
Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
The Spirit of the World

I have an honest question for those who consider themselves Christians. Can anything good come from the world?

This is a serious question; not a rhetorical one. I am not asking for some knee-jerk response. Really consider this question as well as your own response to it.

Do you personally believe that it is possible for the world to produce any good thing? Can anything that the world generates be modified and repackaged to make it acceptable to God and safe for His people? Is it "normal", "okay", and "just a part of life" to have some attachment to the things of the world?

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For ALL that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."
I John 2:16

Look at the Scripture above. Does God really mean that ALL which is in the world is not of the Father? Aren't there even some things of the world that are okay?

I often get these types of questions/comments. What type of music is okay to listen to? What movies are okay to see? Shouldn't we be trying to win over the political, economic, and educational systems for God? How are we supposed to live down here, because we are still in the world and we cannot be hermits? It is only natural for us to partake in the things of the world. Plus, I like certain artists, certain songs, certain shows. How are we to reach the lost if we remove ourselves from everything?

My only response is for us to look at what God has to say. It is not a matter of personal preferences or opinions. What does God say about the world and a Christian's relationship to it?

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." James 4:4

This is very strong language. God is not just displeased or disappointed when we befriend the world. We make ourselves His enemy.

Can one be the friend of God and His enemy at the same time? Can you join with the world and at the same time be joined to God? According to the word of God such is not possible. Yet, many will tell you that you must embrace the world in order to fully do the will of God. They claim that the causes of the world are the causes of God.

They even claim that the degree to which you serve the world is the evidence to whether you really know God. It is this type of perverted thinking that allows the world to hold up individuals such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie as examples of the best of humanity, while their lives of debauchery, adultery, and sexual perversion are ignored as of no consequence. The world's definition of godliness is based on a perverted Gospel and exalts a false "god" of humanism that glories in man and attempts to eradicate any knowledge of the True & Living God.

One example is the "We Are the World" initiative for Africa and its remake "We Are The World: 25 for Haiti" as a relief effort for Haiti.

This version features Producers Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie, Wyclef Jean, Rickey Minor, and RedOne as well as the musical talents of Carlos Santana, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Sugarland, Adam Levine, Jason Mraz, Earth Wind & Fire, Natalie Cole, The Jonas Brothers, T-Pain, Justin Bieber, Nicole Scherzinger, India Arie, Mary Mary, Bebe Winans, Gladys Knight, Keir Hilson, Joel & Benji Madden, Heart, Brandy, Pink, Musiq Soulchild, Miley Cyrus, Akon, Jordin Sparks, Celine Dion, Ron Thomas, Katherine McPhee, Jeff Bridges, Randy Jackson, Mary J. Blige, Patti Austin, Kid Cudi, Usher, Will.I.Am, Kanye West, Bone Thugs and Harmony, LL Cool J, The Fray, Snoop Dogg, Nicole Richie, Trey Songz, Faith Evans, Robin Thicke, Barbara Streisand, and Lil Wayne just to name a few.

It is quite a collection of accomplished artists. A wonderful thing that they have all given of their time to participate in this endeavor and help raise awareness about the plight of those in Haiti. A very charitable act that may bring in much needed monies and resources to help a desperately impoverished country.

But I ask you again, "Can the world produce any thing that is good?"

A wise brother in the Lord recently said, "All good is done not just because of Christ, but THROUGH Christ. We don’t just do good because of Christ. Christ does good through us." The insight this brother shared is basically that all which can be called good is such only because it comes from God. Therefore, can something be called "good" if it is not inspired by God?

"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? None is good, save one, that is, God." Luke 18:19

Let's take a look at the lyrics for We Are the World

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Who is giving this "certain call" we should heed telling us that we "MUST" come together as one? Does the Bible indicate that the "world" will come together as one? Yes. It was tried in Babylon at the Tower of Babel and it will also be tried again at the end times when all of the people are united under the power of the Beast (Revelation 17:13).

Is this present, temporal life (which will end) the "greatest gift of all" or is eternal life (which never ends) offered through Jesus Christ the greatest gift of all?

We are "all" a part of God's great big family? Is that what the Scriptures say? Are ALL people God's children, regardless of what they believe and how they live? God says that the only ones who belong to Him are those who have faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26).

What kind of "love" is it that we need? Is it the love that is of God which compels us into obedience of His commands or is it the love of the world which rejects God's commands in favor of tolerance and acceptance for even that which is against God?

What "choice" are we making by agreeing to join together with the world? Again, the song tells us. By joining together in unity with the world, we are "saving our OWN lives". As such, we no longer need God to save us. We in essence become our own saviors, our own gods. Indeed, in such a scenario all we need is "just you and me".

Does God say that we are to be "the world" or does He call us to be separate from the world? Whose "children" do we become when we follow the song's instructions and join with the world? The song lyrics tell you themselves!

"As God has shown us by turning stone to bread". WHEN has God turned stone into bread???? NEVER! However, there is someone who called upon Jesus Christ to reject God the Father and serve him instead by turning stone to bread.

In the Garden of Eden, God's words were twisted so that Eve would be enticed to disobey Him.

Who is twisting God's words here? Whose "call" is being heeded when you join with the world? Whose "children" do you become when you join with the world? Whose choice are you accepting when you do this?

The one who wanted God to turn stones into bread, who was none other than Satan.

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
II Corinthians 4:4
I can hear folks saying now, "Oh there they go! Everything has to be the devil. Can't they just appreciate the fact that people are trying to do something nice? Don't they see the love that is being demonstrated by these people? They are trying to help others and that is what God would want us to do."

Understand why I am taking the time to review this. On its surface, the "We Are the World" project seems respectable, honorable...even God-like. But what does God say? Can the world produce any good thing? What do the lyrics of this song tell you? Whom do they glorify? Do the best of intentions make it okay to disobey God?

This is exactly what the devil tries to get you to do. Believe that the world has some redeeming qualities. Think that there is something in the world which is worthwhile. Have the inkling that man can come together in righteousness without God. Possess some hope in this world.

This belief (whether verbally expressed or subconsciously held) is exactly why people come to this site defending the likes of Harry Potter, Twilight, Hip Hop, entertainers, Mardi Gras, Prosperity Preachers and other worldly perversions...all the while claiming to be Christians! They still have some hope in this present, evil world.

This is why the performance of "WE Are The World" at Michael Jackson's funeral showed the true intent and inspiration behind this song. It is an anti-christ agenda that aims to deny the deity of Jesus Christ and usher in a world-wide religion of humanism.

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." John 15:19

I fully expect the world to join with the world. Yet how do supposed Christian Gospel artists even bring themselves to sing the words of this song? How do Christians buy these records or even sing them?

Should you try to help those in need? Of course! Should you care about the sufferings of others? You will do so if the love of God is in your hearts. But it must be the love of God which motivates and leads you in all things, not some anti-christ agenda to unite across all humanity apart from God.

This is not about "We Are the World". It is about understanding how GOD views the world and ensuring that our views align with His.

"I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine." John 17:9

Contrary to popular belief, the world is not a "good" place. This world will be destroyed (II Peter 3:12-13; Revelation 21:1). God is not trying to redeem or save the world. He is not trying to set-up His kingdom in this world (John 18:36). God is against this world and is calling His people to come out of the world so that we are not destroyed when He executes judgment on it.

So, I ask you again, can any good thing come from the world?[/COLOR] What does God have to say in this matter? If you profess to love the Lord, then you need to ponder this question in your own hearts.

"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." John 17:16

So with all of that said, what does it mean to be separated from the world? It means to be sanctified. This is the process whereby we are cut off or separated from that which is unclean in our inner man.

It is not about us moving off to a commune with no TVs, no music, and no interaction with the world. It means being reshaped in the image of God so that the attachments to and desires of the world are no longer in us. It is the sentiment Jesus expresses below:

"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."
John 14:30

How many of us can say that the prince of this world has "nothing" in us? When the latest movies come out, are we one of the first ones going to see them? What stations are on our radios or songs are on our ipods? What shows are we watching on TV? What world figures are we listening and giving credence to?

I am not speaking of legalism or putting people up under chains
. I am imploring you to take a real and honest look at your own desires for they reveal to you what is really in your heart. Any man, any message, any activity that tries to get your mind focused on this world is of the devil (Colossians 3:2).

When you are truly sanctified in your souls, you can be in the midst of sin, in the midst of the world, and not be contaminated by it. It will not be able to affect or defile you because you will not have any desire for it which can be used to pull you away from God. Remember, when a man is drawn into sin, he is drawn by his own lusts (James 1:13-15). This is why the flesh and its carnal, worldly desire must be crucified.

Why is sanctification so important? It is not so that we can say we are "better" than another. It is all about Jesus. When we are separated from that which is unclean - in the inner man - Jesus can be seen through and in us. It is not our efforts which reach the world, but the life of Jesus Christ being seen through a poured out vessel in a dying world that draws men unto Himself. We don't have to worry about reaching the world. If we sanctify ourselves and become vessels fit for the Master's use, He will draw men unto Himself all by Himself. Jesus in us draws men, not our own personalities or opinions.

This whole salvation walk is about getting Jesus Christ birthed within us so that He may be seen and glorified (Galatians 4:19). That is why the devil fights so hard to keep you entangled in the affairs of this life (II Timothy 2:4). Satan knows that if he can keep you alive to the world - or the world alive to you - this will impede Christ's development within you and hinder Him from being seen. Satan is seeking to put out the life of Christ in His Body - the only hope for the world - so that people will not be drawn to Jesus.

This battle is so much bigger than the music you like, the movies you like, the entertainers you like, how you like to dress, how you like to dance, what you think is nice, and what you like to do to enjoy your life in this present world. It is about WHO will deny themselves and lay down their lives so that Christ may live. Sanctification in the inward man is a requirement for Christ to be seen in you, so Satan fights this by trying to keep you tied to the world.

Are you still looking for some hope in this world? Still trying to find something in the world that is okay? Looking for that piece of the world which is acceptable? Are you still trying to have your best life now and find your place in this world? Forsake these things. Pray and ask God to cleanse you in the inner man and replace the love for the things of the world with His love so that He can give you the desires of your heart. Don't be deceived by taking the things of the world lightly. For God does not.

"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." I Corinthians 2:12

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27
Laela this post is sooo good...I mean really.

Jesus always drew a line of seperation between his people and the world..Always! He only wanted us to be witnessed of Him in this world, thats it. Scripture tells us whats in the world, lusts of eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. That is all it has to offer us!! Its a big deception!! It looks all glamorous but its nothing but a bottomless pit, ready to suck us in with its cares! The joy in the world is only temporal and lasts only but for a season.

Can the world produce anything "good"? Well that depends on what standards people base "good" on. Can it produce anything godly or holy...NO...Jesus said He is the true vine and we can do nothing with out Him. So if He isnt in it, nothing good came come out of it!
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Laela I am half way through your post and I had to stop to tell you that you are spot on...I was researching what it is to be and enemy of God and the same scriptures popped up...

I have also been meaning to check out the lyrics of that song based on some comments on a blog a few weeks ago but, haven't had a chance..anway, I'll be back to comment when I'm done reading...

come out from among them, that's what he said and that is what he is still saying

Laela this post is sooo good...I mean really.

Jesus always drew a line of seperation between his people and the world..Always! He only wanted us to be witnessed of Him in this world, thats it. Scripture tells us whats in the world, lusts of eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. That is all it has to offer us!! Its a big deception!! It looks all glamorous but its nothing but a bottomless pit, ready to suck us in with its cares! The joy in the world is only temporal and lasts only but for a season.

Can the world produce anything "good"? Well that depends on what standards people base "good" on. Can it produce anything godly or holy...NO...Jesus said He is the true vine and we can do nothing with out Him. So if He isnt in it, nothing good came come out of it!
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Genesis 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man."
Genesis 8:17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you--the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground--so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
Leviticus 26:9 "'I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.


He's asking us to not put material things above spiritual things nor to place any other g-d above Him. He created this earth and loves this planet as well as the animals on it and man . He asks us to protect this earth and all the animals in it. He gives us the ability to make our lives better and to invent. He wants us to use the beautiful things He gives and to be thankful for them. And do we remember the second greatest commandment? To love each other as brethern..as we are to love our very own lives. When true peace and brotherhood is accomplished, there is Christ right there. We know that Christ is the way but we do not know how He accomplishes this in every life and when for each man to make a decision with full knowledge. His desire is that we have a different relationship with Him starting right here on earth but the thing about Jesus, He never forced anyone to believe in Him. It remains an open invitation and His servants are to live out their faith through example, not force. He is opposed to evil and this is how "world" is being used in those scriptures. It would seem odd that a G-d who made man and his environment in the physical would prohibit him from enjoying the very physical nature he placed him within. Evil and idolatry...those oppose the relationship to G-d. Man not being able to see those of other races, creeds and origins as his brethern are not on G-d's side, actually (referring to the fear in the article of We Are the World etc.). He always speaks peace to His children...all of them, not just christians and Jews. There are different levels of meaning in scripture and we sometimes do not look at the whole picture. This is just my opinion on the subject and is not directed to any individual.
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Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Genesis 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man."
Genesis 8:17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you--the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground--so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
Leviticus 26:9 "'I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.


He's asking us to not put material things above spiritual things nor to place any other g-d above Him. He created this earth and loves this planet as well as the animals on it and man . He asks us to protect this earth and all the animals in it. He gives us the ability to make our lives better and to invent. He wants us to use the beautiful things He gives and to be thankful for them. And do we remember the second greatest commandment? To love each other as brethern..as we are to love our very own lives. When true peace and brotherhood is accomplished, there is Christ right there.


Yes the world is not this ideal place, but we are in it and take part in it. How can we condemn the earth and the people in it. The main thing I got from reading that was only people who believe in Christ should be united and forsake everyone else. Is that really what anyone wants for the world?

I have come so close to quitting Christianity because of much of the same rhetoric. Because some of this stuff is truly just spiteful
She isnt talking about the world as in Planet Earth..she is talking about the world as in custom , traditions, mindsets..

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Genesis 5:2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man."
Genesis 8:17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you--the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground--so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
Leviticus 26:9 "'I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.


He's asking us to not put material things above spiritual things nor to place any other g-d above Him. He created this earth and loves this planet as well as the animals on it and man . He asks us to protect this earth and all the animals in it. He gives us the ability to make our lives better and to invent. He wants us to use the beautiful things He gives and to be thankful for them. And do we remember the second greatest commandment? To love each other as brethern..as we are to love our very own lives. When true peace and brotherhood is accomplished, there is Christ right there. We know that Christ is the way but we do not know how He accomplishes this in every life and when for each man to make a decision with full knowledge. His desire is that we have a different relationship with Him starting right here on earth but the thing about Jesus, He never forced anyone to believe in Him. It remains an open invitation and His servants are to live out their faith through example, not force. He is opposed to evil and this is how "world" is being used in those scriptures. It would seem odd that a G-d who made man and his environment in the physical would prohibit him from enjoying the very physical nature he placed him within. Evil and idolatry...those oppose the relationship to G-d. Man not being able to see those of other races, creeds and origins as his brethern are not on G-d's side, actually (referring to the fear in the article of We Are the World etc.). He always speaks peace to His children...all of them, not just christians and Jews. There are different levels of meaning in scripture and we sometimes do not look at the whole picture. This is just my opinion on the subject and is not directed to any individual.
I can hear folks saying now, "Oh there they go! Everything has to be the devil. Can't they just appreciate the fact that people are trying to do something nice? Don't they see the love that is being demonstrated by these people? They are trying to help others and that is what God would want us to do."

Understand why I am taking the time to review this. On its surface, the "We Are the World" project seems respectable, honorable...even God-like. But what does God say? Can the world produce any good thing? What do the lyrics of this song tell you? Whom do they glorify? Do the best of intentions make it okay to disobey God?

This is exactly what the devil tries to get you to do. Believe that the world has some redeeming qualities. Think that there is something in the world which is worthwhile. Have the inkling that man can come together in righteousness without God. Possess some hope in this world.


I just think they are asking people to donate to an organization to relieve poverty and starvation and help others survive. Pooling from world sources makes sense. This is what Jesus says...notice, He doesn't say "christians/Jews/believers..." and in that, anyone can be Jesus when they do the following:

Luke 3:11 “John answered, ‘the man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.’"

Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys."

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: ‘He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.’"

1 Timothy 6:18 “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


He has always looked out for all mankind, not just those under the first covenant, nor the second. Why doesn't it bother me that others are not christians? I don't worry about it because I know that G-d has full control and is just. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in His gift of salvation, I just don't worry concerning how others will be justified or not. Concern doesn't equal worry, though. Well, that's my take on the article.
She isnt talking about the world as in Planet Earth..she is talking about the world as in custom , traditions, mindsets..

I fully comprehended and then some. Still, there are doubts which arise as to just how "separate" believers should be, leading to religious societies such as monks, nuns, Jewish ultra-orthodoxy, Amish, Mennonites etc. In seeking the answers to those questions, such organizing results. We wonder which of the traditions of the larger society are acceptable.
Guitarhero, oh, no doubt God loves the world..so much so that:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

We can go on all day long about theologies and who believes what, but the bottom line is this: JESUS is for everyone. He will either get rejected or He will be received.
The only thing that the world produces is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. The whole "we are the world" mentality quite easily turns into another Tower of Babel and will be condemned for the same reason. It's the pride of life. It's in many ways having mankind come together to glory in its ability to be self-sufficient and self-actualizing and to accomplish its will and purposes without acknowledging God. We are definitely to feed the poor and help those in need, but if you examine the lives of many of the faces in that pic, through their entertainment and life choices they stand for things that clearly are anti-God. I say that to illustrate that many times the world will come together for some "good" end, but it has nothing to do with obedience to God. Individual acts of service to those in need may be perfectly loving, but mass movements have another agenda in mind.

The rich man in the Gospels gloried in the abundance of his wealth and the Lord called Him a fool because His life would be required of him that night and then what good would his riches be? The same thing will happen to the world. We can create all the world peace we want, and end all hunger, and the Lord will still come and destroy the earth and judge the nations and each individual, and there will still be a lake of fire. Satan transforms himself into an angel of light, and why? Likely in order to distract us from serving the true God while we busy ourselves with things that will do nothing to bring us salvation.

Understand why I am taking the time to review this. On its surface, the "We Are the World" project seems respectable, honorable...even God-like. But what does God say? Can the world produce any good thing? What do the lyrics of this song tell you? Whom do they glorify? Do the best of intentions make it okay to disobey God?

This is why the performance of "WE Are The World" at Michael Jackson's funeral showed the true intent and inspiration behind this song. It is an anti-christ agenda that aims to deny the deity of Jesus Christ and usher in a world-wide religion of humanism.[/FONT]

Or could it be that the devil is trying to tarnish the good intentions of that song by using people to overanalyze it.

There's no question that God wants us to be on one accord for His glory and the good of His kingdom. You will never convince me that He wouldn't want us to all come together and help those in need. I'm bothered by the attempts to overanalyze everything. It's dangerous and has the potential to lead people astray. I only hope that people remember to work on gaining their own understanding from Him and not follow along weakly with what others have to say.

I don't think you have bad intentions Laela, but I think this is extremely msguided and completely against God's word for how He wants His people to act.
Or could it be that the devil is trying to tarnish the good intentions of that song by using people to overanalyze it.

There's no question that God wants us to be on one accord for His glory and the good of His kingdom. You will never convince me that He wouldn't want us to all come together and help those in need. I'm bothered by the attempts to overanalyze everything. It's dangerous and has the potential to lead people astray. I only hope that people remember to work on gaining their own understanding from Him and not follow along weakly with what others have to say.

I don't think you have bad intentions Laela, but I think this is extremely msguided and completely against God's word for how He wants His people to act.

Just today I was editing an article by a scholar that will be published in a national academic journal on international law that supports what is being said here. The author is not a Christian, and it is accepted in the academic world, as well as in international institutions that we need to find a way to get people to come together on a global scale to work for peace, harmony, etc., and to ensure that everyone gets on board. The problem is that as the world comes together, it tells everyone to conform to its values or be sanctioned, persecuted, etc. The laws and institutions are already being primed to target groups that fall out of line with the status quo. Like I mentioned, this isn't religious paranoia--anyone can look it up.

The fact of the matter is that the Lord actually never told us to try and solve the world's problems. You don't need to join a movement to love your neighbor as yourself. When we try to skip over what the Lord actually commanded to do what He didn't actually command, we should know that we're on the wrong track.

Part of my perspective is political, but most of the world's issues are not at all complicated. Many people are starving and live in failing states because of the greed of their leaders. It's not a policy problem, it's a sin problem. When the world addresses an issue, it can only move around and reorganize the consequences of sin. (for instance, asserting that one of the answers to teenage pregnancy ought to be freer access to abortion for minors). There's nothing that the world is coming up with that will embrace God's Kingdom purposes, as the Kingdom of God consists in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There's no Kingdom of God without Jesus' lordship governing.
Could one go past christianity into judaism to derive an even older and deeper meaning of "repairing the world" in the attempt to seek out what people should do? Joshua wrote a Jewish prayer that is recited thrice daily even up to today and in it there is a call for the world to abandon idolatry and in that, we will have been perfected. Jesus didn't change any of that and the reason I'm bringing it up is that the new testament is written via the Jews. I still pray these ways and wonder about the development of such prayers and moral concepts to abide by that should continue to influence christianity, which absolutely has. Is this help only allowable if the recipient accepts our own religious beliefs and are we only allowed to help alongside those who solely share those beliefs?

The church absolutely has an obligation to alleviate social ills such as poverty etc. It should definitely stand up against immorality and idolatry. Well, the reason we have the poor who are dying is due to idolatries of others that affect negatively those around him. So, the question is not that if we should not join together to fix this world through compassion, the question is if the church should join with "pagans" to help fix this world (is what I'm gathering from this discussion). This is why I'm wondering why christians are considering themselves "better" than their BROTHER who does not believe in Jesus. We are the same. Christ's conscience is in one but not in the other...or isn't it? The non-christian might be a better representation of what Christ preaches than His own follower. This is why I believe it is important to be careful making assumptions about the salvation of another. It is G-d who justifies. And if a prostitute were coming to help with Katrina and rebuild a home, a believer should not feel that it's beneath himself to pitch in and work alongside her. What is the goal? We often cut off our noses to spite our faces.

Avoiding worldliness doesn't mean making a hedge between "us" and another. The harbinger of protections against evil is Christ/The Father/The Holy Spirit and in His word, He never advised us to behave in such manner. We need to examine what is meant by "the world." I see nothing wrong with the organization and other such organizations to alleviate hunger through cooperation of people from all walks of life. The problem I see is nitpicking into the life of another. Sitting down at the feet of another, listening to his philosophies on life and emulating him is the problem, not working alongside him in the endeavor to alleviate suffering and pain.
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Lets just not be deceived by the "goodness" of things. We need to be looking at is "Jesus Christ" the focal point of the movement or actions? We can allow the good deeds to make us feel like something is godly or pleasing to God, but we have to look and see if it is moving or inspiried by the Spirit of God. Is this causing souls to be saved and moved closer to Christ? Is Christ being glorified..? or is this another thing we can check off on our Good Deeds checklist. It time out for people just being satisifed with helping the old lady across, or giving the homeless man on the street a dollar..but who is living holy? Who is living sold out for Christ? Who is denying their self to be pleasing to God? Who is laying down their lives that Christ may be formed in them? People say Christians can be judgemental, or we too extreme, or we over analyze...its not that, we just line up things according to the word of God. And if people would do that more often, we wouldnt be in the conditions we are in today. I can't go off of how I feel about things, but I have to always resort back to the word of God..My feelings can mislead me at some times, but the word will always stand. Laela, has had scriptures to back up everything she has said...:yep:
By no means, do I think im better than someone.(im just replying to this from my point of view) but the word does says to speak truth to your neighbor..So if I see someone living contrary to the Word of God, I will instruct them but it will be through love, not strife. (I.E., if u seen someone about to get hit by a truck that was coming...what would you do?...You would probably scream "Get out of the way!! Move!!!")well thats I do to people spiritually..If I see them going down the road to damnation, Im letting them know of the judgement thats coming! You can have that pagan rebuilding houses for Katrina, but if they souls not right with God,its in vain..(*dodging the stones thats about to be thrown*) Why? because its not through God thats is being done.. God said our righteousness is as filthy rags!! Thats why everything has to be done through Jesus! We are unacceptable to God, without Jesus Christ! If you doing something on your own merit and esteem, its vain, vain, vain!!I know people dont want to hear this, but we must know that a few good deeds wont cover up the sin thats in your hearts! Do we think because we do a few good things that God just turns his head from the lying, adultery, fornication,envy, anger etc thats still there? No. He said He is coming back for a church without spot, wrinkle or blemish, or ANY such thing. I dont care if you give $1,253,529,547,542 to a charity, if your heart is not pure before God when you leave here its all in vain..You cant buy your way into heaven. He said Holiness without no man shall see the Lord. You can build 3,609 house for Katrina victims, if you not Holy, you not getting in.....

I dont feel like im beneath any one at all! GOD has brought me to what I am today, and honestly I still feel like I need sooo much more from God. It would take me all day to tell you what I had to be delievered from.But when you tell people the truth they always think you think you are more than them! And thats not even the case! I just want them to experience the freedom I have in Christ. I dont just preach hell, hell, hell,..I always preach forgiveness and mercy of God. But I cant preach the love of God, without preaching the wrath of God as well..I have to tell both sides of God..Yes He is a God, that loves you but He is also a Holy God that hates sin..

The church absolutely has an obligation to alleviate social ills such as poverty etc. It should definitely stand up against immorality and idolatry. Well, the reason we have the poor who are dying is due to idolatries of others that affect negatively those around him. So, the question is not that if we should not join together to fix this world through compassion, the question is if the church should join with "pagans" to help fix this world (is what I'm gathering from this discussion). This is why I'm wondering why christians are considering themselves "better" than their BROTHER who does not believe in Jesus. We are the same. Christ's conscience is in one but not in the other...or isn't it? The non-christian might be a better representation of what Christ preaches than His own follower. This is why I believe it is important to be careful making assumptions about the salvation of another. It is G-d who justifies. And if a prostitute were coming to help with Katrina and rebuild a home, a believer should not feel that it's beneath himself to pitch in and work alongside her. What is the goal? We often cut off our noses to spite our faces.
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Father is not impressed by our 'good' works if HE is not in them...so if Mother Theresa as great a humanitarian as she was was not saved, on that faitfhul day she will be standing outside the portals denied...
The Father is also unimpressed by Christians who are so caught up in Christian that they forget what it's all about. The sentiments in this thread are EXACTLY why so many people turn away from Christianity and have no respect for Christians. Everyone should know that God has always used anyone to accomplish His will. That includes people that WE may feel aren't living for Him.
I have a very dark feeling in my spirit about
the things being said here. Some of you
should really be ashamed of yourselves. I have much more respect for people who will come to the aid of others than people who sit back and judge and criticize those people for trying to help.
The Father is also unimpressed by Christians who are so caught up in Christian that they forget what it's all about. The sentiments in this thread are EXACTLY why so many people turn away from Christianity and have no respect for Christians. Everyone should know that God has always used anyone to accomplish His will. That includes people that WE may feel aren't living for Him.
I have a very dark feeling in my spirit about
the things being said here. Some of you
should really be ashamed of yourselves. I have much more respect for people who will come to the aid of others than people who sit back and judge and criticize those people for trying to help.

So, what you're really saying is that those who have chosen not to follow the world and everything in it should be ashamed, because we have chosen to follow his scripture and to not be apart of the world or the things that are in the world. Because some have the guts to actually stand up for their belief in Christ based on what his word is saying. Well, oh well, don't really care what human beings feel because one day in that great getting up morning, I'm going to have to stand before Christ and give an account of everything that was done and if it means I'm a sell out to the world and those who are still attach to the world, so be it.

I always say, I rather face the wrath of man than the wrath of God. So, go ahead, because you're not any better than anyone else that is calling those out who are embracing Christianity ashamed. If anyone that should be ashamed, it's Christians who constantly defend the world. Why? This is not our home anymore. We are visitors, pilgrams. Don't believe me, look it up in the bible. Romans 12:1-2 tells us this " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then says 1 John 2:15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

And let me tell you that that dark feeling in your spirit that you're feeling right now, its probably your human reaction to the truth that has been spoken. But know this, God's word will always stand and will always be true, not matter how we feel.

So pick a team, either your for Christ and everything he stands on or your against him.
I couldnt have said it any better

So, what you're really saying is that those who have chosen not to follow the world and everything in it should be ashamed, because we have chosen to follow his scripture and to not be apart of the world or the things that are in the world. Because some have the guts to actually stand up for their belief in Christ based on what his word is saying. Well, oh well, don't really care what human beings feel because one day in that great getting up morning, I'm going to have to stand before Christ and give an account of everything that was done and if it means I'm a sell out to the world and those who are still attach to the world, so be it.

I always say, I rather face the wrath of man than the wrath of God. So, go ahead, because you're not any better than anyone else that is calling those out who are embracing Christianity ashamed. If anyone that should be ashamed, it's Christians who constantly defend the world. Why? This is not our home anymore. We are visitors, pilgrams. Don't believe me, look it up in the bible. Romans 12:1-2 tells us this " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then says 1 John 2:15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

And let me tell you that that dark feeling in your spirit that you're feeling right now, its probably your human reaction to the truth that has been spoken. But know this, God's word will always stand and will always be true, not matter how we feel.

So pick a team, either your for Christ and everything he stands on or your against him.
I haven't heard anyone say not to do good for other people. Clearly that's a good thing. The question is what is and is not "the world" and we should be able to make that distinction because the Lord tells us to do exactly that.

The label Christian or not isn't necessarily the indicator. Many who label themselves such will not be accepted by Jesus. (Lord forbid that that applies to any here) But that fact doesn't change the fact that we cannot be "of" the world and supporting its agendas. I have and continue to be a part of multiple organizations devoted to social goods; but I believe that we can only do so out of love for people, not from an idea of promoting the world system itself.

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Nowadays everyone calls himself a christian so I use that word lightly. I am a follower of Christ ...People turn away because they have an idealistic view of who God is they do not want to hear neither can they handle the TRUTH...

As for feelings it's not good to operate from where you 'feel' in matters of the spirit...

Not sure why you would have more respect for the unsaved unregenerated man; Good works are the fruit of salvation, but good works do not produce salvation. Good works of unsaved or unregenerated man are as filthy rags, the bible endorses this...not criticizing but biblical fact.

no ill intent, just commenting...

The Father is also unimpressed by Christians who are so caught up in Christian that they forget what it's all about. The sentiments in this thread are EXACTLY why so many people turn away from Christianity and have no respect for Christians. Everyone should know that God has always used anyone to accomplish His will. That includes people that WE may feel aren't living for Him.
I have a very dark feeling in my spirit about
the things being said here. Some of you
should really be ashamed of yourselves. I have much more respect for people who will come to the aid of others than people who sit back and judge and criticize those people for trying to help.
Nowadays everyone calls himself a christian so I use that word lightly. I am a follower of Christ ...People turn away because they have an idealistic view of who God is they do not want to hear neither can they handle the TRUTH...

As for feelings it's not good to operate from where you 'feel' in matters of the spirit...

Not sure why you would have more respect for the unsaved unregenerated man; Good works are the fruit of salvation, but good works do not produce salvation. Good works of unsaved or unregenerated man are as filthy rags, the bible endorses this...not criticizing but biblical fact.

no ill intent, just commenting...
Note, I said I have more respect for those who help instead of just turning up their noses and judging.
And my feelings are usually dead on. If something doesn't feel right,that's because it isn't. Of course Christians aren't supposed to be of the world. But what does that have to do with people deciding to come together to use their resources to help those in need? Did you forget that God uses even the seemingly unsaved?
So, what you're really saying is that those who have chosen not to follow the world and everything in it should be ashamed, because we have chosen to follow his scripture and to not be apart of the world or the things that are in the world. Because some have the guts to actually stand up for their belief in Christ based on what his word is saying. Well, oh well, don't really care what human beings feel because one day in that great getting up morning, I'm going to have to stand before Christ and give an account of everything that was done and if it means I'm a sell out to the world and those who are still attach to the world, so be it.

I always say, I rather face the wrath of man than the wrath of God. So, go ahead, because you're not any better than anyone else that is calling those out who are embracing Christianity ashamed. If anyone that should be ashamed, it's Christians who constantly defend the world. Why? This is not our home anymore. We are visitors, pilgrams. Don't believe me, look it up in the bible. Romans 12:1-2 tells us this " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then says 1 John 2:15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

And let me tell you that that dark feeling in your spirit that you're feeling right now, its probably your human reaction to the truth that has been spoken. But know this, God's word will always stand and will always be true, not matter how we feel.

So pick a team, either your for Christ and everything he stands on or your against him.
I have no problem with the truth. That dark feeling is coming from the things being said here that really don't line up. The devil is deceitful and he uses even those who APPEAR to know and love the Lord. The things in this thread are being used to deceive and lead people astray.

I'm for Christ. Always have been and nothing I have ever read in the Word supports the things being said in this thread. It doesn't even make sense. This is what happens when people attempt to be so spiritually superior that they lose common sense. I think YOU and some others are the ones who struggle with the truth: God loves us ALL. And He uses us ALL.