Ways to get over him?


Well-Known Member
I really need to move on from a 3.5 year relationship that has ended. He's out doing his thing while im stuck at home doing homework! How can i finallt start to move on with my life and get over him?

You can occupy yourself with other things, like homework, going out, getting some hobbies, etc...but TIME will heal all wounds. You need time without contacting him or seeing him. That's the number one thing that helped me...Time, will time and forgiveness. I had to get over being angry and upset at him. He just wasn't the one for you. He couldn't live up to your expectations and see what you were really worth. Some other man will. So in the end, it's a blessing. Let time heal your wounds, and you'll soon reap the benefits.
I know I am going to get stoned for this...but for me hair of the dog that bit you. Hey I just do me. It works for the Blue.

You can occupy yourself with other things, like homework, going out, getting some hobbies, etc...but TIME will heal all wounds. You need time without contacting him or seeing him. That's the number one thing that helped me...Time, will time and forgiveness. I had to get over being angry and upset at him. He just wasn't the one for you. He couldn't live up to your expectations and see what you were really worth. Some other man will. So in the end, it's a blessing. Let time heal your wounds, and you'll soon reap the benefits.
I'm sorry to hear you going through this...(((HUGS))). When did the breakup take place? I also agree with this post, it takes TIME to get over heartache - I've made it through two very bad ones, and so can you! The first week was usually worst for me, then as time went on (of no talking or communicating, period) and I got focused on other things, then everything seemed to be fine. Men deal with things differently also, so if he wants to go out and run around, let him! Just try to deal with your emotions the best that you can so that you can have peace about him and the breakup.
I'm sorry to hear you going through this...(((HUGS))). When did the breakup take place? I also agree with this post, it takes TIME to get over heartache - I've made it through two very bad ones, and so can you! The first week was usually worst for me, then as time went on (of no talking or communicating, period) and I got focused on other things, then everything seemed to be fine. Men deal with things differently also, so if he wants to go out and run around, let him! Just try to deal with your emotions the best that you can so that you can have peace about him and the breakup.

THANKS! Girl this was this time last year, I've since been dating and over him. :yep: But he was the last serious relationship so I often reference that one. Yes, time heals all wounds.
- When you finish your homework, call up some of your friends.
- Delete his phone #, texts, emails, etc. Put up/Destroy all pictures. Completely eradicate his existence from your mind and sight, if it's at all possible.

I know that sounds harsh, but that's how I roll. I have to completely cut all ties so I can heal. It seems like you're not ready for that kind of guerilla warfare tactic. LOL. But trust me, one day you're going to wake up and get real mad. Then, you're going to just let it all go. And that's when the healing can begin. So cry your tears and wipe them away. It's a brand new day. So what if you spent 3.5 years with him? You're going to spend the rest of your life being the best you that you can be. You've only got one life, and it's entirely too short to be worried about some man; ask me how I know. =] HTH.
- When you finish your homework, call up some of your friends.
- Delete his phone #, texts, emails, etc. Put up/Destroy all pictures. Completely eradicate his existence from your mind and sight, if it's at all possible.

I know that sounds harsh, but that's how I roll. I have to completely cut all ties so I can heal. It seems like you're not ready for that kind of guerilla warfare tactic. LOL. But trust me, one day you're going to wake up and get real mad. Then, you're going to just let it all go. And that's when the healing can begin. So cry your tears and wipe them away. It's a brand new day. So what if you spent 3.5 years with him? You're going to spend the rest of your life being the best you that you can be. You've only got one life, and it's entirely too short to be worried about some man; ask me how I know. =] HTH.

Good post :yep:
Like the other ladies said time and just doing you. I'm sure some will disagree, but I also think casual dating helped me get over past heartaches. Sometimes just getting out there and seeing there are better guys for you and that you do have other options makes a person feel better. Being with my SO (now fiance) makes me feel like why was I ever sad over my ex. I also agree with cutting contact and also not talking about him with other people helps. I found that I was takling (mainly bashing) about my ex non-stop to my friends, and that would just open old wounds right back up so I had to stop myself.
- When you finish your homework, call up some of your friends.
- Delete his phone #, texts, emails, etc. Put up/Destroy all pictures. Completely eradicate his existence from your mind and sight, if it's at all possible.

I know that sounds harsh, but that's how I roll. I have to completely cut all ties so I can heal. It seems like you're not ready for that kind of guerilla warfare tactic. LOL. But trust me, one day you're going to wake up and get real mad. Then, you're going to just let it all go. And that's when the healing can begin. So cry your tears and wipe them away. It's a brand new day. So what if you spent 3.5 years with him? You're going to spend the rest of your life being the best you that you can be. You've only got one life, and it's entirely too short to be worried about some man; ask me how I know. =] HTH.
Yea one day soon that day will come when everything will be deleted, but in the mean time I think talking to other people will take my mind off of him and ease the situation. Thank you this helped a whole lot!
Like the other ladies said time and just doing you. I'm sure some will disagree, but I also think casual dating helped me get over past heartaches. Sometimes just getting out there and seeing there are better guys for you and that you do have other options makes a person feel better. Being with my SO (now fiance) makes me feel like why was I ever sad over my ex. I also agree with cutting contact and also not talking about him with other people helps. I found that I was takling (mainly bashing) about my ex non-stop to my friends, and that would just open old wounds right back up so I had to stop myself.
Yea that always happens to me. Once I get with someone else then that when I can see that should not have wasted my time on my ex. Im just ready to get over and through this so I can be myself again. Thank you so much this really helped along with the other comment left.