Jade21 said:
Would affiliates help at all? I had mentioned this a while ago to Beverly. There are a host of sites where you [LHCF] can simply sign up to be affiliated and reap the rewards when people here purchase. Aubrey Organics is such a site, just like VitaminShoppe.com.

I am willing to send a donation by the end of October AND pay an annual fee of at least $5.00 for this site to remain!


[/ QUOTE ]

That's a great idea. Beverly may have forgotten about that. She's been so busy lately. Run that by her again and I'll talk to her about it too.
prettyblac said:
My donation is on it's way! you know I have your back!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, prettyblac. That's very much appreciated!
I sent a note to Puritan's Pride. I ordered from them based on notes I read on this site. Anyone else we can send e-mail to?
This is the best haircare website on the internet.
I have no problem making a donation or paying a fee.
Thanks Asha, and everyone for the help

This site would never become a pay site. And to keep it real as Twenti9 was if it doesn't get supported finacially, the site will eventually go away. It takes a lot of time to manage memberships and fees, and this isn't my full time job, if it were I would actually be in trouble
. I started this site based on the love of my hobby healthy hair care and it does take time energy and money to keep it going. So lets all try to get busy and see what we can come up with
I think we are going about it wrong. I will discuss with Beverly in more detail. I have a background in Sales/Marketing and Communication. So a strategic marketing plan needs to be in place to successfully get some of the bigger advertisers. I also agree that members should seriously consider making donations. I think it should be an open policy not mandatory contributions. I gave last year at the LCHF meeting. I will give again this year. If you enjoy the site and won't to continue it than donate what you can. Donate five bucks or donate more.

Your expertise puts you in a unique position to help us. Beverly does have a media kit prepared, but if you have a better plan of action, please don't hesitate to make it known to Beverly. Your help and input would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi Jasmin,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

The address you can use for now is:

Long Hair Care Forum
P.O. Box 11795
Alexandria, VA 22312

This address is good up until December 25, 2003. After that we'll make other arrangements. Thanks!!
My donation is on the way as well. I value this site too much to see it disappear.

I haven't posted in a while, but my donation will be on it's way.
Beverly, do you think that donations would be enough to help keep this site going? I have no idea how much it takes to keep this site going, but I do hope it stays around for a very long time, we appreciate all the work you've done.
Have you looked into possibly moving the site if necessary to one of those advertisement based free hosting sites? Maybe one of the Ezboard type formats?
Hi EmeraldSky,

I'm not Beverly, but let me see if I can answer some of your questions for you.

Donations would be enough to keep the site going if they were consistent. Since they are not, we have to look to company sponsors to support us. We are going to do our best to keep the site going, but it takes a lot of time, money and dedication to do so. I don't think that Beverly would want to move to an advertisement based free hosting site at this point. I don't imagine she would want an EZboard format after the current one that we enjoy now.
Do you need someone to host the message boards for free? I can do that if you need it. I already run several sites and have the bandwitdh.
Hi Everyone, thanks for the ideas. Actually, when we first started this site, it was on a free site like ezboards, then I gradually moved up to different hosting companies (because of the demand placed on the site). People were getting error messages like "The server is too busy". The free boards did not hold for long, because the connections per second that we needed wasn't enough on the free discussion boards, and even on some of the paid sites. Nikos and I have actually moved this site about 5 times to because of the bandwith and the connection per second needs. I appreciate all donations that I have recieved so far
For all of you who make donations via paypal, please don't forget to note your user name, so that I will know who you are, Bev
My donation is on its way!I love this site and I owe my healthy hair to it!
Could someone send me the note (s) that they have sent to other companies? I will send them to anyone who will listen. I can't live without this site!
Man, being w/o the site the last couple of days was horrible. I'm sending a money order this weekend. Plus, it's been on my to do list anyways.
I will be sending my payment this weekend. I thought I was going to die (my friend told me I'm a hairboard junkie) without this site for those few days. I had to actually... gulp... do WORK!!!
I have a suggestion. How about each member and any intending registrar paying say $50 as a life time payment and or $10 a month for those who want to go the monthly route. $40 for every three months for those who don't want to take advantage of the life time payment opportunity?
It's just a suggestion. I'll check back to see what y'all think.
Pax Domini
I would love to help. But when I contact these companies, who should I refer them to--would that be yourself? And how would you like them to contact you, by email, phone, fax... is there a form you'd like them to fill out? Is there a link about becoming a sponsor that I can email to them so they have the info? (i.e. sponsor fees)

I'm ready to help, I just want to do it the right way so the other party is informed and interested.
Hello Ladies,

If you contact a company and they would like to get more information on advertising on this forum, please refer them to either:

Nikos at [email protected] or to
Beverly at [email protected]

Either one of them will make sure that the right person(s) receives the LHCF Media Kit.
