Weather changes and dry hair!?!?!?


New Member

I live in Canada and at this time of the year, the weather is starting to heat up. The weird thing I noticed is that, even though the weather is warmer, my hair is getting dryer than when we had those -30 degree celcius out there. I'm currently using KBB hair milk and sealing the moisture with oil, which worked great until now.
What should I do?? Has any of you experiences these changes??
I guess the sudden change in weather would affect the hair & it would take sometime to adjust to the change in weather. Also you may need to change the products you are using b/c some products that work in the colder months may not work in the warmer months & vice versa. Hth
Do you still have the heat on in your house? Maybe that could be the culprit?

Fellow Canadian here. What city (or province, if you want to be vague) are you in? :)
I'm in Quebec! ¸The weather isn't super warm yet (about 9 degrees celcius). That's why I find it weird that my hair reacts like that! We're not using that much heat either at home compared to the previous years, so i don't know. I already DC 3 times per week. I can't do that every day either. I was so happy that I found hair products that didn't act up on my hair, and now I have to go back to searching mode:sad:. This is so frustrating...