Fotki Storage Limit Alert - Alternatives?


Well-Known Member
I saw this notice this morning at my Fotki account. I'm interpreting this to mean that they will no longer offer the 10 MB per month. Does it read like that to yall? If so, are there good alternatives?

Quoting Fotki Below

Free Account Photo Storage Space Is Limited to 50 MB

After free Fotki users were given the ability to use unlimited free photo storage space, we started growing way too fast and need to slow down a bit.
As nobody should be a victim of success, we have to restore the storage-space limitations. The limit for free accounts is now 50 MB.
Please don't worry: you are able to continue displaying and using all photos you have uploaded.
To continue uploading photos, you may optionally upgrade your free account to Premium membership. It is just US $30 per year (only $2.50/month).
You may switch your account plan on your "My Settings" page or follow the link below and enter your credit card information at
With Premium Membership you will be able to use the following Premium Fotki features:
  • No ads
  • Unlimited photo storage space
  • Photo contests
  • Co-branding
  • Uploading via FTP
  • Larger photo view sizes
  • Hot linking
  • Photo selling
They have limited mine for a long time. That's why I have 3+ accounts. I think after the new year I'm going to delete all but one of my hair accounts.
I just went ahead and paid the $30 yearly membership so that I can be able to upload unlimited photos. The 50 MB is for free fotki accts only. After you've reached your limit of 50 MB, you'll no longer be able to add more unless you delete some and then add them. But you can't go over 50 MB. To be able to upload more than that, you have to purchase a premium acct or create a new one under a different name like some others have done.
You can request 10 MB of space every month for free. I found this out last month and now have 60 MB of space. In two days I will be able to add another 10 MB up to 70MB. Also, another tip is scaling down your pics (editing them with paint or other picture editor to make them smaller) before you save it to fotki. Before I would save my original file (which is HUGE). The pic shows up small anyway but still takes up the space of the original large file. However if you scale the pic down to the size that fotki displays anyway you hardly use any space. I've only used almost 10MB of space with 109 pictures. Multiply that by 7.thats more than 750 pictures...A whole lot! Thats not even factoring the 10MB I will be adding monthly. These two things should help many of us out. I've been meaning to share this info...Happy picture sharing!
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I just went ahead and paid the $30 yearly membership so that I can be able to upload unlimited photos. The 50 MB is for free fotki accts only. After you've reached your limit of 50 MB, you'll no longer be able to add more unless you delete some and then add them. But you can't go over 50 MB. To be able to upload more than that, you have to purchase a premium acct or create a new one under a different name like some others have done.

what she can also use litle diffrent setup but free and unlmited space
You can request 10 MB of space every month for free. I found this out last month and now have 60 MB of space. In two days I will be able to add another 10 MB up to 70MB. Also, another tip is scaling down your pics (editing them with paint or other picture editor to make them smaller) before you save it to fotki. Before I would save my original file (which is HUGE). The pic shows up small anyway but still takes up the space of the original large file. However if you scale the pic down to the size that fotki displays anyway you hardly use any space. I've only used almost 10MB of space with 109 pictures. Multiply that by 7.thats more than 750 pictures...A whole lot! Thats not even factoring the 10MB I will be adding monthly. These two things should help many of us out. I've been meaning to share this info...Happy picture sharing!

I had also been meaning to share this info.
This is exactly what I do. I add 10 MB each month. I'm at 80 MB now. and I also resize my photos before posting them. I never have any problems.
You can request 10 MB of space every month for free. I found this out last month and now have 60 MB of space. In two days I will be able to add another 10 MB up to 70MB. Also, another tip is scaling down your pics (editing them with paint or other picture editor to make them smaller) before you save it to fotki. Before I would save my original file (which is HUGE). The pic shows up small anyway but still takes up the space of the original large file. However if you scale the pic down to the size that fotki displays anyway you hardly use any space. I've only used almost 10MB of space with 109 pictures. Multiply that by 7.thats more than 750 pictures...A whole lot! Thats not even factoring the 10MB I will be adding monthly. These two things should help many of us out. I've been meaning to share this info...Happy picture sharing!
Sorry, I forgot about this. Yes, you can request 10 MB of free space every month. You can do this if you don't want to fork over the $30 for the annual membership.
Thanks. I got the message today after I added 10 MB yesterday. I thought it meant that I would not be able to add 10 MB in the future, but my settings said 29 days until I could add 10 MB so I'm confused.
:ohsnap: I kept seeing that message and didn't even read it... then when I ran out of space i woulda been like WTF!?!?!?!? :look:
