave or even braids for the matter for more than 2 months. I don't care if im broker than broke i would love to have hair when i take out my hair. Hair tangles and can mat up. Also since my hair is still on the thin side the last time i wore a net weave to help with the tension but you still have to be careful. Taking care of the hair underneath as well as the weave plus not leaving it in too long is the key. Im a total wig person now cause i can better take care of my hair underneath.
OMG yall are scaring me! I just got a sew-in for the first time last month. So yall are saying that even if you do everything right, things can still go wrong? :cry3: Yall are making me wanna take this thing out now! How do I know how my hair is doing? :nono:

I wash and DC (with a moisturizing DC and protein--aphogee 2-min) my hair every week to 2 wks, apply leave-in every other day and seal with oil. Is this enough?? Oh, and I didn't get a net and my nape and edges are out.

All you can do at this point is to "Handle with Care", and see how your hair does, try not to tug too much and pamper as you would, your hair. Being as though this is your first, there's really no way to know. Is your hair fine, fragile? A good way to know is, how does your hair handle while wet? I personally know that, my hair is fragile, Period, so it is extremely fragile while wet, so I cannot do what alot of other members are able to do, as in Co-Washes, Baggying and things of that nature. I mean you know, wheather your hair is "Fragile" or "Tough as Nails", so handle it according to that. If your not sure, do what you feel is best, use your best discretion.
i agree that not every head of hair can handle a weave, hence why i choose to no longer wear them, something about the thread and tugging that damages my hair same as extension braids...

but to be honest my sister leaves her weaves in for 6 months at a time...:perplexed: non regular washes like whenever ske can be bothered.....(i know don't ask... i have long gone had that conversation with her :nono:..my girl is LLLAAAAAAZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYY)

Anywhoo, she takes her weaves out no hassle, she doesn't put anything on her hair that i know of and she is now APL :huh: and she puts her weaves in bck to back no breaks but my girl's hair is growing.... like she cut it short 2 years ago and she is AP friggin L!!!!?!! I do not understand im baffled!!

and i on the other hand is super hair conscious and have been trying to grow my hair for 7 years!?!? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
I usually avoid threads involving sew-ins because I have no love for them. And in real life tell everyone I know to avoid them like the plague..

Back in 2004 - the only sew in I've ever had.
I swore them off after that. I was in California for an internship.

The woman did a beautiful job cornrowing my hair she did it in a pattern that spiraled to the center of my head.
Then as she started with the thread it was fine at first but I started feeling the tension as she got closer to the middle.

I also thought I could handle it. But I was catching a plane back to NJ the next day and had packing to do. Plus it looked sooooo pretty. And I wanted my honey to see it when I got home.
the pain worsened as the night progressed. I kept mine in 2 nights. couldn't sleep the 2nd night because of the tension and pulling and so I started removing it.

The thread actually cut through my hair like a razor in one spot in the center of my head. I was too through!

Swore off sew ins forever.

I suggest that you try to learn to do your own braids, cornrows and maybe even sew ins.
OMG yall are scaring me! I just got a sew-in for the first time last month. So yall are saying that even if you do everything right, things can still go wrong? :cry3: Yall are making me wanna take this thing out now! How do I know how my hair is doing? :nono:

I wash and DC (with a moisturizing DC and protein--aphogee 2-min) my hair every week to 2 wks, apply leave-in every other day and seal with oil. Is this enough?? Oh, and I didn't get a net and my nape and edges are out.

I think you will be ok. This is my personal opinion, but the real issues seem to come from LONG TERM weave wearing. Also, as the weave starts to slip backwards, lean towards removing it faster rather than waiting to conserve money.

BTW, my hair was at least a tad beyond shoulder length when I finally took out the weave after 8 years - BUT - it was thin with several noticeable thin spots. Those issues would have been magnified if I had insisted on getting a relaxer after removal.
Oh wow, all of this does sound scary. Is there a particular type of thread that should be used for weaving? I've been contemplating getting a weave but have fears about thinning & breakage. Years & years ago I had a weave and had breakage, but the way it was sewn in, my hair was out in between every track. I really didn't know how to take care of it as well.

@Leesh, my hair sounds similar to yours, very fragile, especially when wet. I know my hair cannot take major tension, any tension.
In my peronal situation, it does'nt matter how gentle I handled the sew-in, whether I wash, conditon, whatever, My hair just cannot handle any form of tension, my hair is "Extremely" fragile. I'm not sure about the others, cause I don't know what type of hair they have, but it could have been some of the above, all of the above or none of the above. You kinda have to know what your particular hair can stand.

Sorry, I can't multi-quote.

Judging from everyone's experiences I guess it really does depend on knowing your hair. I do back to back weaves and have worn one install for a little over 12 weeks (scared big time!). I recently experienced a setback with a recent-ish stylist, so I'm not sure if I'll get another full sew-in. I do a protein treatment after takedown and the last time I had an install the stylist said my hair is "so healthy." I don't feel that way b/c I know how fragile my hair is usually. Time is running out on the weave train for me.

I will say that I do not like using a net (tension on the ends) and I don't like adding hair to my cornrows (cuts like a knife). I will not allow the very edge of my perimeter to be in a braid and I make a huge deal about braiding loosely and being tender-headed. Tight braiding makes me nauseous and I know between the nausea and the the not sleeping... I would lose my mind!

ETA: hair is chemical-free 4b/4a, fine strands, medium density.
I wore my first sew-in for 2 months and still had matting like crazy. I initially swore off sew-ins. But my cousin is going to do a sew-in for me for cheap today. I'm so scared of how my hair is going to turn out because I am 9 months into my transition and my hair is already becoming unmanageable. I plan to leave it in for only a month and see if my hair still mattes up. If it does, I know sew-ins are not for me.
I wore my first sew-in for 2 months and still had matting like crazy. I initially swore off sew-ins. But my cousin is going to do a sew-in for me for cheap today. I'm so scared of how my hair is going to turn out because I am 9 months into my transition and my hair is already becoming unmanageable. I plan to leave it in for only a month and see if my hair still mattes up. If it does, I know sew-ins are not for me.

Do you have a plan? Are you going to flat iron your natural hair prior to your install? You must have a lot of natural hair with 9 months of transitioning.

Also, I wouldn't wash it during that month for fear of matting, but its your hair.
Do you have a plan? Are you going to flat iron your natural hair prior to your install? You must have a lot of natural hair with 9 months of transitioning.

Also, I wouldn't wash it during that month for fear of matting, but its your hair.

So wait...is it washing that causes the matting? I thought it was NOT washing that caused matting. Someone help me out here, I am confused.

And no, I did not flat iron my hair prior to install but I did blow dry it. I bought this cheap weave from the BSS and I hate it. I should have just stuck with what I know...the BoBraz.
So wait...is it washing that causes the matting? I thought it was NOT washing that caused matting. Someone help me out here, I am confused.

And no, I did not flat iron my hair prior to install but I did blow dry it. I bought this cheap weave from the BSS and I hate it. I should have just stuck with what I know...the BoBraz.

Moisture was an enemy of my weave. You can wash more frequently as other ladies have suggested in many threads but it shortens the overall life of a weave because it loosens the braids that the weave is sew-in atop. So the entire unit starts to shift faster than the typical 6-9 weeks you can keep it. If you plan to remove a weave much earlier than that, then perhaps its a moot point. But the cost of removal and repeating adds up over the course of a year, so most people I knew tried to keep it as long as possible between installs.

A little matting is inevitable because you aren't combing your hair. You are still shedding hairs as we all do so it gets a little matted between the braid and sewn-in area. If your hair is fine or thin, some stylists may try to add synthetic or human hair in to plump up your braids. Synthetic hair adds to the matting as it can start to lock into your hair.

All different factors that makes each person's experience a little different from another person's. Its best to understand ahead of time what to expect.
The wetting thing is like a "Catch 22" to me, cause your threatened by matting if you do, if you don't your threadened by dryness which would cause snapage!
I believe because its just not natural to have something tugging at your hair that weighs much more than it, its just not a great idea. Now thats just my take, to each his own, don't get me wrong. I wore weaves for 20 years before I started to care about my actual hair, and let me tell you, I did not care if it was snatched out, ripped out, it did'nt matter, as long as the BSS had more for me :nono:, and because I do care now, I cannot imagine jeopradizing my thin strands with the weight of a weave on it. I don't think there's anyway around, not losing more hair then necessary, Just my take!
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So wait...is it washing that causes the matting? I thought it was NOT washing that caused matting. Someone help me out here, I am confused.

And no, I did not flat iron my hair prior to install but I did blow dry it. I bought this cheap weave from the BSS and I hate it. I should have just stuck with what I know...the BoBraz.

I just took out my 2month old weave. I was washing my hair twice a week. I realised it was detrimental to my weave more than my hair.

Once i took the weave out. I oiled my hair and took it out a few hours later. I had no matting but i did have to take my time taking out the shed hair- my arms and shoulders got a serious workout.

I did a protein treatment and deep moisturing DC before i installed it. As well as flat ironed it.

Everyone's hair will react differently to weaves and braids, so you can't take one comment and run with it like it's the gospel truth. The only thing i don't do is wear it for more that 21/2 months.
I did a protein treatment and deep moisturing DC before i installed it. As well as flat ironed it.

You bring up a good point. I do my protein/DC after takedown, but I flat iron it a day or two before I get my hair braided. I wonder if the flat ironing makes a difference.

I also stress that I don't care about the weave nearly as much as my hair and if something has to be sacrificed it's the style. I think my old stylist might have gotten sick of me saying, "Yeah...but I want to keep the hair on my head," in style vs. hair care discussions.