we cant add subtract or multiply the hairs


New Member
on our head , yet we let it divide us.

this is something i wrote and shared on many hair groups, hope its ok to share it here too.....

To my natural sistah's (from your relaxed sistah)

So, you think im tryin to conform? when all ive ever known is
this to be the norm. you say im trying to be something that im not, when my hair will never make who i am whether it's straight, kinky, or bought , you cut your eyes at me ova my 'do when you were once in the very same shoes. so i apply this creamy stuff to make my hair straight, but you act is if your kinks gave you a pass through heaven's gate? why do you put me up under this kind of pressure? and act as though because you now have naps you are now up to measure? you say you are so enlightened, but it seems to me as though you just might be somewhat frightened. are you scared you will face the temptation to straighten out the kinks again? do you project that fear unto me distorted and full of disdain? i wish i could show you that just because my
hair is straight doesnt mean i cant relate to your pain. you say my
ignorance runs deep, as though because my hair is straight i must have no sense, my sistah have you forgotten when you were on this side of the fence? you look your nose down on me now that you have naps growing freely from your head, when really you should be concerned about the kinks in your heart instead.

To my relaxed sistah's (from your natural sistah)

So you say you can relate to my pain? no i dont think you can, not
till you have worn an all natural mane. you see, there is no pain like
this, when your very own people ignorantly diss what our hair really is. yes i feel enlightened and free to be me, and yes , maybe i am a little
frightened of what my nappy experience will be. you see, i feel the
pressure every single day , to once again make my hair lay down, i just dont want to give in and lose this freedom that i have found. no my naps wont give me ticket through heavens gate, but i have a new love for what God made me instead of living with self hate. I no longer damage and abuse the hair God gave me just to fit in, im no longer in bondage to white people's greatest sin. The promotion of self hate within us to oppress and degrade us, as though we are not acceptable the way the creator made us. I may come off as though i think im better than you, but my sistah that is so not true, it's about so much more than just your 'do. Maybe i dont say it right, but really we are all in the same fight and all i want is to share my insight. your acting as though your so righteous because you feel slighted, maybe you as well are somewhat frightened. Why do my naps cause you distress? when you have the same thing coming from your head under that chemical mess? you fit in with
those you choose cause your hair looks like theirs, and turn your back on me when im your real reflection, you can straighten your naps all you want to, but its the kinks in your heart that need inspection.

To all sistah's (from God)

I count the hairs on all of my children's heads. My word does not say
"I count the hair on a relaxed head" nor does my word say " I only
count the hairs of a natural head" It is I that count the hair on my
children's heads. Do not make it your job to count the hair on your
sister's head! It is I that count them and it is I that formed them! YOU CANNOT ADD
i desire the peace, happiness and joy in the hearts of all my children and
this strife amongst you saddens me greatly. for it is my purpose for you to unite and walk in love not division.
I say unto you before you check your hair in
the mirror to see whether it is perfectly straight or perfectly natural ,
i tell you to to check to see if your heart is perfectly straight AND
natural before me first. and before you look at the condtion and state of the hair of your sister, I tell you to look at the condtion and state of your own heart first. for the hair on on your head and the head of you sister's is but a small matter in my sight.

Do not bother to straighten your hair to fit into this world or to be
accepted by it , while your heart is not straightened out and you dont
accept your very own sister in love...I say to you , you will surely then not fit in with me, nor shall you be accepted by me, nor fullfill my purpose for you. what you call the path of least resistance, i call the path of fools, when you resist walking in love for others.

Do not bother to wear your hair natural and untainted with chemicals
as you have said in your heart "to be as i made you" and not walk in love
towards your very own sister , then i say to you, it is then that your
heart shall surely be tainted in my sight, and you will then surely not "be as i made you" what you call the path of enlightenment i call the path of
darkness, if you are not enlightened enough to walk in love for others.

I know the pain of all of your hearts and i know all the tears shed by
all of my children and all the pain inflicted on you and the division that
has been caused amongst you, surely i say unto you those people will be held accoutable for every action and deed before me. but you will not be able to come before me and say "Lord but my sister did not love me due to the chemical or lack of a chemical in my hair, and Lord this is why did not walk in love towards her in return" for i tell you she will be held accountable for herself and you will have your own accountability unto me.

We cant add, subtract or mulitply the hairs on our head, yet we let it
divide us

written by, Iris on 10/25/03 ,
[email protected]
Last edited:
I have no words...

Nothing can express the truth...better than you have already said it...

I applaud your words.
This is nice--I certainly don't think our hair is worth any kind of quarreling or divisiveness. I mean, hair is important, but as I've said before "It's just hair." I'm more than supportive of my sistas hair decisions whatever they may be--but more than that--I'm supportive of them beyond the hair
Irresistible said:
I say unto you before you check your hair in
the mirror to see whether it is perfectly straight or perfectly natural ,
i tell you to to check to see if your heart is perfectly straight AND
natural before me first.

[/ QUOTE ]

AMEN! Thanks for sharing this, Irrisistable.
Very nice Irresistible! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your creative expressions very much.
this is great irresistible
this EXACT experience is why i love being a member of LHCF so much. i have had not so positive experiences on other message boards, and was scared when i first came here for fear of the same kind of devisive atmosphere (permies against the naturals). i love the fact that the ladies here are in large part open to the beauty of our hair in all its forms. We are lucky to be able to have these decisions to make. what if we woke up one day and could no longer choose how we wanted to wear our hair??? i don't care what people may say about "society makes me this way or that" what if YOU really didn't have the choice???? to me this is what makes our beauty so expansive--the choices we have
i love being a black woman
Personally, I never even knew issues existed between relaxed hair and natural hair until I visited hair boards. It never entered my mind that there could/should be yet another division between us. This should be a place for us to come and get away from the negative stereotypes. I deal with enough garbage on the job, and just day-to-day living, so it's nice to come here to kinda unwind and have genuine comraderie with you guys. It's good to learn from you and hopefully someone can learn from me. I hope the debate on relaxed hair vs. natural never comes up again.