Wash And Go


Well-Known Member
Do any of you sit under a hooded dryer with your wash and go style? If so, how does if affect the style? Is it fuller? Does it dry straighter? Etc.?

I used to because I hate wet hair. It actually dried very flat so I would sit under it backwards with my hair flipped down. I got more volume but it was awkward sitting like that. Now I just blow air on it with the blow dryer.
Yes, I started recently beginning the drying process under a dryer for about 15 minutes and then transitioning to the diffuser. I get better definition because the curls "set" quickly while in the gel cast. The diffuser adds more volume.

That's the effect I want.

Which dryer (the one that you sit under) do you have?

I keep getting turned off by negative reviews of all the ones I'm looking at. TIA.
That's the effect I want.

Which dryer (the one that you sit under) do you have?

I keep getting turned off by negative reviews of all the ones I'm looking at. TIA.
Also ask the ladies in the Setting yo Success thread. They use dryers frequently, know the pros and cons of different models and can give personal recommendations.