Was told my hair was damaged thats why my rollerset ends would be frizzy..


Well-Known Member
I have been natural since I joined this forum in 2008. My hair went from shoulder length to tail bone. I was going to the Dominicans and the longer it got they started racking through my hair not caring about my ends so this Christmas I got a Pibbs dryer. I could not figure out how to roll the back of my hair. So, I today my doctors receptionist (who is relaxed) referred me to a lady who lives on my street who does hair. (her hair looks great but she's relaxed). When I called yesterday I explained I a am a natural and I have very long hair and I need someone to just rollerset me that I have a pibbs and can be fully dried in 45 minutes. She said she could do it. When I get there (hair dripping wet) she begins to tell me my ends are "damaged" and because of the damage the rollerset wont look right that my ends will looked jacked up. Mind you my daughter blow dryed and flat iron my hair two weeks ago and my ends were smooth as silk! I had just cut an inch off of my ends and heat hasn't touched my hair since!! I was thinking to myself no lady if your technique is bad my ends will look jacked up. So she asked me if she could cut my ends that were just trimmed I said no just roller set my ends. I have never in my life seen someone take 45 minutes to rollerset my hair!!! The Dominicans rollerset me in ten minutes or less this lady took forever. I knew I was in trouble when she first started frowning, then telling me how damaged my ends were and how it wasn't going to look right when I knew all along with the right technique my ends would be smooth! Long story short I sat under the dryer for 45 minutes and STILL had to blow dry and flat iron my hair!!!!:nono: Then she had the nerve to text me saying " I wanna see how it looks like" I looked like Chacakauns love child when I took my roller sets out! It looked good because I blowdryed and flat ironed it!!!

ok sorry but I had to vent!!!!!!
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Be patient and teach yourself to rollerset. I love mine, it takes me longer than 10 minutes but I take my time (I'm relaxed).
I find many hairstylists don't know how to rollerset. At least one I know has the grace to be embarrassed by that and asked me to teach her so she can offer it to her clients.
She sounds silly!

I agree with the previous posters. Perfect your own roller sets. I have stylists that I have been loyal to for years. One in in my home town and 2 in the city I currently live in & none of them can give me the results I like for my roller sets. They would roller set my hair and I would sit in my car with a bag of products and "fix it" or rush home to make it look like I wanted to. Long hair can be set too...if you start in the back and get it over with first, everything else will be easy. It takes a little longer time wise but it can be done. And bayyyyby when you perfect it *snaps fingers* can't nobody tell you nothing!

I use stylists for pressed hair, sew in's and braids. I can do everything else at home. lol
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Maybe you could do the ponytail rollerset. I think Pocahontas had some pics/instructions in some old posts
I'm going to try the ponytail rollerset now! Thanks for the suggestion! I can't believe this chick really thought I was going to let her cut my ends! (first time she ever put her hands in my hair when I KNEW there was nothing wrong with my ends!)