WEAVE Dilemma


New Member
I'm thinking about getting a sewn-in weave, but I'm also due to get a relaxer this week. I'm at 11weeks and 10weeks has been my MAX or I get extreme shedding and breakage, and tangling.
My dilemma is this: Should I post-pone the relaxer until after I get the sewn-in done, or should I relaxer and wait about 2 weeks before I get the sewn-in weave?
I'm scared that if I wait to get the relaxer and get the sewn-in, I will experience major breakage and shedding due to the braids that need to put in so the hair can be sewn on. Because my roots are pretty thick at the moment and I know its not going to be easy trying to braid it up for the sewn-in without causing some hairs to snap off in the process.

What should I do? What would you do?
Any advice would be appreciated
I'm not an expert on braided hair weaves because I didn't have a very good experience, but I was wondering what do you normally do when you get a braided weave? How long has it been before or after a perm in the past?
I've oly had one once, and that was about 6yrs ago, and i cant remember but I know healthy hair practices was not in my vocab, so I'm not sure of the status of my hair....
well, if you normally get shedding around 10 or 11 weeks then do you think your hair will continue to shed more while in the braids.

Or, if you relax and then get braids after 2 weeks, do you think it will be too weak to withstand the strain from braids, thread and weave.

I personally had serious thinning and breakage from my sewn in weave. I don't recall when I relaxed it, but I know it wasn't too close or too far from a perm.

That's a tough one honeycomb.
What does the hairstylist suggest? I'm sure she is familiar with what may best, due to her experiences. Hopefully, that is.
Thanx KT for your response. I think the braids will just add to my shedding that I experence any way, as for my stylist, shes not really and professional, she a "kitchen tician" herself, but can lay some weave, lol....
I would get the weave then relax after you take it out. I am only basing this on my experience when I transitioned for ten months with just braids (cornrows and individuals). Afterwards when I relaxed, my hair didn't suffer because I didn't manipulate my hair too much while it was in braids. I'd be curious to hear what others have to say on this.

Personally, I feel that two weeks post relaxer would be too soon - a month may be more like it.

If you chose not to relax first, maybe you could wash with garlic shampoo then do a nice protein treatment followed by a deep conditioner to make sure that any shedding is kept at bay.

Chichi said:

Personally, I feel that two weeks post relaxer would be too soon - a month may be more like it.

If you chose not to relax first, maybe you could wash with garlic shampoo then do a nice protein treatment followed by a deep conditioner to make sure that any shedding is kept at bay.


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I agree about the 2weeks being too soon
. I dont know much about garlic shampoo, but where do you find that? Is it the garlic that prevents the shedding or the protein tx that will keep the shedding at bay?
I agree with Chichi. I would weave first and relax afterwards. Make sure you condition your hair very often with good oil.
honeycomb719 said:
Chichi said:

Personally, I feel that two weeks post relaxer would be too soon - a month may be more like it.

If you chose not to relax first, maybe you could wash with garlic shampoo then do a nice protein treatment followed by a deep conditioner to make sure that any shedding is kept at bay.


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I agree about the 2weeks being too soon
. I dont know much about garlic shampoo, but where do you find that? Is it the garlic that prevents the shedding or the protein tx that will keep the shedding at bay?

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They both prevent shedding. So I think using them both followed with a good moisturizing deep conditioner would make your hair nice and strong.

You're welcome. I don't really know how the garlic shampoo detangles.
I've just heard so many raves on it that I would probably buy it, if I had some shedding. That's why I suggested a good moisturizing deep conditioner. That should provide all of the detangling that you would need.
