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Did I go on a date? What makes going out with a guy "a date"?

Okay, after 9 years of marriage my husband filed for divorce in October...totally didn't see it coming! However, I've never cried and I'm not broken up about it. You can't make a person stay and you can't make a person love you. He also moved 1300 miles away to take a new job, so out of sight; out of mind!

Anyway, fast forward to election night. I was at an election party watching Barack :spank:McCain and I met this really nice ( and I must add superfine) guy. We talked for about 3 hours and exchanged info. He's recently divorced, no kids, and new to the area. We emailed each other and made plans to get together.

Earlier this week, we went to dinner and had a really nice time.

My question, is did I go on a date? It doesn't bother me one way or another (my husband left me and we haven't talked more than 10 minutes since he left a month ago), but my BFF is sort of hatin' on me and is acting really shady about my new friend. I think she has a hard time seeing me with anyone else b/c she and her DH and me and my ex-DH were the four muskateers, but oh well.

Anyway, what do y'all think? Date or just going out. He asked me out, he paid, and he would not let me pick up the tip.
Sounds like a date!! Your friend just needs to stop hating and let you do you. It's not like you're married anymore, what does she expect you to do? Never date again.
If it looks like a date, walks like a date and quacks like a date, it's a date! :)

Glad you enjoyed it and tell your friend to mind her business!
Well then, a DATE it was! Ladies, thanks for the encouragement too. It's sad when you'd like to turn to your BFF during a transitional period, but can't because she's trippin'!

Anyway, I'm lookin' forward to date #2!:yep:
Dear u have been out of the scene for awhile - what u did is considered a date, lol
Don't feel bad it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things:grin:
Personally, I'm not pressed about it, but my BFF is acting like I've committed a cardinal sin. So, I guess I'm thinking she feels like I shouldn't be going out with another man because I'm technically not divorced yet.

She made a big point of the fact that it was a date and I was just wanting to see what other folks thought. I was married for nine years so I hadn't been on a date for over a decade... I figured maybe the definition of dating has changed since I last did it...when dinosaurs roamed the Earth!

Personally, I'm not pressed about it, but my BFF is acting like I've committed a cardinal sin. So, I guess I'm thinking she feels like I shouldn't be going out with another man because I'm technically not divorced yet.

She made a big point of the fact that it was a date and I was just wanting to see what other folks thought. I was married for nine years so I hadn't been on a date for over a decade... I figured maybe the definition of dating has changed since I last did it...when dinosaurs roamed the Earth!


Technically if ur friend wants to split hairs about it u r legally seperated. Ur husband is out of the picture u can do how and what u like.