Warm Weather Woes- The growth spurt is making me crazy!


Well-Known Member
I know most are happy when they have a spurt, but I am going to loose it soon, literally! For me, warmer weather = growth spurt = increased shedding = breakage when detangling.

Also, the most recent growth is an entirely different texture, thickness and feel. I have not quite figured it out yet, but it's definitely not the same as the rest of the un-relaxed hair. Yes, after almost 3 years I have some "relaxed/texturized ends" (leave the stones in your pockets please). When it's straight it's cool but not when it's curly. But I only get it straightened to have it cut/trimmed. The verdict is still out on the whether this change is a good or bad one. Whenever I have some kind of nutritional or hormonal change/problem I can feel it in the strand.

Now I know why people get frustrated and cut all of their hair off. I am seriously considering doing the same.

Does anyone else's hair do a number on them when it warms up outside?