WANTED: Questions I could ask Natural Hair Stylist?


Hello Ladies,

I thought I posted this last week, but unfortunately I had a problem with it, for it didn't work. I am going to a natural hair salon tomorrow (Thurday, 10/26/06 @ 2pm) and I need some questions to ask her concerning my hair. I have maybe one or two like:

What is my hair type and texture?
What condition is my hair in?
What product/products would be benefical to me?
How to care for my natural hair?
How often should I get trims?

Those are the ones that I can think of right off the top of my head. Can anyone think of any more that I could ask? Ones that will assist me in learning more about my hair and how to care for it.

Don't get me wrong, I have learned a lot from everyone on this forum. It would be nice to speak to someone in person that will actually get a chance to look and feel my hair. For a sister, don't know nothing about hair. For when I was permed, all I did was pin it up or wear it in curls. And I got it washed & conditioned when I got my next perm, which would be 5/6 months later. (Real Nasty!!! to go that long) I never took the time to really care for my hair as I should. So this is a new adventure for me. For I have decided that I am going to starting treating myself to things that I've denied myself before.

So heres to a new and improved me!!!!!!!!! I really really really need your questions.

I think it's great that you want to ask questions... not everyone can get themselves to, even if it's their own hair at stake. I've never had a consultation nor have I had my hair styled @ a salon in years... so I probably don't have much to offer except my personal experience w/salons in general.

I personally like to watch them in action handling someone else's hair. I once asked a stylist if her "griddle-style" hot comb burns ppl's hair. Even though she said "no", the girl's waste-length hair that I was looking at had badly frayed ends. Look through their book of styles too and ask questions on what they do to achieve those styles. If you have coarse 4a/b hair and they're tellin' you that it can look like a pic of a straw-set done on relaxed hair, then you know something ain't right. If they say you need a trim i.e. every week, you know something's wrong. Be weary when the stylist talks about "training" natural hair with heat. Check out their tools of trade. Ask them everything you've learned from LHCF and match what they say to what you now know to be true.

I'm sure more helpful posters are on their way... Good luck!
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There are some basic questions that should be asked of every hairdresser:

are you licensed?
where did you go to school.get your training?
how long have you been practicing/doing hair?
do you have a client referral list?
I would ask about the use of chemicals . I have known people to go to a "natural" stylist who put something on their hair to help it "use heat to get straight" and it was basically a mild type of relaxer. Or even had stylist openly pressure them to relax their hair 2 or 3 times a year to make it more manageable. I would just check it out upfront.