

New Member
Has anyone truly seen benefits of drinking water?? I drink a lot of water and I love it, but I was just wondering if anyone has seen any results lol i need some motivation/something to look forward to! Thanks in Advance
clear skin! can't speak for the hair, but I notice a HUGE difference in my skin if I am not drinking alot of water.
I drink water everyday I stopped drinking soda and my complexion and hair definetly improved because of it
I'm not sure if it's a combination of things i'm doing, but I try to drink lots of water, and my hair feels better. The thing of it is, my lips are still dry though. I try to drink like 10 glasses a day and my face is clear.
Yep, gotta agree with all of the statements posted above mine. In addition to those, it gives me more energy: sometimes when I feel draggy and tired (lethargic), it's because I'm dehydrated. Water also helps me perform my workouts better (the hour on the treadmill doesn't seem as long, lol!).