Wanting a relaxer...but needing advice!!!


It's been about 3 years since I did the bc and I've decided to get a relaxer (probably end of next month). I really need some advice to make an educated decision.

1) What is the best salon to get a Phytorelaxer done in Atlanta? I want to get it texlaxed, not bone straight. And I am very picky, so I want to make sure the person who does it is concerned more with my hair than how fast they can get me out of their chair.

2) Is it really hard to find the right 'timing' to get the texlaxed look? Does it take trial and error, so to speak, or should a professional be able to handle this?

Because this is the first relaxer in a long time, I don't want to leave the experience feeling jaded b/c I know all I'll do is go and chop it off again! :D

Somebody save me! :drowning:
I'm picky too. :yep: IMO the best way get exactly what you're looking for is to do it yourself. I don't think a stylist will take the time to strand test over and over until you got what you're looking for.

For example, I parted a 1-inch thick line across my nape and split that into four sections. I was planning to test each section with a different time and smoothing technique. But I got it after the 2nd try. The first one was bone straight the second was just right. Even those two tries were a lot of work. But you could talk to your stylist about the process and see if he/she goes for it.
Thanks for the responses. I am still trying to find the best salon in Atlanta to get it done at, so if anyone out there has any opinions on it, let me know, please!
Word of caution...., Just be aware that when you texlax with phyto your hair is going to be a lot dryer than if you relax it straighter, 80% - that was my experience anyway. If you decide to go straight later, you will have the agony of deciding whether to overprocess the texlax ends or do just the NG 80% straight. Having straighter root and texlax ends is very problematic and you will have to be very gentle with how you comb through - which can be frustrating. Try to get it right the first time.
I havent tried this yet but next time I relax I will. I am putting a light protein condish on my hair the night before the relaxer. It's supposed to alow you to fully relax but keep the integrity of your beautiful curls. There alot of woman who use this method without fail.Maybe one of the ladies can bump this thread for you.hth:)