Wearing "No Heat" Styles Causes My Natural Hair to Break Off!!!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I've come to the conclusion that wearing "no heat" styles cause my natural hair to break off. I have 4a/b tightly coiled hair texture. Last year, I went back and forth between wearing my hair straightened and wearing my hair in natural styles. I kept thinking it was heat usage that was keeping me from retaining length, but now I think otherwise. I've noticed that when I wear my hair straightened, I do not get breakage.

When I wear my hair in natural styles -- whether it's a bun, twistout, puff, etc. -- I get breakage along with all types of splits and single strand knots. Every time I would see broken hair ends in my sink, I would feel so discouraged. I would try to pass it off as normal breakage in my mind, but I still felt like it was keeping me away from my goal length. I've been armpit length forever!!! For the New Year, I was planning on staying away from heat, but my hair was still breaking off while avoiding heat since November 2010. I would moisturize my hair and everything!

I also feel like certain products have something to do with breakage too. I use more products when my hair is in it's natural state. When my hair is straightened, I only use grease and/or oil. When my hair is in it's natural state, I'll use moisturizer, creams, oils, grease, and conditioners to either moisturize or style it a certain way.

So this year, I've changed my mind... I think I'm just going to keep my natural hair straightened. This will be less manipulation on my hair and less use of products. I feel like this may be the best thing for my hair right now. I have natural hair but I like straightened hair as well. I just stopped relaxing because I hate the burn and smell of relaxers. So I'm hoping this will work for me.

Anyone else feel this way about natural hair?
I agree completely. My hair needs to stay as stretched as possible in order for it not to tangle or get dry at the ends. For years ive tried to do low manipulation and have my hair in full head weaves... but my hair does NOT grow best like that. It seems that the month or so in between weaves were i have it flat ironed is when my hair would almost try to catch up and grow like crazy.
Even trying to keep my natural hair as stretched out as possible wasn't good for my hair either. My hair just loves to shrink up. When doing twistouts, I have to re-twist at night. Re-twisting at night was too much manipulation. Adding more product to keep my hair moisturized and/or smooth was too much for my hair. I avoided using a comb and brush too and still had breakage and splits. Ugh!
Are you sure that it's not just that the splits are more apparent when your hair is natural? I only recently started having problems with split ends and it started in relation to straightening my hair more. And it wasn't immediate. It took months. So I'm just wondering if in your case it might be that the damage is done from the heat but you don't notice it until your hair is natural. Also, I don't know if you blow dry your hair, but I think that might cause the breakage to be less noticeable because the pieces would break off onto the floor when you blowdry. (Not trying to disregard your observations, just giving alternative interpretations.) Either way, I hope the changes you make help with your hair growth.
I agree with the op. That's why I rollerset every week. I wear the rollerset for 1-2 days, wear a bun 1-5 days and maybe will turn it into a braid out for the weekend.
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I have decided to do the same so I'll be watching your progress. I did twists almost all the time over 5 years and those knots and splits would still appear. I got my hair straightened my hair for the first time last year for about four months and even the stylist was like you don't need a trim when I asked at the end of the four months. But I quit due to summer coming up and wanting to protective style and when I straightened in late December, I had lots of knots and splits again which I cut off. Also I think wet bunning thinned out my nape area. So I'm going to try to keep it straight to see if I retain better.

By the way Poohbear thanks for the ultra sheen pressing creme review. I bought some this weekend and was very pleased with my diy flat iron job though I'll use less in the future. Even though I think I used too much, my hair isn't weighed down.
I'm more of a lurker, but I just wanted to say I love your hair! I checked your fotki because our hair kind of looked alike, and we are having some of the same issues and conclusions. You are not alone. My hair has a very strong and tight curl pattern, so keeping it stretched via twistouts proved fruitless--the hair would shrink and revert back to it's natural pattern within an hour. And keeping it stretched this way was a lot of manipulation, caused single strand knots, breakage, u name it. And my hair is too thin to wear twists as a style (they'd shrink to thumblength anyway)

I tried no heat for two years, until September of 2010; then I changed it up out of desperation. I really wanted to get past APL length and my faithful wash-n-go clearly wasn't working anymore. I'm not sure whether my hair is getting longer since I protective style my flat ironed hair all the time and I suffer from hairexia (haha), but boy there is WAY less breakage.

So I'm with you, and just might be experimenting with heat too to see if I can make BSL and beyond. I'm waiting until the end of this month to really see if I have progressed since September (hair should be at least an inch and half longer) If it has, then I'm keep heat in the regimen :) Not sure I'll always flat iron, but I will at least blowdry and throw some rods in it.
Are you sure that it's not just that the splits are more apparent when your hair is natural? I only recently started having problems with split ends and it started in relation to straightening my hair more. And it wasn't immediate. It took months. So I'm just wondering if in your case it might be that the damage is done from the heat but you don't notice it until your hair is natural. Also, I don't know if you blow dry your hair, but I think that might cause the breakage to be less noticeable because the pieces would break off onto the floor when you blowdry. (Not trying to disregard your observations, just giving alternative interpretations.) Either way, I hope the changes you make help with your hair growth.
Yes, I'm sure. This is why...

I used to have relaxed hair almost 6 years ago. My routine for my relaxed hair was shampoo, blowdry, and use curling irons with grease. Never EVER had split ends EVER with my relaxed hair. My hair always stayed straight and I never used moisturizers or anything. Now when I first started transitioning in 2004 and played with the idea of airdrying and different styles like braidouts, that's when I first started to notice breakage. Now when I went completely natural and did natural no-heat styles, I started noticing splits ends and knots and breakage from wearing my hair in its natural state. I feel like letting my hair stay in a kinked up texture and airdried causes my hair strands to split.

By the way, I've seen broken off hairs on the floor from blowdrying before, so I am aware about what happens during blowdrying. I would usually see this if I hadn't straightened my hair in a long time or did not properly detangle beforehand or wasn't gentle with my hair. However, I do not see that anymore now that I use a brush attachment instead of a comb attachment.
I'm 4b/a (fine strands, med density) and I'm trying to figure this out as well. Excessive (weekly) heat makes my hair limp and dry. So I started doing no heat but now I feel like I've starting to see more splits. :ohwell:

the plan was to do very little heat until I reach my length goal and then start straightening once a month or every other month. But I'm wondering if I need to reevalute that.
I'm 4b/a (fine strands, med density) and I'm trying to figure this out as well. Excessive (weekly) heat makes my hair limp and dry. So I started doing no heat but now I feel like I've starting to see more splits. :ohwell:

the plan was to do very little heat until I reach my length goal and then start straightening once a month or every other month. But I'm wondering if I need to reevalute that.
Oh, you used heat weekly? I would only use heat once a month. I also thought heat was causing my hair to look limp, but I think that is from my roots growing in since it's thicker than my ends. My hair has never felt dry from using heat though. My hair always stays soft after using heat and as long as it does not revert from either water or humidity.
I agree with you Poohbear and thank you for starting this thread. When I was relaxed I never had splits and I flat ironed weekly and I also colored my hair jet black with no issues.

As a natural I have more split-ends and SSK's due to wash n go's and allowing my hair to shrink up. I think that if you have the tightly textured hair you don't retain as much unless you are wearing strictly stretched styles and I just can't do twists 24/7 plus I still get SSK's with twists.

I am going to start straightening my hair more too.
I am doing something similar, as I've always liked to wear puff's and other natural styles. When I straightened this thanksgiving my ends had so many knots/splits:nono:. I did a trim of all those knots and commited myself to more stretched out styles.

So, I've been ponytail rollersetting after washing, so far so good. I pull it all back into a side bun or some other pinned up style.

I also started to pre poo using aloevera/olive oil, and then go back with coconut oil (there's a long thread on this) and I've lost waaayy less hair.
I'm starting to think this may be the case with me as well, Pooh Bear... I love your hair by the way! And like the PP I STALKED your fotki cause I believe we may have similar textures but chile I barely know anything about it so who knows...:lachen::look:

Anyway, I've decided to become a roller setter like Charz :yep:and see where that will get me... But I have learned the OH so hard way.. My hair MUST remained stretched out. And so far a little bit of heat has been working as well as braid outs!
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Oh, you used heat weekly? I would only use heat once a month. I also thought heat was causing my hair to look limp, but I think that is from my roots growing in since it's thicker than my ends. My hair has never felt dry from using heat though. My hair always stays soft after using heat and as long as it does not revert from either water or humidity.

Oh, my! I use heat weekly as well!

Are you only washing once per month? Or are you wearing no heat styles some weeks and then using heat the other week/weeks?

And to address your post, LOL, my hair also does better with heat! :grin:
I am doing something similar, as I've always liked to wear puff's and other natural styles. When I straightened this thanksgiving my ends had so many knots/splits:nono:. I did a trim of all those knots and commited myself to more stretched out styles.

So, I've been ponytail rollersetting after washing, so far so good. I pull it all back into a side bun or some other pinned up style.

I also started to pre poo using aloevera/olive oil, and then go back with coconut oil (there's a long thread on this) and I've lost waaayy less hair.[/QUOTE]

Can you direct us to this thread? :grin:
I am doing something similar, as I've always liked to wear puff's and other natural styles. When I straightened this thanksgiving my ends had so many knots/splits:nono:. I did a trim of all those knots and commited myself to more stretched out styles.

So, I've been ponytail rollersetting after washing, so far so good. I pull it all back into a side bun or some other pinned up style.

I also started to pre poo using aloevera/olive oil, and then go back with coconut oil (there's a long thread on this) and I've lost waaayy less hair.[/QUOTE]

Can you direct us to this thread? :grin:


This really changing my hair, it melts my tangles. I let it sit at least 30mins.

I use the exact recipe in the OP.
Its hard to keep my curly hair properly moisturized, so i opt for straight hair the majority of the year. Ive retained more length this way.
Oh, my! I use heat weekly as well!

Are you only washing once per month? Or are you wearing no heat styles some weeks and then using heat the other week/weeks?

And to address your post, LOL, my hair also does better with heat! :grin:

Yes, I wash my hair once a month as well. There have been times where I have switched to wearing natural styles before washing but that's only if my hair reverted.

By the way, how is the weekly heat use working for you? How long is your hair?
Same here. I don't need to full on heat or straightening all the way per se, but when I cowash my hair, add a leave in conditioner, seal with grapeseed, THEN lightly blow dry. My hair stays soft. It's just the way it is. My hair has never been nearly as soft as it is when a little heat has been added, whether it's just a slight blow dry or a full on straighten. I can get some what soft hair without heat but it's not the same. It's like the heat helps to fuse the moisture in or something. There's probably some science behind this that I don't understand.
Hey Poo! I don't necessarily agree with your approach for MY hair, but I like how you started your post with "I've come to the conclusion....". This indicates that you've carefully examined the details and facts relating to your dilemna, and have drawn what you deem is a reasonable conclusion. Who am I to disagree with that type of analysis? lol

And for the record, you are definitely NOT APL :nono: I'm not sure who told you that lie. I see BSB and just an inch or 2 (at most) from BSL. Gorgeous hair btw :yep:
I've also seen several posts (not here, just in random threads on LHCF) where I see ladies getting rough ends from straightening. I used to back when I first attempted to flat-iron my hair a few years ago, but not anymore. I get smooth ends from flat-ironing. I think keeping my ends smoothed out and straightened will keep them from breaking and splitting.
I actually liked my hair when it was being flat ironed but I lost a lot of my natural curl patternn *heat trained/damage?* so I've decided to give up heat until I reach my goal of APL but I am sooooooo tempted to flat iron because then I dont have to do anything but wrap or pincurl it up at night. *sigh* And i can leave my hair alone for two weeks before washing and restyling.

ETA I wholeheartedly agree with you ladies about split ends with natural hair, i dont get knots, I dont even know what they look like in person so idk about that part.
Hey Poo! I don't necessarily agree with your approach for MY hair, but I like how you started your post with "I've come to the conclusion....". This indicates that you've carefully examined the details and facts relating to your dilemna, and have drawn what you deem is a reasonable conclusion. Who am I to disagree with that type of analysis? lol

And for the record, you are definitely NOT APL :nono: I'm not sure who told you that lie. I see BSB and just an inch or 2 (at most) from BSL. Gorgeous hair btw :yep:

No problem. ;) I know heat does not work for everyone. I've just been experimenting my natural hair for the past 6 years almost. I think that's a good amount of time to tell what my hair really wants/needs... I hope because this is getting ridiculous. :pullhair:

Thanks, but I am APL. I guess my eyes are lying to me. lol. I just straightened my hair today and it's the same length. I want to be able to straighten my hair where it will all lay out at BSL... not just a little section in the back of my head that I have to stretch even when straightened.
Its hard to keep my curly hair properly moisturized, so i opt for straight hair the majority of the year. Ive retained more length this way.
Your hair is pretty in your signature! I haven't seen your hair straightened in a while. And congrats on reaching BSL. Can't wait to see you with WL!
Oh goodness....this scares me. I do not want to be a heat straightened natural. Time to get a plan together.
I have to cosign with you poohbear and all the other naturalistas on here. I've been natural for 7 years and still trying to figure out how to win over the single strand knots. I never had that problem when I was relaxed or when my hair was blown out every week.

However I have retained more length with natural hair. With my hair I notice that when I do twist or braid outs I dont retain much length. If I wear it in buns or protective styles I retain more length. This winter I've been wearing wigs and I notice my hair has retained more length because I left it alone.
I think you definitely have a point. I notice that I have a lot less breakage, shedding but not splits when I straighten my hair. However i get less splits & ssk when i bun with a heavy, butter based product only. I cant use gels or lotion or light creamy moisturizers because they do next to nothing. Water and aloe vera juice are the best things for moisture then I need something heavy. It's definitely frustrating because i went natural cause i thought it would be a little more simple but i'm finding that is not the case.

Anyways, please update on how your new reggie is working for you.
I think if you're wearing your hair out, then this might be one way to keep it from tangles and knots that lead to breakage.

I personally am too lazy to be dealing with my hair on a daily basis so like to keep it locked in some braids or twists. For about 3 weeks now, I haven't spent a minute on my hair before coming to work. Not even to style my twists. That's my idea of heaven on earth: being able to afford to be lazy and not damage your hair in the process. :lol:
OP, you read my mind and hair situation perfectly. I was trying to stay away from heat this year but I can't keep my hair moisturized in it's natural state. I would have to con wash or wet my hair daily just to be able to run my fingers through let alone comb and style it. I see so much more breakage this way not to mention the extra money I spend for products to keep it moisturized.

I straighten it the other day and all I have to do is put some oil on it once, put it in a bun and go.
OMG yes! I am still very new to this, but I feel the same way already. As a result, I straighten my hair every 7-10 days. I will be subscribing to this thread.