Washing hair in braids/plaits...WOW!


Well-Known Member
All i can say is WOW!!! I lost maybe 20 strands of hair, as opposed to a huge handful. I always get huge clumps of hair during the detangling process. so i decided to stop being lazy and try what you ladies have been singing all along. So i plaited my hair in 4 loose plaits and secured them with little barettes. I washed my hair, then took out the plaits and applied conditioner. re-plaited. then rinsed my hair and took out the plaits for detangling. during the combout, i lost so little hair it was utterly unbelieveable. I am sooo happy i did this, i will do this for every wash!

thanks ladies!
So take out the plait, put conditioner on hair, then replait with conditioner on, then rinse with plait still in or take out plait and rinse out conditioner?
janiebaby said:
So take out the plait, put conditioner on hair, then replait with conditioner on, then rinse with plait still in or take out plait and rinse out conditioner?

I take out the plait and rinse, but I think you could do it either way. I love this method! What I do:

*Section hair with fingers and spray roots with my diluted S-Curl mixture
*Divide hair into 4 sections
*Loosely plait each section
*Secure with barrette or snag-proof ponytail holder (my barrettes pop off sometimes while I'm in the shower!)
*Wet hair
*Pour diluted shampoo over hair and massage each section/plait well
*Unplait each section, add conditioner, re-braid
*Cover with plastic cap & deep condition as usual
*Unplait by section and rinse
Glad you had success. I tried this when I was stretching my last relaxer and it worked wonders when my ng was tangling.

I've tried this as well for the first time about 2 weeks ago. Isn't it great? I was trying to wash my hair like a (excuse my manners on this one :perplexed ) white girl - and my hair was NOT having it! So I did like you, and braided my hair...so much easier.

I'm surprized I never did this before....

I'm going to be trying this tonight when I wash my hair. I'm attempting to transistion and I have LOTS of new growth.
Congrats! I luuuv washing my hair this way. I have enough hair on my head for 2 people and believe me, this makes the process much easier on me and my hair!
Does this shedding happen when your hair gets longer? I've never had this problem natural or relaxed.:confused: I'm still learning.:look:
Mizani_Mrs said:
All i can say is WOW!!! I lost maybe 20 strands of hair, as opposed to a huge handful. I always get huge clumps of hair during the detangling process. so i decided to stop being lazy and try what you ladies have been singing all along. So i plaited my hair in 4 loose plaits and secured them with little barettes. I washed my hair, then took out the plaits and applied conditioner. re-plaited. then rinsed my hair and took out the plaits for detangling. during the combout, i lost so little hair it was utterly unbelieveable. I am sooo happy i did this, i will do this for every wash!

thanks ladies!

Mizani_Mrs, when's a girl gonna get an update...it's almost been a year...I know there's got to be a hair update. Let's see that growth.
This method is the truth!! It's so easy that my 13yo daughter, who has 3c natural hair to her bra strap, can wash her hair herself. I started using it and found that my wash day shedding became negligible.
Dearlove said:
This method is the truth!! It's so easy that my 13yo daughter, who has 3c natural hair to her bra strap, can wash her hair herself. I started using it and found that my wash day shedding became negligible.
Could you please tell me exactly how it's done?
Wouldn't some of the hair strands not get cleaned?
Sorry, I've never done this before. :look:
I'm not sure if my braids would stay in because my hair goes straight when it's wet. :look:
High Priestess said:
Could you please tell me exactly how it's done?
Wouldn't some of the hair strands not get cleaned?
Sorry, I've never done this before. :look:
I'm not sure if my braids would stay in because my hair goes straight when it's wet. :look:

While washing the hair in braids, you sort of squeeze the shampoo down the braid. If you are concerned about the hair falling out of the braid, you can modify the technique by putting the four braids in, then taking the braids down one at a time to wash.
I'm natural too and this is the way I wash my hair almost every time,, the difference in tangles is really amazing and leaves my thick hair much more manageable.


I assume that,s your Mom in your wedding pic, you and her look just alike. Look at the smiles :grin: . Congrats on your marriage.
Dearlove said:
While washing the hair in braids, you sort of squeeze the shampoo down the braid. If you are concerned about the hair falling out of the braid, you can modify the technique by putting the four braids in, then taking the braids down one at a time to wash.
Oh, I did not know you'd have to apply shampoo. Maybe french braids might work for me because my hair isn't very long. I guess if I rinse long enough, the shampoo will come out.
How often do you wash this daily?
I'm gonna have to try this on me and my daughter's hair...my hair doesn't tangle to bad but lawd have mercy her hair? geez :wallbash:
I love love love this method. I would never be able to manage my natural hair without it! It makes my hair so easy to detangle.
babyblue said:
I love love love this method. I would never be able to manage my natural hair without it! It makes my hair so easy to detangle.
DO you use this method with braid extentions? Is that your hair example in the avatar?
High Priestess said:
DO you use this method with braid extentions? Is that your hair example in the avatar?

thats all my hair in the avatar. haven't had braid extensions since 1993.
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I love this method too! It's a must since I've started transitioning, I lose a lot less hair this way and detangling is a breeze. :)