Washing Braids While Hair is Braided????? (Question)


New Member
Hey guys I'm trying to search LHCF for ways to maintain healthy hair while making sure theres little to no breakage while in braided styles: but for some reasons whenever try to search LHCF search engine my page is completely blank: I'm troubleshooting this problem as we speak

But for all you ladies out there who wear braids as a style and for protective reasons; how do you retain and maintain moisture while keeping your braids in?

I have 4a hair type and it gets dry very fast (so mositure is a must)!
I usually use a mist concoction that contains water, glycerin, and sometimes a little bit of virgin coconut oil I give my hair a spray in the moring, afternoon, and before I go to bed (and I use a head wrap at night to keep the moisture in and keep my braids neat)

do any of you have any similar methods?

Also what the longest you keep your braids in for and do you wash your hair while you are wearing your braids?


CoCo Rican
The longest i've kept braids in were a month and a half, only because my new growth gets out of hand. The only thing I do is co-wash every other day. Well, I don't know if it's really co-washing since I add a little bit of to my conditioner dr. bronner's liquid castile soap. That's all I do and my hair doesn't flake or get dry.
I am currently in two braid challenges simultaneously:

Braids Braids til December '08
A Hard C & G challenge

I am in cornbraids, and I follow the Crown & Glory techniques for braids at growafrohairlong.com

I shampoo & condition my hair in braids twice per week. Each nite I use Infusium23 & African Royale Braid spray into the braids. I alternate between OCT and BeeMine on the scalp. Then I seal with Jane Carter's Nourish & Shine butters & tie with silk scarf. Never any problems with dryness. When I take down the cornbraids to wash/clarify/DC the hair, the moisture is phenomenal! Hope this helps.
But for all you ladies out there who wear braids as a style and for protective reasons; how do you retain and maintain moisture while keeping your braids in?

Washing my hair twice a week either both times with shampoo or one being a CW and baggying every night seems to keep my hair moisturized w/o the need for sprays or leave-ins.

I have 4a hair type and it gets dry very fast (so mositure is a must)!
I usually use a mist concoction that contains water, glycerin, and sometimes a little bit of virgin coconut oil I give my hair a spray in the moring, afternoon, and before I go to bed (and I use a head wrap at night to keep the moisture in and keep my braids neat)
do any of you have any similar methods?

I used to make a spritz of glycerin, ACV, distilled water and EOs of rosemary and lavendar, but I don't bother anymore. Just baggying every night seems to keep my tresses happy.

Also what the longest you keep your braids in for and do you wash your hair while you are wearing your braids?

Well, since I do my own braids, I keep them in endlessly, redoing one at a time as time allows while watching TV. This weekend I decided to redo all the braids, but not by undoing them all first, but rather using the same method of undoing one and redoing it before going to the next. I have been wearing these braids since April 2007. I do dust the ends if I notice them looking thin when I undo each braid to redo.

For more info on braid regimens, see the links in this thread, especially the last one I quote: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=198599
The longest I've kept in braids was two weeks. I shampoo the braids, mainly concentrating on the scalp and rinse. As I'm rinsing the braids I am squeezing them to make sure all the shampoo is gone. Also as rinsing, I'm looking at the streams of water coming off my hair to make sure they are running clear. I also add conditioner to my braids concentrating on the braids themselves and rinse using the same method. When I'm done, I do not towel blot my hair. I add castor oil to dripping wet hair then I allow to air dry.
My hair is usually in individual braids or cornrows. I've just started trying Candy C's ayurvedic regimen and I'm in cornrows now.
I wind up washing twice a week with a Shikakai Amla tea, prepooing the night before with vatika oil or amla oil.
For moisture, I use the Moisture mist leave-in from shescentit.com, Giovanni Direct (on wash days) Amla heavy Cream and Olive cream detangler from Qhemet. I seal with EVOO.
I keep cornrows in for 2-3 weeks and individuals for 6-8 weeks depending on how much new growth there is so I don't get matting.
My hair is usually in individual braids or cornrows. I've just started trying Candy C's ayurvedic regimen and I'm in cornrows now.
I wind up washing twice a week with a Shikakai Amla tea, prepooing the night before with vatika oil or amla oil.
For moisture, I use the Moisture mist leave-in from shescentit.com, Giovanni Direct (on wash days) Amla heavy Cream and Olive cream detangler from Qhemet. I seal with EVOO.
I keep cornrows in for 2-3 weeks and individuals for 6-8 weeks depending on how much new growth there is so I don't get matting.

How do you get your cornrows to stay so long without getting "fuzzy"? I wash twice per week with a stocking cap on, tie every nite with silk scarf, and I STILL only get about 8 days worth of cornrows. :confused:
How do you get your cornrows to stay so long without getting "fuzzy"? I wash twice per week with a stocking cap on, tie every nite with silk scarf, and I STILL only get about 8 days worth of cornrows. :confused:

When it starts to get fuzzy I slick on some Honeybush Hair Gel from Qhemet at night and wrap it up in a scarf so it's all laying down in the morning. When it gets too fuzzy to do that, I just put a wig on over them when I'm in public. But I know a lot of people aren't into wigs, so your 8 days is pretty good.