Washing twa?


Well-Known Member
Hello lhcf!
Im natural 4a-4b and now have a 3-4 inch twa and im trying to figure out how i should wash it. it too short to separate into big sections but I feel like its too long to just free wash or i'll get some tangles. I tried washing in ten sections ( thats all that would fit- couldnt do any less) but it was such a hassle washing and rinsing 10 sections. then the hassle of setting it up for the night, ive learned my lesson from just sleeping with a satin bonnet:nono: tangle city.
for the naturals, when you hair got to this akward length stage. How did you wash your hair and set it for the night? Im on a personal 30 day MN challenge and it would nice to have a nightly style that would make it easy for me to apply the MN and reset my hair quickly.

Thanks in advance
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and also OP: you have passed the TWA stage (hurrah!!!). this is cause for celebration since i'm assuming you are in this for length.

when i ran here i was like: what problems could someone w/ a TWA possibly have washing their hair? when i had a TWA wash-day was a non-event.

but i see your challenge now... i had the same ish at that stage.

btw: how are you separating your hair now? w/ elastics? or twisting or braiding? cuz it looks like you should be able to do 5 or 6 sections on your hair. i would suggest some duck-bill clips or even butterfly clips to keep your hair sectioned (seriously, 3 on each side should def work) and work on one sec at a time.
okay. KCcurly I dont wash everyday i wash weekly. For low manipulation i leave it in 10-14 braids.
nzeee Honestly thats all i can gather my hair into, it's ridiculously thick so even what looks like a small section has alot of thickness to it. Ive tried 6 sections, maybe i should go to that. Ive even done 4 sections but it felt like a stretch.
^^werd; 4 would be a stretch no doubt

6 w/ shark clips or butterfly should work (no duck then if it's thicker than it appears in the pic since duck won't close properly)

pic of shark clips. not certain if you already know what they are, but i didn't. i don't use 'em much but i remember really liking them cuz of the teeth:
^^werd; 4 would be a stretch no doubt

6 w/ shark clips or butterfly should work (no duck then if it's thicker than it appears in the pic since duck won't close properly)

pic of shark clips. not certain if you already know what they are, but i didn't. i don't use 'em much but i remember really liking them cuz of the teeth:

nzeee cool where do you get these clips from? And how would you set your hair at night?
Hello lhcf!
Im natural 4a-4b and now have a 3-4 inch twa and im trying to figure out how i should wash it. it too short to separate into big sections but I feel like its too long to just free wash or i'll get some tangles. I tried washing in ten sections ( thats all that would fit- couldnt do any less) but it was such a hassle washing and rinsing 10 sections. then the hassle of setting it up for the night, ive learned my lesson from just sleeping with a satin bonnet:nono: tangle city.
for the naturals, when you hair got to this akward length stage. How did you wash your hair and set it for the night? Im on a personal 30 day MN challenge and it would nice to have a nightly style that would make it easy for me to apply the MN and reset my hair quickly.

Thanks in advance

Bump.. I'm about he same length as you I think.. But I have not even tried to stretch out my length so it still looks like a TWA
OP, I started out at 3 inches. When I got to about 4-5 is when I started doing a lot of twists and twist outs. It was fun washing my hair everyday at first but then I started getting a bit tired of it lol. Twists and twist outs helped a lot with tangles and also ease of daily styling. I also found that length perfect for fingercoils.

When you say set your hair for the night, do you mean while wet? I try to never go to bed with a wet head, unless it's in twists and almost dry. If your hair is tangling up in your braids, maybe you could try (instead of just the bonnet) also a a scarf tied down really snugly and then also a bonnet.

With my twists, I don't generally like the hair moving a lot if I want to keep them in a for a long time, so I usually wear them pinned up or tied down snugly if I'm around the house.

My hair is also very thick and I still gather it in 6-8 sections when washing it. It's just what I have to do. Thick hair is great but it does take a bit more time (in my experience).

You could also try banding at night, though it might take more time.
OP, my sister has hair similar to yours. To prevent knots and tangles during washing she cornrows her hair into 10-20 small cornrows going straight back. She washes her hair in the braids and lets it dry still braided up.After washing she sprays it with her moisturizing spray and seals with olive oil while in braids. she wraps her hair with a silk scarf while drying.In the morning she has a great little braid out.
nzeee cool where do you get these clips from? And how would you set your hair at night?

hey lady:

i found some at sally's and they sound perfecto. same idea but slightly different from the ones i showed before.

here's what one review said:
Pros: holds a lot of hair, stays in place, gentle
Cons: none (well could be a bit cheaper price-wise)
"These are great hair clips! I am African American and these clips hold my hair securely in place, don't slip around or fall out, and don't pull any of my hair out. Great purchase!"​

product page: http://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-clips/SBS-702122,default,pd.html

now, in terms of how i 'set' my hair at night... uhm, i don't do anything special at night really. my hair acts up if left in shrunken state so i don't leave it out. the way i wear my hair at night is the same as i wear it in the day: in plaits, cornrows or med-size twists. unless i'm doing a treatment or su'm my hair is never just loose at night. my hair is longer now tho so i can just do a few plaits after a wash and call it a day (about 4-6 big plaits, can't wait until i can reduce this to 2 or 3)

HTH :)
and also OP: you have passed the TWA stage (hurrah!!!). this is cause for celebration since i'm assuming you are in this for length.

That's what I was thinking! Royalq you are exactly where I am, right in the 3-4 inch area! For my wash days, I just wash my whole head. When I detangle, I don't use clips but just kinda section off and comb with my shower comb. But I will say that those clips look awesome and I'll probably invest in some of those as soon as my next paycheck rolls in.
I think I washed it loose or in braids, I don't remember. If in braids I would have followed the same regimen I explain here.

At night, I put in in plaits WITHOUT FAIL every night and baggied. When I had the front cornrowed, I'd put the back in big plaits before baggying my whole head, then in the AM I'd comb out the back and get the fluffiest easiest to comb puff:
Today is my first day on the LHCF and i wanted to let you guys know how i do my hair everymorning. I have a lot of SSKs please let me know what i am doing wrong. I get up in the morning i take a shower and wet my hair while it is soaking wet i ring it out with my hands and then get out and go to my sink pat it down with a towel and then i take alot of moisturizer and fling it back in forth in my hair and then i will take my oil and seal and then a pomade for extra sealing. then i stick a headband on and leave to work (my hair is still pretty damp when i leave and my moisturizer and sealant is in) am i suppose to wait for it to dry?