
New Member
Ladies, the LHCF is in need of sponsors and needs your help.

Most of us enjoy logging on daily to chat and interact with other members about hair, health and other topics, however in order for us to continue enjoying doing so we need to have sponsors support our site.

By sponsors we mean companies in the beauty and hair industry who would benefit from advertising on our site. Ex: Motions, Nexxus, Elucence, etc.

We are asking members of the LHCF family to help us find sponsors for our site.

Some of you may be connected to these industries and would be in a unique position to help us. For members helping us to secure advertising contracts for the forum, they will receive $100 for each company that sponsors us and pays the first month of advertising fees.

It takes time and dedication to run this forum, not to mention money. If we cannot find sponsors to help support this site, we can't say for sure how much longer we'll be able to keep the forum going.

Please help us to keep the site open!

If you can be of assitance to us, please contact Beverly by sending her a pm or by email @ [email protected].

Thank-you ladies!
I am not affiliated with anyone in the hair care industry, however, I will ask around. I am willing to help out in anyway that I can. I have gained a lot of information from this forum and I would like to give back. Let me know what I can personally do.
I guess it would be easier to charge some type of fee to use the site. The disadvantage to that is that you would lose some posters. One of my fashion accessories sites did that and I admit that I didn't want pay to discuss fashion accessories. I am sure a lot of people would pay to discuss hair. I'm on the fence.
I challenge each and every member of this forum to go the the post office or grocery store and send $5.00, just $5.00, to the LHCF between now and the end of October.
(You can send more of course, but imagine if all of us just sent $5.00 how much $$$$$$$ that would be for this wonderful site.c
What happened to Kemi Oyl and that curly haired company? I have to admit, I never bought anything from those sites or even considered it. I donated $25 a few months ago and that is such a tiny price to pay for this site. It is worth so much more. I am also for the member donations. Some pay sites are just more worth it than others. I agree we would lose membership but we owe it to Bev. She has done so much. It is the least we could do.
debyjay said:
I'd like to help also, would simple donations from members help too?

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Yes, donations are always appreciated. We do have a link availabe for members to use on the Entrance page of the forum.
Bett1e said:
I guess it would be easier to charge some type of fee to use the site. The disadvantage to that is that you would lose some posters. One of my fashion accessories sites did that and I admit that I didn't want pay to discuss fashion accessories. I am sure a lot of people would pay to discuss hair. I'm on the fence.

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From what I can deduce, Beverly would rather not see this forum become a pay-site, not yet anyway. This happened to another forum she was a member of some time ago, and she didn't really like it. That's why she would rather have company sponsors for this site. These companies would have the benefit of being able to advertise and sell their products on our forum and at the same time, members could continue to enjoy the information and entertainment they get just from logging on without having to pay a membership fee.

Now, if it gets to the point where we're really facing eminent shut down, I guess as a last resort, we should consider becoming a pay-site, but hopefully that won't need to happen.
Serei said:
What happened to Kemi Oyl and that curly haired company? I have to admit, I never bought anything from those sites or even considered it. I donated $25 a few months ago and that is such a tiny price to pay for this site. It is worth so much more. I am also for the member donations. Some pay sites are just more worth it than others. I agree we would lose membership but we owe it to Bev. She has done so much. It is the least we could do.

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I'm not exactly sure what the original arrangement was with those two companies. Their contract time may have just expired. I agree that Beverly has done a lot to get this site up and to keep it running smoothly. One of her greatest finds was most definately Nikos. Talk about sent from above...
I don't know what we would do without him here.

If we have to become a pay-site, let that be the our last resort. I wouldn't have a problem paying to use this site, not at all, but I understand that may not be the case for everyone here and we would rather avoid that. I'd like to see all of our members stay with us. It would be a shame to lose some members just because they had to pay and couldn't or wouldn't meet the fee.
MissB said:
Who are our current sponsors?

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We did have two sponsors but currently we have none.
i agree with the donation from members and will be sending one by the end of the month of october...and if it becomes a pay site..then i will definitely be paying.....i love this site!!!!
How can people not connected to the hair industry help? Can we send e-mails to websites asking? How do we go about doing this? I know this sounds bad, but a pay site isn't all that bad, it would definately keep out trolls.

I mean, I've paid for fotki, and that's just to store pictures, I've paid on this site a loooooong time ago, but I'd do it again.
skegeesmb said:
How can people not connected to the hair industry help? Can we send e-mails to websites asking? How do we go about doing this? I know this sounds bad, but a pay site isn't all that bad, it would definately keep out trolls.

I mean, I've paid for fotki, and that's just to store pictures, I've paid on this site a loooooong time ago, but I'd do it again.

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You can definately send emails to websites. Any way you can get them to listen to you would be great. If they need more detailed iformation, Beverly does have a media kit ready. Any site that would profit by advertising with us would help. It could be a site that sells oils, make-up, etc.

And I agree that a pay-site would definately solve the problem of those occasional trolls that come through here.
IMO I don't think people would pay the membership fees if this became a paysite. I think people will seek out other free hair care boards but thats just my opinion. I to loove this site and would hate to see it go but I just dont see myself paying for hair care advice...sorry but just keeping it real. My vote is to have sponsors and donations
Short of corporate sponsors, how much of a donation would be recommended for Forum participants?

Since we benefit so greatly, perhaps we each should pony up a few dollars.

Would it be possible to collect donations from all current members who are willing to pay and then require new members to pay a fee? I'm sure we would get more membership than we expect.
Well guys...so far I have contacted:

pantene relaxed and natural
aubrey organics
hair energizer

I have tried to contact softsheen-carson but there is no email address...I will write a snail mail letter.
Also I am trying to contact organic root stimulator but there webpage is not working for me.

If I get a positive reply (crossing my fingers) then should I forward them onto beverly or pebbles?
And I agree that a pay-site would definately solve the problem of those occasional trolls that come through here.

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I agree. Trim the fat.
I have no problem paying to access this site. I wasted countless dollars on hair mags over the years.
The info on this site is stuff that actually works!
Jeez guys, for some reason I'm feeling a lil sad. I don't want to think of life without this site. Right this moment my mom is sitting under the dryer and just told my that my hair is past the length I told her I was aiming for! That is most definitely because of LHCF. I will be sending a money order because that's the only direct way I can help. Much love.
Would affiliates help at all? I had mentioned this a while ago to Beverly. There are a host of sites where you [LHCF] can simply sign up to be affiliated and reap the rewards when people here purchase. Aubrey Organics is such a site, just like VitaminShoppe.com.

I am willing to send a donation by the end of October AND pay an annual fee of at least $5.00 for this site to remain!

Twenti9 said:
IMO I don't think people would pay the membership fees if this became a paysite. I think people will seek out other free hair care boards but thats just my opinion. I to loove this site and would hate to see it go but I just dont see myself paying for hair care advice...sorry but just keeping it real. My vote is to have sponsors and donations

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While I can understand that there would be those, such as yourself, who would not be willing to pay to use the site, I also know for sure that there are many us who would gladly pay a membership fee to see this forum continue. I've visited a host of hair care sites. Call me biased, by I don't think any of them compares to the LHCF.

Understand that this is NOT about turning this forum into a pay-site. Again, that would be a last option and I'm not sure if Beverly would even be willing to entertain that idea. What we are looking for is sponsors to help support the running of this site. That's the main objective for now.
northernbelle said:
Short of corporate sponsors, how much of a donation would be recommended for Forum participants?

Since we benefit so greatly, perhaps we each should pony up a few dollars.


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There is no set amount to donate to the forum. Any amount you want to donate is always greatly appreciated.
Serei said:
Would it be possible to collect donations from all current members who are willing to pay and then require new members to pay a fee? I'm sure we would get more membership than we expect.

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Hmmm, never considered that.
I'd have to run that by Beverly.
asha said:

If I get a positive reply (crossing my fingers) then should I forward them onto beverly or pebbles?

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Yes, forward the info to us.
sassygirl125 said:
And I agree that a pay-site would definately solve the problem of those occasional trolls that come through here.

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I agree. Trim the fat.
I have no problem paying to access this site. I wasted countless dollars on hair mags over the years.
The info on this site is stuff that actually works!

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See Sassy, you're my girl!!
We're definately on the same page.
debyjay said:
Jeez guys, for some reason I'm feeling a lil sad. I don't want to think of life without this site. Right this moment my mom is sitting under the dryer and just told my that my hair is past the length I told her I was aiming for! That is most definitely because of LHCF. I will be sending a money order because that's the only direct way I can help. Much love.

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That's so nice to hear.