WARNING: long Post...if you're willing please read and help.


New Member
So I've been lurking on this forum for years. I'm not proud of it and some of you may turn away instead of continuing reading. I became a heat addict when I went away to college in 2003. I was in upstate NY, middle of nowhere, there was no salon around that knew how to do my hair, so I had to learn to do my hair myself. That's how the flat iron became my best friend. My hair became really damaged, I didn't even know what heat protectant was. I probably found this site around 2008. The reason I lurked was because I wasn't ready to commit taking care of my hair the way I knew it needed to be. I wasn't ready to let go of heat. I've changed certain bad habits that I've learned from this site, using heat protectant, always deep conditioning, stopped flat ironing, only roller setting. But I still new it wasn't enough. So I guess I didn't feel “worthy” of contributing when I wasn't completely committing myself.

But we all have to start somewhere, right? For some of us it takes something bad for us to realize a change needs to take place, others have the drive to make that change before consequences occur. In my case, something went awry.

I am relaxed, I have been since about 1997. I have also highlighted my hair a few times since 2005. I'm really not sure what my hair type is. I think it might be somewhere between 3c and 4a, but who knows, I can't recall what my natural hair looks like. My father is indian and I guess he has type 1 hair, no idea what my mom would be because she's always been relaxed also. I've always had thick hair, I always got compliments as a child and even as an adult despite the damage. I don't consider myself as having long hair, especially when I see the women on here, but it's always been around/slightly below bra strap, without really trying.

July 2, 2012 I decided to color my entire head. Its always something I've thought is a definite no no for women of color, on top of being relaxed. I did some research, especially using this forum and it seemed like clairol texture and tones would be the safe way to go, despite being relaxed. I could not find anyone would had a bad experience with it. I contemplated it for a while once I bought the box. Not sure what was going through my head, I must've been having a quarter life crisis moment. If I could turn back time I would, but I can't.

After I washed out the color, my hair was coming out A LOT. I've NEVER had so much hair come out before. I've had shedding issues in the past, this was not it. I tried finger combing with conditioner and more kept coming out. I broke down in the shower, I thought I was going to go bald. Like any other woman your hair is such a huge part of your identity, I wanted to die. I pulled it together and went to my trusted LHCF for advice.

After researching....I came to the conclusion that I had overprocessed my hair. I needed to put protein back in because I basically turned it into swiss cheese. First I tried Nexxus Emergencee, didn't see any change. Sorta felt like it was stronger, but that could have been all in my head. Then the following week I decided to give Aphogee 2 step a try, didn't see much of anything change either. So the following week and half later I decided to give Emergencee another go, but still nothing. The hair is still coming out just as much.

It's been about a month and it's painful(mentally) to wash my hair and see so much coming out and then to even touch a comb and try to detangle is too much. I have not put any heat in my hair for the entire month, I've been doing braidouts, twist outs, buns. This is the longest I have ever gone without heat. I've been deep conditioning twice a week. I moisturize daily with NTM and seal with various oils. My hair has gotten so thin, its sickly to look at. The strands that come out seem so long, I feel like I would have to cut it so short to fix this problem.
I'm lost right now, I didn't expect an overnight fix, but after a month it seems like absolutely nothing's changed. I've lost so much hair in just one month, I don't know what I'll have left after two. I'm scared. The things that were supposed to work aren't.

If anyone's been in a similar situation please please reach out, if there's anything else you think I should try, I'm willing. If you think cutting it off it the only solution, tell me.

And if you've gotten to the end of this, thank you for reading, I really appreciate it.
If your hair is shedding, protein is not going to be an issue. Protein comes into play when you have breakage. It's something going on with your scalp and underneath it for it to be shedding so much.

Maybe someone with more experience could chime in on what to do to stop/minimize shedding.
I hear a lot of protein tx. What type of dc are you using. It sounds like your balance could be off.

eta: are there white bulbs on the tips (shedding) or is it midshaft breakage?
Sorry you are going thru this OP! What about tea rinse? There's a forum about it maybe you can read up on it or ask the ladies in there for advice on shedding! I hope you find something that works hun.
Wow! Scary, OP! And I feel ya. My hair wasn't as bad after color in between Dec '11 and Feb '12 but it was bad. Fried. Breaking off. Coming off in my hands when washing. It was a combination of things though, so maybe some of my experience can help:

1. Join us in the tea rinse challenge. Rinsing with nettle tea pretty much stopped the falling out right away. Well, slowed it to a crawl

2. Stop shampooing and co wash only. Shampoo is really hard on the hair and scalp. It's basically detergent that dries everything out. Once I stopped shampooing, hair covering my hands on wash day has completely stopped.

3. Stop manipulating wet hair. It's obviously getting weaker as time goes and hair saturated with water can be pretty fragile. Detangle when it's dry before washing and then wash and DC without putting a comb in it. Only finger detangle for big knots, otherwise leave it alone. Don't attempt to detangle after washing until it's almost dry.

4. Take a multi-vitamin. It won't stop it falling right now, but it will stengthen what you have left and the new hairs that will be growing.

5. Henna might help thicken what you have left to give you a fuller look. It will also strengthen them.

Don't worry OP. It does end! Eventually, this set back will be long forgotten and your hair-dreams will come true!
Too add, as long one of those twice a week DCs include moisture (along with your protein treatments) I think you are balancing the protein-moisture issue. Also know that I think you are doing just the right thing by babying your hair and paying extra attention to it's weaknesses. Consider garlic (pills or conditioner) to help with shedding.
I don't think its shedding. I don't believe I see the little white bulbs. I'm pretty sure it's breakage. If I pull on the ends of my hair, even when dry I can still pull out lots of strands with hardly any effort. But who knows, maybe it is shedding. Could a hair color treatment cause the onset of the shedding to this degree.

I've really been using silk elements megasilk moisturizing treatment (both green (olive oil) and brown container). I've been adding olive oil, avocado, sweet almond, and castor oil to some DCs also.
If its breakage then I suggest you use your best Deep conditioner twice a week alternating with protein. Maybe braid your hair so you dont have to,manipulate it so much and stop combing it
Honestly OP I think you are doing everything right. Your hair may be breaking which progressive trimming may be necessary until the breakage eases up.
Wow! Scary, OP! And I feel ya. My hair wasn't as bad after color in between Dec '11 and Feb '12 but it was bad. Fried. Breaking off. Coming off in my hands when washing. It was a combination of things though, so maybe some of my experience can help:

1. Join us in the tea rinse challenge. Rinsing with nettle tea pretty much stopped the falling out right away. Well, slowed it to a crawl

2. Stop shampooing and co wash only. Shampoo is really hard on the hair and scalp. It's basically detergent that dries everything out. Once I stopped shampooing, hair covering my hands on wash day has completely stopped.

3. Stop manipulating wet hair. It's obviously getting weaker as time goes and hair saturated with water can be pretty fragile. Detangle when it's dry before washing and then wash and DC without putting a comb in it. Only finger detangle for big knots, otherwise leave it alone. Don't attempt to detangle after washing until it's almost dry.

4. Take a multi-vitamin. It won't stop it falling right now, but it will stengthen what you have left and the new hairs that will be growing.

5. Henna might help thicken what you have left to give you a fuller look. It will also strengthen them.

Don't worry OP. It does end! Eventually, this set back will be long forgotten and your hair-dreams will come true!

I am so sorry to hear about this happening to you OP!!

Darkjoy is giving excellent advice.

I would hold off on the henna until you get your shedding stabilized. The tea rinses will help a great deal!

Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, that will help support your new growth.
OP, I lurked since early 2000-something before registering under different name and email address and I still lurked until I started posing. I lurked for YEARS - nothing to be ashamed about!

I agree with the henna recommendation; it will really strengthen your hair, but you will need to really do a DC if you do that. If you do that, I would also do a henna gloss that's conditioner and oil rich than a pure henna treatment.

I know this is a source of pain right now, but do you mind posting photos so that we can see what you're dealing with so that we can give you more advice when it comes to styles, care, etc?
Thanks so much everyone. I really really appreciate you taking the time to read that novel I wrote. And no one has said I should chop it all off which is good news, actually it's great. I feel a little better and hopeful.

I seemed to be hearing a lot of replies with "shedding" do you guys think thats what's going on? Of course you can't be 100% without actually seeing my hair, but would coloring cause that? I'm a science person, so I guess I like to know the whys behind things.

Can we assume that it's not breakage because the protein treatments did absolutely nothing?

I will definitely try the tea rinse, something that has never even crossed my mind and I know very little about, but I can definitely search. There won't be any negative consequences if shedding isn't really my issue, right?

Thanks again everyone. I will try to post pictures tonight if I can stand to look at them myself.
Wow I am so so sorry. Just keep doing a whole lot of deep conditioning along with some protein treatments. You may want to find someone to give you consistent treatments if you are not able to handle it yourself. Good Luck
I don't mean to laugh...but I'm in the same predicament. Mine fell like leaves and I cut to neck-length. It's not shedding...that's chemical breakage throughout the hair shaft. Well, back to henna etc. and I just did my first after several weeks of protein treatments. It's subsiding but my hair is super fine now. ***Edited to give advice.***

Try HASK placenta mask. It was recommended by a stylist to bring strength back. Use 2-3 times weekly. You can get it at Sally Beauty Supply, even Wal-mart. Don't worry, you need several weeks for the cuticle to rebuild. It takes 6 weeks and then you need other conditioning to continue before you finally cut off all damage. Moisture/protein balance is a must for right now. If I were you, I'd get some Ojon paste or palm oil at the African grocer. Moisture+protein in an oil and it gives a lot of pliability to the hair shaft. Low manipulation is a must.

Well, will you be my chemical death buddy? LOL. We can start from scratch. I always wanted my curls back. NOw, I have no choice. I haven't shaved yet and am holding off on that for now.
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I lost a lot of hair after coloring my natural hair with Garnier HerbaShine. I knew it was the color itself that did. After the fact, I checked Makeup Alley and there were lots of negative reviews. Tons of my hair came out. When I braided it weeks later, I realized that I had a quarter sized bald spot and several areas of short broken hair.

Looking back, I guess it's good that all the hair came out from mostly one area. My hair is dense so I could hide it. I was clean bald for months. After a very long time, it finally grew in. The big bald spot is about 4" long now and blends better with my hair. What I thought was constant shedding was just all the hair falling out from a few areas. This was meant to make you feel better but it doesn't sound too good, lol.

Hang in there, the hair will grow back. Nothing I did helped it really, I just had to wait it out but now you'd never know I lost that hair. I was glad to know I didn't have an ongoing problem and I knew what caused it so I can avoid it.
last time i suffered bad damage i did this:

week one - aphoghee 2 step. that is my first step whenever i have damage.

then weekly:

nexxus emergencee followed by nexxus humectress - i do this every week. 20 minutes each. (now i would use a different deep moisturizing treatment after the emergencee, but the last time i was badly damaged was a long time ago and nexxuss was my staple then)

emergencee is a light protein, so any light protein will do.

i follow this light protein, and then deep moisture treatment every week without fail until the shedding/breakage stops.

also, no heat. i wear protective styles. i only finger comb. and i don't touch my hair or touch it as little as possible until the damage is better.

this may take up to 3 months.

i switch to every other week treatments when the damage appears to have slowed. and then i do the traetment once a month when the hair seems to be getting stronger.

i also would blunt cut the ends to keep split ends from just making the damage worse......if you are breaking from the middle or the root, split ends just make it worse. once you blunt cut your hair it will be "stronger" so to speak.

keep your hands out of your hair and don't do ANY chemicals until your hair is strong again. this could take a total of 4-6 months, maybe a year depending on how much hair you end up losing.

i can't recommend teas because they never worked for me, but lots of women have success.

just find something and STICK WITH IT....don't regimen hop. now is not the time.

good luck ! :) and don't worry about lurking...i lurked for awhile too. just take care of yourself and your hair.:yep:
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Sorry about your hair and I feel your pain! I'm new at this stuff too and when I took over my hair care it was breaking like crazy. I did the Aphogee 2 step, stopped using shampoo and stepped up my cowashing. Finally I'm seeing results it took me about 3 or 4 months. I'm still slowly trimming away my damage. Also since my hair was basically falling out whenever I did anything to it I only wore protective styles (buns) and only comb once a week. Oh yea I deep conditioned with every co wash that could've been 2-3 times a week. I found out my hair needed moisture moisture moisture! Idk if that'll help you any but good luck and I'm sure it'll get better with a little time

Oh yea when I first used the 2 step I didn't see results either
auparavant said:
I don't mean to laugh...but I'm in the same predicament. Mine fell like leaves and I cut to neck-length. It's not shedding...that's chemical breakage throughout the hair shaft. Well, back to henna etc. and I just did my first after several weeks of protein treatments. It's subsiding but my hair is super fine now. ***Edited to give advice.***

Try HASK placenta mask. It was recommended by a stylist to bring strength back. Use 2-3 times weekly. You can get it at Sally Beauty Supply, even Wal-mart. Don't worry, you need several weeks for the cuticle to rebuild. It takes 6 weeks and then you need other conditioning to continue before you finally cut off all damage. Moisture/protein balance is a must for right now. If I were you, I'd get some Ojon paste or palm oil at the African grocer. Moisture+protein in an oil and it gives a lot of pliability to the hair shaft. Low manipulation is a must.

Well, will you be my chemical death buddy? LOL. We can start from scratch. I always wanted my curls back. NOw, I have no choice. I haven't shaved yet and am holding off on that for now.

I could use a buddy in this, lol. Not sure I'm ready for that cut though. I wanna start fresh, I just can't commit to what the actually requires. In regards to the HASK, did you personally use it with good results? If so, why did you still do the chop?
All I can think of is continue dc-ing and conditioning it took almost 2 months to recover from my winter damage so I think your hair will be healthy by the next month
Hey OP! First off welcome!

I did the same thing with a box dye about a year ago. I would DC and use protein treatments to curb the shedding. Eventually it did stop however my hair was choppy and damaged in some areas. I ended up getting a NL cut which I grew out. I was also wayyyy overdue for a trim so that + the damage from the color cause me to lose quite a bit of length.

Don't worry, with some TLC and maybe a trim you will be just fine in a month or so.
havilland said:
last time i suffered bad damage i did this:

week one - aphoghee 2 step. that is my first step whenever i have damage.

then weekly:

nexxus emergencee followed by nexxus humectress - i do this every week. 20 minutes each. (now i would use a different deep moisturizing treatment after the emergencee, but the last time i was badly damaged was a long time ago and nexxuss was my staple then)

emergencee is a light protein, so any light protein will do.

i follow this light protein, and then deep moisture treatment every week without fail until the shedding/breakage stops.

also, no heat. i wear protective styles. i only finger comb. and i don't touch my hair or touch it as little as possible until the damage is better.

this may take up to 3 months.

i switch to every other week treatments when the damage appears to have slowed. and then i do the traetment once a month when the hair seems to be getting stronger.

i also would blunt cut the ends to keep split ends from just making the damage worse......if you are breaking from the middle or the root, split ends just make it worse. once you blunt cut your hair it will be "stronger" so to speak.

keep your hands out of your hair and don't do ANY chemicals until your hair is strong again. this could take a total of 4-6 months, maybe a year depending on how much hair you end up losing.

i can't recommend teas because they never worked for me, but lots of women have success.

just find something and STICK WITH IT....don't regimen hop. now is not the time.

good luck ! :) and don't worry about lurking...i lurked for awhile too. just take care of yourself and your hair.:yep:

Thank you for this. It's going to be a long few months, hopefully not a year. One month has already been horrible. I miss running my fingers through my hair :(

As I said, I did an aphogee treatment and two or three nexxus emergencee treatments. After the last emergencee treatment I thought I had a protein overload. I had DCed with silk elements as I had everytime after a protein treatment. But this last time it felt tangly/dryer in certain areas. A few hours later I deep conditioned again with crece pelo and then things felt better. So Idk if it was an overload or my hair doesnt like the silk elements.

Do you think I should do another nexxus treatment in a week?

Everyone is saying to avoid touching and combing the hair. But when i'm washing and DCing 2 to 3 times a week...isn't that asking for my hair to turn into a nest. Even doing twistout requires some combing.

Thank you again.
Thanks so much everyone. I really really appreciate you taking the time to read that novel I wrote. And no one has said I should chop it all off which is good news, actually it's great. I feel a little better and hopeful.

I seemed to be hearing a lot of replies with "shedding" do you guys think thats what's going on? Of course you can't be 100% without actually seeing my hair, but would coloring cause that? I'm a science person, so I guess I like to know the whys behind things.

Can we assume that it's not breakage because the protein treatments did absolutely nothing?

I will definitely try the tea rinse, something that has never even crossed my mind and I know very little about, but I can definitely search. There won't be any negative consequences if shedding isn't really my issue, right?

Thanks again everyone. I will try to post pictures tonight if I can stand to look at them myself.

This sounds like breakage, not shedding. I was going to say it sounds like its time for a big chop. You damaged your hair beyond repair. The Aphogee 2 step is the "big guns". It's supposed to stop extreme breakage in its tracks by "proteining" or essentially "gluing" the strands together. Your hair was too far gone, it didn't even react. The Color on top of relaxer on top of heat damaged hair was too much. I don't think any of the other stuff will work until you get rid of the damaged hair.
My sugggestion would definetly be to trim it, at least. It sounds long enough to do yourself. I did mine in January and still do not regret it, first time in my journey that I can say I have gotten an inch or more a month. I'm back where I started within 6 months. I didn't realize my hair was damaged enough to warrant a chop so big, mind you I am/was a frequent heat user, all natural mostly type 4. M y damage has been mostly due to personal stress. I hope your hair recovers soon. Sorry you've lost so much of it.
Hey op welcome, I'm sorry for what you have experienced!

Only time will tell you if your hair can recover or not, but don't underestimate the power of tea rinses and pure natural ingredients. Whenever I was in despair, and products didn't work, they have helped me. In particular, I trust tea, aloe juice, oils like castor oil, Aubrey Organics conditioners (GPB above all)... Not only they can do no harm, but they can do something good and penetrate when products are not enough.

Another thing that could help is avoiding overmanipulation and avoiding to keep you hair wet all the time: sometimes we want to do many treatments and all that water is not good. Wetting the hair max every third day helps much more.

My emergency treatment is: keep my hair in a protective style while spraying with aloe juice and an oil every night, and going to sleep with a plastic cap. Without doing and undoing the style.

(1 science fact: aloe juice penetrates 4 times faster than water and it has many aminoacids, the main constituents of hair).

I hope it helps!
last time i suffered bad damage i did this:

week one - aphoghee 2 step. that is my first step whenever i have damage.

then weekly:

nexxus emergencee followed by nexxus humectress - i do this every week. 20 minutes each. (now i would use a different deep moisturizing treatment after the emergencee, but the last time i was badly damaged was a long time ago and nexxuss was my staple then)

emergencee is a light protein, so any light protein will do.

i follow this light protein, and then deep moisture treatment every week without fail until the shedding/breakage stops.

also, no heat. i wear protective styles. i only finger comb. and i don't touch my hair or touch it as little as possible until the damage is better.

this may take up to 3 months.

i switch to every other week treatments when the damage appears to have slowed. and then i do the traetment once a month when the hair seems to be getting stronger.

i also would blunt cut the ends to keep split ends from just making the damage worse......if you are breaking from the middle or the root, split ends just make it worse. once you blunt cut your hair it will be "stronger" so to speak.

keep your hands out of your hair and don't do ANY chemicals until your hair is strong again. this could take a total of 4-6 months, maybe a year depending on how much hair you end up losing.

i can't recommend teas because they never worked for me, but lots of women have success.

just find something and STICK WITH IT....don't regimen hop. now is not the time.

good luck ! :) and don't worry about lurking...i lurked for awhile too. just take care of yourself and your hair.:yep:

All of this right here is excellent advice. My regimen for this last 6 wks is very similar because I am nursing damaged hair from stretching too long. Get on a regi very close to this and you will see results....no chemicals, no heat.....just bun for now. I'm not using any direct heat July-Sep...only buns and rollersets. I know my hair will be better after this.
So is it safe to say Clairol Tone and Texture is NOT safe for relaxed hair and it is a permanent color?
Did you do an allergy test? Could be an allergic reaction. Hask Placenta is the bomb, it was a staple for years before I trying Aphoghee Green Tea leave in. When I'm done this bottle I said I'm switching back to the Hask.

You were given great advice and your regimen sounds fine, I would start doing small trims to slowly get rid of the damage if your not going to cut it.

Texture and Tones was safe to use on my relaxed hair way back in '04-'05 but I do recall it being very drying, I cut all the color out, found LHCF and never used it again.
OP, I also have issues with long strands breaking and shedding. I have invested in a seamless comb to help. I got a mini rake comb from hotcombs.com
Keshieshimmer said:
OP, I also have issues with long strands breaking and shedding. I have invested in a seamless comb to help. I got a mini rake comb from hotcombs.com

Since getting the seamless comb are you noticing and difference in breakage? I want another one so bad the one I have is to small for my hair