Washing hair promotes growth?

I rinse or condition wash daily. My hair is becoming thick and it is so soft,also I have very little breakage and my hair is growing extremely fast.
I have to testify that it is definitely the moisture not necessarily shampooing daily. Since I've been condition washing or rinsing daily:

1. My scalp has been healed of the seborrhea dermititis and dandruff that I used to experience.
2. No breakage or shedding.
3. Hair is much stronger.
4. My growth rate has increased SIGNIFICANTLY!
I have to say that I was very skeptical about daily rinses but after everyone's testimonies I may try it. I am currently doing every three days with little shedding. But I am striving for no breakage or shedding so I think I am going to start tomorrow morning.
Okay so with the daily washing do you use a shampoo and conditioner every day. If so what products? And how exactly do you do a conditioner wash? Basically I need some one to break down the entire process or direct me to a link. Thanks!

PS - if you wash everyday do you comb every day too?
I usally conditioner wash everyday with Aubrey Organics Island Naturals or the SeaBuckhorn conditioners and wash on the third day.

I only use a comb once a week when I'm doing a deep conditioning treatment. Other than that, I use my fingers and pin my hair in the sections I want.
I have a friend that has 4A relaxed hair down to her tailbone, and years ago she told me her secret was rinsing her hair everyday and applying conditioner and leaving it on until the next day. She uses the cheapest shampoo and conditioner she can find and does nothing else special. Long hair is not heriditary in her family and all her life her hair was short until she started doing this. I don't know why or how, but I believe that water has a lot to do with hair growth. I personally notice that the more often I wash my hair, the faster the new growth comes in.

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I tried that, I do like it, but I was reading a post where too much deep cond, can cause your hair too weak, is that true and how is your friends hair holding up with that, does she comb it out everyday, or wash it in braid,How long did it take her to get that length? I am trying to find a way to do it without having to deal with my hair so much thanks
LOL! It sure has been months! I really enjoyed reading this thread. I want to know the answers to your questions too. Thanks for bumping it Happylocks!
Many years ago I washed my hair everyday during the summer (no reason) and my hair grew longer and faster than ever before. As I mentioned in another thread, it was not thick and healthy and I used a blow dryer and a hot comb on it daily, leaving my hair see-through and wispy looking. But was growing long fast and it had to be because of the daily moisture.
Isis & Labett
how long did it take too see results and what made u stop ? and What/How do u wash or wet your hair ? W/O cond/poo ? ty ty
I started noticing results the third week when I was washing my hair daily. I was getting a lot of new growth faster than before and my concern back then was trying to keep my hair from looking to poufy. I wasn’t doing all the washes for hair growth (since I knew nothing about this yet). I really didn’t have a good reason except my hair did seem to look consistently nice when I went to work. It looked good probably because it was freshly moisturized and clean and had more body. It really was being damaged everyday from all that heat.

I received comments and compliments sometimes about the length but I knew my hair was getting thinner because I could see right through it. I stopped the daily washing thinking it was all that water that was somehow weakening my hair and causing the thinning. In actuality, the water was probably making my hair very strong, strong enough to endure all the heat damage I was inflicting on it so I wouldn’t be bald-headed! If only I knew what I know now

Now, I wash my hair with Nexxus Botonoil shampoo every 3 days, followed by Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing Conditioner (30 min. with a cap). After rinsing and detangling under the shower, I apply Nexxus Headdess leave-in conditioner and my oils. Every month or so I use the Nexxus Keraphix reconstructer to keep my hair strong (always followed by Humectress)

I don’t wet my hair in the shower without shampoo or conditioner. I tried the conditioner washes when I heard about them on the boards but they didn’t work for me.
I want to add that if it is ok for my hair to wet my hair everyday, without using shampoo or conditioner (unless it's the shampoo day), and have it still look ok when I airdry it, then I would try that regime. Is anyone just wetting their hair everyday, like in the shower?
Hey tiffany,
How much tuna did u eat a day and for how long, I love tuna so I CAN eat that daily or twice, it is so tasty