Wanted to introduce myself


New Member
Hi everyone!!!

I am a 19year old college soph. at NCAT majoring in chemistry. My hair is currently at the bottom of neck and almost touches my shoulders. My current regime (as of about 6 weeks) is to go in for a wash and set once a week, usually very thursday and then I sometimes wash it my self inbetween visits. I go to Bijans salon in greensboro nc. My sylist Miya uses vitale aloe relaxer and mizani, nairobi, and salon exclusive products. The salon exclusive moisture gold conditioner is to DIE FOR!!! She sometimes uses nexxus botanoil shampoo as well. She always conditions me and every two or three weeks she does a deep 30-45 min. treatment. She uses dudleys setting lotion (the one that foams up).When I wash I use nexxus shampoo or pantene color treated shampoo. I conditioner for 20-30 mintues with lustrasilk shea butter conditioner or the aloe one. I always flat wrap with dark and lovely setting lotion in the purple bottle (its in the newer line). I used to obsess with how much protein or how much moisture I was using but so far this way is working alot better. I am still tweaking my at home products but so far so good. I hope to get to the point where I am using just 2 or 3 lines instead of a whole mix of stuff. As far as vitamins and diet are concerned I take a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, biotin, flaxseed oil, borage oil, and sometimes additional vit.c and iron. I work out a lot so my diet looks like this

Breakfast- some sort of high fiber cereal like Kashi, fat free milk, with two scrambled egg whites with a light sprinkle of cheese and sometime spinach and peppers

snack - fruit and nuts

Lunch- turkey sandwich with lots of veggies on whole grain bread with some other vegetable on the side; I basically try to get in some meat, fiber, and two serving of vegetables

Snack- Protein shake (I love these)

Dinner- baked chicken, veggies (same idea as lunch); on the days I work it could be chicken and rice soup with side salad for example

Since I have been eating like this my hair has really taken off. I was able to cut off about 4inches of damaged hair and now I really feel like I have a fresh start. My ultimate goal is to grow it as long as it will grow. I plan on having fun with it though, occasionaly dyeing it and things like that. Any suggestions you ladies might have, products, techniques, etc.. please send my way and HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! :D
Welcome to the board! Sounds you have everything in place, at least more than I do :lol: . Your hair will be growing in no time.
gymfreak336 said:
Hi everyone!!!

I am a 19year old college soph. at NCAT majoring in chemistry. My hair is currently at the bottom of neck and almost touches my shoulders. My current regime (as of about 6 weeks) is to go in for a wash and set once a week, usually very thursday and then I sometimes wash it my self inbetween visits. I go to Bijans salon in greensboro nc. My sylist Miya uses vitale aloe relaxer and mizani, nairobi, and salon exclusive products. The salon exclusive moisture gold conditioner is to DIE FOR!!! She sometimes uses nexxus botanoil shampoo as well. She always conditions me and every two or three weeks she does a deep 30-45 min. treatment. She uses dudleys setting lotion (the one that foams up).When I wash I use nexxus shampoo or pantene color treated shampoo. I conditioner for 20-30 mintues with lustrasilk shea butter conditioner or the aloe one. I always flat wrap with dark and lovely setting lotion in the purple bottle (its in the newer line). I used to obsess with how much protein or how much moisture I was using but so far this way is working alot better. I am still tweaking my at home products but so far so good. I hope to get to the point where I am using just 2 or 3 lines instead of a whole mix of stuff. As far as vitamins and diet are concerned I take a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, biotin, flaxseed oil, borage oil, and sometimes additional vit.c and iron. I work out a lot so my diet looks like this

Breakfast- some sort of high fiber cereal like Kashi, fat free milk, with two scrambled egg whites with a light sprinkle of cheese and sometime spinach and peppers

snack - fruit and nuts

Lunch- turkey sandwich with lots of veggies on whole grain bread with some other vegetable on the side; I basically try to get in some meat, fiber, and two serving of vegetables

Snack- Protein shake (I love these)

Dinner- baked chicken, veggies (same idea as lunch); on the days I work it could be chicken and rice soup with side salad for example

Since I have been eating like this my hair has really taken off. I was able to cut off about 4inches of damaged hair and now I really feel like I have a fresh start. My ultimate goal is to grow it as long as it will grow. I plan on having fun with it though, occasionaly dyeing it and things like that. Any suggestions you ladies might have, products, techniques, etc.. please send my way and HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! :D

Hi! I use the Dark and Lovely setting spray in the purple bottle as well, but I'm not sure what to make of it. How do you like it?
zoj2 said:
Hi! I use the Dark and Lovely setting spray in the purple bottle as well, but I'm not sure what to make of it. How do you like it?

I like it, just make sure you use enough of it. I FULLY saturate my hair in the stuff and when wrap it. When I'm dry I spray oil sheen on it to break up the hold and then comb it out. I find that when I saturate my hair in styling product when I wash it, I tend to use less mositurizer later on in the week. For the price, it works pretty well.
Hey there :wave:
Welcome to the board. You really do have everything in order...I LOVE kashi :love: but I am still trying to get a grip on egg whites :eek:
Welcome to the board, you really are off to a great start. I also love Kashi, it's the only cereal that can actually hold me over
gymfreak336 said:
Hi everyone!!!

I am a 19year old college soph. at NCAT majoring in chemistry. My hair is currently at the bottom of neck and almost touches my shoulders. My current regime (as of about 6 weeks) is to go in for a wash and set once a week, usually very thursday and then I sometimes wash it my self inbetween visits. I go to Bijans salon in greensboro nc. My sylist Miya uses vitale aloe relaxer and mizani, nairobi, and salon exclusive products. The salon exclusive moisture gold conditioner is to DIE FOR!!! She sometimes uses nexxus botanoil shampoo as well. She always conditions me and every two or three weeks she does a deep 30-45 min. treatment. She uses dudleys setting lotion (the one that foams up).When I wash I use nexxus shampoo or pantene color treated shampoo. I conditioner for 20-30 mintues with lustrasilk shea butter conditioner or the aloe one. I always flat wrap with dark and lovely setting lotion in the purple bottle (its in the newer line). I used to obsess with how much protein or how much moisture I was using but so far this way is working alot better. I am still tweaking my at home products but so far so good. I hope to get to the point where I am using just 2 or 3 lines instead of a whole mix of stuff. As far as vitamins and diet are concerned I take a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, biotin, flaxseed oil, borage oil, and sometimes additional vit.c and iron. I work out a lot so my diet looks like this

Breakfast- some sort of high fiber cereal like Kashi, fat free milk, with two scrambled egg whites with a light sprinkle of cheese and sometime spinach and peppers

snack - fruit and nuts

Lunch- turkey sandwich with lots of veggies on whole grain bread with some other vegetable on the side; I basically try to get in some meat, fiber, and two serving of vegetables

Snack- Protein shake (I love these)

Dinner- baked chicken, veggies (same idea as lunch); on the days I work it could be chicken and rice soup with side salad for example

Since I have been eating like this my hair has really taken off. I was able to cut off about 4inches of damaged hair and now I really feel like I have a fresh start. My ultimate goal is to grow it as long as it will grow. I plan on having fun with it though, occasionaly dyeing it and things like that. Any suggestions you ladies might have, products, techniques, etc.. please send my way and HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! :D

Hi Gymfreak,
Glad that you are here. I, too am from NC (Fayetteville) and am trying to get established a meeting place and time for NC. I was told that there used to be one in Greensboro ( I haven't gotten a response back about that). I believe I made a post yesterday "Calling all NC folk" It is a thread under the meetings area. Let me know if you are interested. If anyone else reads this and is from NC please post to the thread. As a North Carolinian, I feel left out :)
Gymfreak, please tell me what kind of protein shake you use. Some of the ladies here have said that they like Adkins. I have tasted Adkins and it is nasty to me. Is it a whey protein or Amino. I like soy protein shakes. I found a good one that taste sort of like vanilla and nutmeg (like milk shake) it has about 20 grams of protein per bottle.
Welcome to the board, Gymfreak! Wow, the North Carolina numbers are really going up! That's really exciting since I just moved here myself. :)

czyfaith77 said:
As a North Carolinian, I feel left out :)

This is exactly how I felt where I used to live. I don't think there were any other members in my old city of residence--or at least not any who made themselves known. I'm so excited to be in North Carolina now!
Welcome aboard !! I want to try that Kashi but I don't know which one to pick. It sounds like you are on the right track so far, good luck !
czyfaith77 said:
Gymfreak, please tell me what kind of protein shake you use. Some of the ladies here have said that they like Adkins. I have tasted Adkins and it is nasty to me. Is it a whey protein or Amino. I like soy protein shakes. I found a good one that taste sort of like vanilla and nutmeg (like milk shake) it has about 20 grams of protein per bottle.

try optimum nutritions chocolate shake. I could not live with out it. No funny aftertase, no lumps even with water. One scoop has about 110 cal., 23 grams of protein, doesn't cost alot either.
gymfreak336 said:
try optimum nutritions chocolate shake. I could not live with out it. No funny aftertase, no lumps even with water. One scoop has about 110 cal., 23 grams of protein, doesn't cost alot either.

I just picked one up a few days ago called EAS Soy Protein. It is sold at Wal-mart (@ $8-9) and it has 20 grams of protein per serving. I use vanilla cause I can change the tastes with fruit ( strawberry, banana, pineapple) or spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, coarse black pepper (for a little bite). I usually blend with ice for chill and thickness.