The Weather...L.A. vs. CHICAGO....

-8 here today in Chicago. I keep my hair the a braid out. I think our bodies/hair becomes accustomed to the climate we live I haven't had anything happen. No freezing hair...etc.

with that said, I wouldn't want to live any place else. I love to have change of seasons personally (we have a hot summer, snow, fall, it). I travel when I want to experience different climates when I am tired of the cold in the winter.
I had coconut oil in my hair on New year's eve and was standing outside and my hair froze stiff


I was just laughing at it and letting my fam feel it, it went right back away when I went inside
I usually wear a wig around this time of the year. The cold weather plus the wind can wreck a good hairstyle.

Just like you in the warm dry weather, moisture is the key in the cold weather.

Send some of that sunshine to us please!!!
Yea, My whole family is here. I can understand. My mother in law lives in Missouri... and I have told here many times- that I will NEVER leave LA.[/quote]

My family is deeply rooted here (around 100 years), so I don't need to live anywhere else.:yep: This is the only life I know. However, I visited many major cities repeatedly and abroad, and I now understand why so many people come here to live. Incidentally, the pros outweigh the cons.
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I live in Chicago, we have a bitter cold snap going on now. But I live on the lake or in it. The beach is my backyard. So it's VERY windy on the east side. I make sure that I wrap my hair in a silk scarf first then I put on my knit hat. My regimen is the same except I wash twice a week instead of 3x like in the summer. I only go outside when I have to. I wish I was in California now.
hey ya'll cali ladies lets all go to malibu this weekend

*I'm joining in the rubbing it in team*


there will be room at the inn because I'll be at the beach :lachen:

You make me sick! :angry2: My beach is covered in snow and lake is damn near frozen solid at the shoreline.
I live in Chicago near the lake as well and I work downtown right off the lake as well. I am fortunate as to not spend too much time outside. I have a parking spot right outside of my back door AND I park in garage right across the street from work. I stay away from the blow dryers and flat irons as it is and have just been using my curlformers and roller wrapping my hair.
I have noticed that my hair is particularly dry, so I am upping my water consumption, using a nighttime moisturizer and really carefully handling my hair.
I live in Iowa but from the Chi. Here the windchill hit -41 and our kids have been out of school for 3 days. The weather is so cold it turns the school buses to a gel like substance. I got off work Wednesday morning when the windchill was about -38 and by the time I had driven 5 miles from work w/ 25 more to go b/f I hit home, my feet were stinging. Anyway, I don't cowash as i do in summer but I try to when I don't have to work and just blow dry/ air dry. My hair is dry but, I'm moisturizing more and I wrap it when going out (for work), and wrap w/ satin scarf and wear hood. It's in way better shape b/f LHCF! :grin:
I live in Iowa but from the Chi. Here the windchill hit -41 and our kids have been out of school for 3 days. The weather is so cold it turns the school buses to a gel like substance.

That is sooooooo funny!!

Samanthajones, this is not a very nice thing to do to us cold people. You're making me want to move to Cali.
i haven't been doing wash and gos this winter so far or cowashes. i have been keeping my hair twisted and i wash once a week. i wear a satin scarf under my hat and i moisturize like crazy.
This is a good thread - I was born in NJ I moved to LA. Now back on the east coast (SC) I can't remember what the heck I use to do in the winter because it's so different. LA dry all year and hard *** water - horrible. Keep talking I'm taking notes - no coconut oil ... Do you change your deep con in the winter months?
OUCH!!! They show us the weather here, and I am like - "WHA??????????"

I would never make it there. I live in Flip flops.... about 11 months out the year....But - here are the drawbacks of LA......

TRAFFIC... NO Matter WHAT.:rolleyes:

WATER RATIONING....AGAIN. Californina is mostly desert. No Rain, and No Damn Water.....:rolleyes:

FIRE DANGER...ALL the TIME - because it is so dry.

Sam, don't forget about our wonderful earthquakes!
i want to live in cali, im from n.o. so i love warm weather, but in in chicago now I just started geting accoustomed to the weather until the past two days when the wind chill was below 30, its so crazy don't make no sense, i've been using coconut oil everyday with shea butter on my hair and skin has not been drying out lately when i use that, but i just wear a bun everyday and the coconut oil freezes my hair stiff everytime i go outside...
I'm in Ohio and it has been brutally cold :ohwell:. The crazy thing is I've been doing wash n go's every night, wearing my SouthernTease bun during the day. I wash, dc and rollerset once a week then cowash 4x. I'll get under my soft bonnet dryer before bed to make sure my scalp is dry.

I just feel my curly hair saturated with butters and oil can withstand the harsh temps better than my loose rollerset :look:
I love this thread! I just moved from Chicago (South Suburbs) last April to LA so this is my first winter away from the cold:woot: The winters in Chicago leave my hair dry and the wind wouldn't help the matter. I was a lurker on the board back then so I didn't know much about ways to protect my hair from the bitter cold. During the summer in Chicago I would hate how humidity would cause my hair to stay flat. I walked everyday from the Metra stop on Michigan Ave/Jackson to Clinton to work and no matter what style my hair was in on Michigan, it was flat by the time I got to Clinton. Since LA weather is dry I can maintain my styles much better than I could in Chicago and actually can't imagine transitioning in Chicago because I sweat in my hair. Since I keep my hair moisturized because I am transitioning I haven't noticed how LA weather has effected my hair aside from not having to worry about sweating in my hair or my curls falling flat.
WOW..... Yea... I will live in LA forever. I am a native.... and I can't live without the beach, or a movie star :love: or two.....

By the way this LA weather has spoiled me, I love and miss Chicago but don't think I will ever move back. Last winter Chicago's winter kicked my butt, I was on crutches from foot surgery and miserable! Imagine trying to walk with crutches and having to deal with ice, huge piles of snow and below 0 weather. My coworkers here in Cali used to think I was over exaggerating when I would tell them how in Chicago it would get below 0 not counting the wind chill, so now that it's freezing out there they are all amazed and asking me questions about what it's like lol.