Washing combs and brushes.


God is Good!!
How do you wash your combs and brushes ?
Do you wash your combs and brushes every time you wash your hair?
I wash my combs in warm water,Dettol and Shampoo what do you do?
I should really start washing them, I do do it often enough.

I usually wash them in the kitchen sink, with dishwashing liquid or shampoo... and scrub them with an old toothbrish.
I use an old plastic bowl with extremely hot water and Clorox. Sometimes I use Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) because they both kill germs and dissolve oil/dirt.
I usually just wash mine every so often after washing my hair. I use my same shampoo that I wash my hair with and very hot water. I think I'll start using alcohol or clorox too to make sure I kill the germs. Thanks for the reminder Jewell.
Stormy said:
I usually just wash mine every so often after washing my hair. I use my same shampoo that I wash my hair with and very hot water. I think I'll start using alcohol or clorox too to make sure I kill the germs. Thanks for the reminder Jewell.

No prob. Regular detergent kills SOME germs too, but ya'll know Clorox kills 'er thang. :lol:
I wash my combs and brushes once a week with shampoo and hot water. Sometimes I rinse them with hot water and clorox.
I wash mine in a baking soda/shampoo solution and then i spritz them with a bleach/water solution before doing a final rinse.
I take two brushes and squirt a clarifiying shampoo on the bristles and rub them together under hot water.
I wash mine with shampoo once/week. I don't feel that I need to sanitize them because my combs have antimicrobial protection which inhibits bacteria growth. Also I throw out my combs every other month and buy a fresh new set. I do the same with my #440 brushes.
I don't use a brush and only comb my hair while in the shower with conditioner in it. Perhaps I should start washing my Jilbere shower comb? :lol:

I just leave it hanging up in the shower all the time. Honestly, I never even think about washing it, lol.

Hope that's not too gross. :sekret:
I scrub my combs and brushes against each other to remove dirt and oil after wetting and applying either shampoo or bar soap. Whatever comb i use for detangling in the shower gets clean at that time. Since going natural, I hardly use brushes and my combs don't get very dirty, probably because I co-wash a few times a week.
I wash or at least rinse my combs everyday under hot running water and shampoo if needed. For about 6 months or more I have been washing my hair either daily or every 2-3 days (this helps to keep your combs clean). I never actually use antibacterial cleansers for my combs and this has worked well for years....

Brushes, which I don't use very often, are usually washed with shampoo and hot water and a fine toothed comb to get out all the hairs every month.
I soak my combs once a week in soapy 'hot' water before cleaning them. I have a brush that I only use for the purpose of cleaning the combs. I use dishwashing liquid and sometimes old shampoo,;)
sorry for bumping:blush:

but i usually wash it with shampoo or make water n the sink and soak the brush and comb for an hour with hot water and soap:yep: