Watermarking Fotki photos


New Member
To watermark all of the photos on your Fotki page:

1) Login in.

2) Click on Go To in the upper left hand corner.

3) Scroll down and choose My Account.

4) Scroll down to the tab that says Settings.

5) Click on the Change option next to Albums.

6) Type in your copyright statement in the Copyright holder: (Set the default copyright message for your account. It can be overridden for a particular album or photo) box.

7) Click on the photo image next to Photo frame style. Choose Copyright or Protected style.

8 ) Don't forget to Save changes.

To disable others from sharing your photos go to Albums, then Sharing photos allowed for and choose Myself only.

I do realize if someone really wants to steal your pictures they can remove watermarks and copy pictures even with the right click option disabled, but this is a start. I've also noticed that if you share photos from your Fotki page on another site such as this one, the water marks are removed which I think defeats the purpose of watermarking. But if you don't share your Fotki photos on other sites then the Fotki watermarking system is pretty good.
Thanks for this, I just followed your instructions and it worked!!! It would have taken me forever to figure this out :hug3:
thanks! the people that steal pics the most really only know how to right click (which you cant do when the pic is protected)...they're not usually thats skilled in removing watermarks and all that jazz lol
I did it...followed your directions to a T and now I've got a watermark, thanks so much!!!