
Well-Known Member
Okay ladies,

I have decided to get a weave--well pieces--for colour. My stylist has suggested that a weave would provide the hi-lights that I so crave (caramel/blonde in color), yet keep my hair damage and stress free.

My only problem is this--she wants to glue in the tracks.
Is there any foreseeable damage with having glued in tracks (probably about 5-7 total)? And can I leave my tracks in for four weeks?

I just want a change--but no true commitment. My stylist has been wonderful at keeping my hair growing and healthy-and she and her daughter both have waist-length tresses; I just am scared.

Any advice, y'all have would be greatly appreciated.


And thank you Ms. Wanda regarding your PM.
This is gonna be really cute, I've seen it before. I think it will only be a few strips of hair & I don't think there are other options for this besides gluing. It's not like you're getting a full head of weave & can get your own braided & have the tracks sewn in.

If she's done such a great job with your hair thus far, I think that you don' t have anything to worry about.
Now that I have your attention, lol. Glue isn't good for your hair, if you said one or two tracks I would have said oaky take the little bit of damage for the look. But 5-7 is too much. Second glue in tracks do not last 4 weeks only 2 weeks max if not less. She or you can go to Sally's and buy the clips for 1.99 and clip in the tracks for the SAME end effect and less stress on your hair. sorry to be so aggresive but I did this over the summer and thinned out my hair in 2 weeks.
yeah firl dont glue that stuff in your head that is too much glue, y dont u h=try the clips , those r cute and if not sew it in ,glue is too damaging
Y'all after I read Supergirl's post--I was over here cheering--like I am going to get my weave pieces, get my brows tinted to match, and as we say in Texas, "Be doing the doggone thing..."

And then I get to CBG's post--and nearly lost my blueberry muffin (which would have served me right, because I am cheating on my Zone diet-as we speak).
CBG, what exactly would cause the glue to be so damaging--I am sorry you experienced loss from your tracks. Miss Wanda has mentioned the clip on pieces to me before, can I wrap these pieces at night? Workout in these clip on pieces?

Thank y'all for y'all's responses--I guess you could say, I am just a little dissapointed--I want to change my look, without commitment, and really see no way to have this done.



I've never had this done personally but if it's any solace to you, my best friend got this done about 8 years ago (she had blonde hi-lites glued in) and it was really cute & she didn't experience any damage. Her pieces were maybe 1/2 inch strips of hair. I assumed your wouldn't be any larger than that.
I also would vote no on the glue. My mother used glue in tracks and it slowly took out all of her hair in the front, it was thinning soooo badly. She got a new stylist who used a piece of like lace and glued the tracks onto that and then sewed the lace onto my mom's hair that she had cornrowed with a little added hair to make the braid stronger.

I wouldn't recommend the lace cap for you since you only want a few tracks for color, but I would suggest that you get the clips for your tracks.
Oh so do you want want Supergirl sugggested a couple of 1/2 inch tracks or layers of tracks a couple of inches wide? Actually either way the clip in idea is best. If you are going to be working out and wrapping then the tracks are gonna loosen and you'll have to replace it often. The glue is really hard to get out without losing some hair in the process (at least it was for me). You clip it in and it will stay until you take it out. I would in order to eliminate any stress would take out the clips at night before wrapping as long as you remember where to put in back in LOL.
girl, do not use glue. no way. if it means cornrowing a bit of your here and bit of your hair there, do that. seriously - no glue.
CBG: Yes ma'am--I just wanted a couple of tracks--I guess I got a little zealous in my 5-7 estimate, earlier!
My stylist said she would remove the tracks, free of charge. Although she is charging $7/track for "installation!"

I am truly re-thinking this...I just want something different for my birthday--ya know! I am thinking maybe a true black rinse--or a red rinse w/ more red brows...

Thank you ladies-for your responses, please keep them coming...Y'all truly are an invaluable (sic) resource.

well i think you should look at this way: coloring the hair vs glue, which one will cause more damage? i know for sure two pieces of glued hair won't be bad, (my stylist glued two short pieces in the front of my hair for my high school prom because i didn't want to cut my hair for the particular style) but 5-7 may be too much. but colored hair takes longer to grow out, takes alot of work to keep up color with relaxer etc. keep us updated.
miss_a said:
CBG: Yes ma'am--I just wanted a couple of tracks--I guess I got a little zealous in my 5-7 estimate, earlier!:D My stylist said she would remove the tracks, free of charge. Although she is charging $7/track for "installation!"

I am truly re-thinking this...I just want something different for my birthday--ya know! I am thinking maybe a true black rinse--or a red rinse w/ more red brows...

Thank you ladies-for your responses, please keep them coming...Y'all truly are an invaluable (sic) resource.


[/ QUOTE ]

$7/ per track is a good price. The stylists in DC charge my mother an arm and a leg!
how 'bout temporary color rinse? that's supposed to not be as bad as color. is that exciting at all to you, or not really?
: That is a wonderful way to look at my situation--2-3 pieces isn't really that huge of a commitment, as opposed to actual streaking. If you do not mind me asking, how long did you leave your pieces in?

Ms K: You are right--$7 is not too bad. I love my stylist--she recently went up $5/service. But I am not complaining too badly-she only books one client at a time, gives DRC-28 after every relaxer, and usually spends 3-4 hours (on my head alone!) when it comes to relaxers. Thank you for the thumbs up regarding price.

SBJ: I have been thinking about a dark rinse for sometime. Currently, I am wearing a Dudley Matador Red rinse--however, I just want something to give that extra oompf (sic), and I am not sure if a rinse will provide that extra boost...Thank you for the suggestion though--I am still toying with the idea of a Blue-Black colour.

two short pieces in the front of my hair to frame my face (sorta like those two pieces t-boz used to wear in her face or side of her face, i really didn't want to cut my hair for that look) i wore it for one week, i only did it for a style for prom, nothing permanent.
That is going 2 look so pretty. Thanks to the ladies on this board, I got my tracks sewed in about 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, they need to be tightened but I plan on taking them out this weekend and having my friend sew them back in. I just want to get a good scratch in
I have the highlights too. But mine is sew in. I am really afraid of the glue. I've been having pretty good luck with this way.
Hmmm...Getting ready to place a call to stylist--asking her to sew my tracks in...

Thanks ladies for the encouragement AND reality check...

AND Ms. Carrie, I have been in training--and working really hard at getting my health under control--please be on the lookout for a PM regarding my diet and exercise!

I'll keep y'all posted about whether or not I chickend out or did the doggone thing!

Miss A. PM me anytime. You know I LOVE to runmy mouth about health and fitness.

Here is a pic of my weave and highlights:
Miss a, get them sewn in. Your stylist can add a few cornrows here and there and sew them onto there.

I'm not familiar with the glue method because I've never had it done
but I don't recommend it.
Y'all have convinced me...NO GLUE...NOT one drop...I mean how am I going to get my hair to Adrienne and Supergirl lengths--if I have a setback? Ya know? Thanks ladies...

And Carrie--as usual--you are looking lovely...

i'm glad you changed your mind!! i'd rather see you get highlights than glue because with highlights, if you had damage, it would just be the ends. usually the damage from glue begins at the root, which means starting over. so the highlights would be the lesser of two evils IMO... and i know people who've gotten highlights (blond ones even) and had no damage. so if done properly, they don't have to be disastrous.

how about a wig for a quick change?