WASH out Relaxer in the Sink or Shower??

Do you wash out your relaxer in the sink or shower?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 7 10.0%
  • Heck No!!

    Votes: 13 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lean over the tub. I just can't imagine the relaxer solution running down my back :perplexed I also use gloves when relaxing my hair!
When I self relaxed, I never thought about rinsing it out in the shower. I would be scared of chemicals on my body since my skin is very sensitive. But it does seem more comfortable and convenient. Let us know.
the shower is the only way i EVER washed out my own relaxer... last time i had it washed out in a sink (not counting salons) was when i was 10 and Mama was doing it. :look:
I used to use the shower all the time, for everything (henna, texlax, wash after prepoo, rinse after DC.....etc)--until I got my hair cut.

Now it's sink--and I love it this way!

No getting in and out, and all wet for everything. Very convenient. My vote is for sink!
If I'm at home, I wash out bent over the tub. If I relax while I'm on the road, I do it in the shower. (the truck stops have clean, stand in showers). I used to wash out in sinks but it's very uncomfortable because I'm 6' tall.:yep: Plus, it seems to take longer for me to get all of that stuff out of my hair.:spinning:
I go in the tub and kneel down and place my head under the tap of running water. I don't feel comfortable having relaxer travel down my body and getting on forbidden body parts:grin:.
I've done both.

I relax my hair in two halves which requires that I do two separate rinses. Because of that, I'll do my initial rinses in the sink. This gets most of the product out.

Then I'll continue to rinse and neutralize in the shower to get out the remaining chemical.
I wash out in the kitchen sink:grin:. I can't imgine rinsing it out in the shower with all the chemicals running down:nono:. Then I would have to neutralize myself:lachen:
I relax in sections. So when it comes time to rinse, I do the front of my head in the sink, and I rinse out the back in the shower.
i've tried the sink a couple of times, but i've had better results in the shower....i never even worried about having the residue run down my back or wherever, the way i figure, its already on my head sooooooo......oh well LOL
I've done both.

I relax my hair in two halves which requires that I do two separate rinses. Because of that, I'll do my initial rinses in the sink. This gets most of the product out.

Then I'll continue to rinse and neutralize in the shower to get out the remaining chemical.

When I relax in two halves, I do the same..sink first, then shower. I've also rinsed out the relaxer entirely in the shower with no problems.
:lol: I thought about that and having relaxed pubes :lol:

i'm thinking about doing this anyway. I sure hope i don't regret it...

Thanks for the replies.

Keep em coming :grin:

You can wash it out in your tub by just kneeling outside the bath tub and hang your head over the bath tub and wash out the relxer with a bucker of water. Kind of like you would have been doing in the sink except you have more space and probably less messy.
You can wash it out in your tub by just kneeling outside the bath tub and hang your head over the bath tub and wash out the relxer with a bucker of water. Kind of like you would have been doing in the sink except you have more space and probably less messy.

unfortunately, i lose a lot of hair by doing it like that. i wash my relaxer out in the shower
in the shower-- I like the water pressure better and I prefer to have the water to fall down on all my hair (...lol I also like not worrying about bumping the top and sides of my head which used to always happen in the past when I used the sink :spinning:.)
in the shower-- I like the water pressure better and I prefer to have the water to fall down on all my hair (...lol I also like not worrying about bumping the top and sides of my head which used to always happen in the past when I used the sink :spinning:.)

Shower...I cover my "parts" with a washcloth. I've been doing this for about 10 years and started by accident. It's much more healthier for your hair because you really shouldn't manipulate your hair when it's at it's most fragile state and allow the relaxer to go down your back (as in the salon chair). After I rinse out the relaxer, I apply a light protein/moisturizer, put on a shower cap, jump back in the shower and bathe myself. After about 5 minutes, I rinse and apply neutralizer.

I've had waistlength hair but am now brastrap length (will post pix soon as I'm a lurker turn newbie)....
Definitely the shower! My hair gets caught in the garbage disposal if I wash in the sink....yuck! I can't rinse bent over the tub because of how high it is and how its situated. So definitely the shower. I find I lose much less hair from tangling as well.
I have always done the sink, but have wanted to do the shower.

Rinsing my hair backwards would definitely entail less manipulation, and leaning forward ALWAYS results in residue in my eye.

Scared to go blind more than I am of texlaxed pubes. :blush:

I may get a cape/poncho, since it's hard to scrub between shoulder blades